
 All of the non-Jewish, right-wing extremists are to some degree anti-semitic, that shouldn't be debatable. 

Though what is debatable is identifying who is a right-wing extremist and who is merely a staunch conservative or civic nationalist. 

Staunch conservatives and civic nationalists rarely are in particular antisemitic. In a lot of cases, even non moderate Conservatives aren't antisemitic at all, particularly among Conservatives on the coasts in locations like NYC, Los Angeles and Miami who are surrounded by Jewish people and thus understand first hand that there is no Jewish conspiracy to cause devastation onto all non-Jews. 

On a personal level Donald Trump might actually fall into that coastal Conservative category actually, I admit that he did not create any anti-semitic laws or make any anti-semitic executive orders. Trump even supported giving way more financial aid to Israel than Israel really needs.

However, since it's not socially acceptable to be a naughtzie sympathizer publicly in a multiracial society like the US where whites are not big of a majority, naughtzie sympathizers cloak themselves as staunch conservatives, they rarely cloak themselves as progressives or even centrists

And this covert infiltration of legit conservative communities by covert anti-semitic white ’nationalists’ is evident, and I feel that conservatives, who in numerous cases aren't antisemitic, do not ostracize these anti-semitic people the way they should, and they passively condone it, and also amplify it in a few cases when they dogwhistle since it's politically expedient and at times even financially expedient for them, it helps them to win elections and it helps them to maximize the markets for anything they are selling or assisting others in selling as the go-between. I’ve seen these patterns in the last 10 years. It started with the Alt Right infiltrating MAGA around 2016.


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