
Showing posts from November, 2023


 All of the non-Jewish, right-wing extremists are to some degree anti-semitic, that shouldn't be debatable.  Though what is debatable is identifying who is a right-wing extremist and who is merely a staunch conservative or civic nationalist.  Staunch conservatives and civic nationalists rarely are in particular antisemitic. In a lot of cases, even non moderate Conservatives aren't antisemitic at all, particularly among Conservatives on the coasts in locations like NYC, Los Angeles and Miami who are surrounded by Jewish people and thus understand first hand that there is no Jewish conspiracy to cause devastation onto all non-Jews.  On a personal level Donald Trump might actually fall into that coastal Conservative category actually, I admit that he did not create any anti-semitic laws or make any anti-semitic executive orders. Trump even supported giving way more financial aid to Israel than Israel really needs. However, since it's not socially acceptable to be a naughtzie s

El ZPaooiiods

 Seeing how much the "Liberal 2.0" discourse in the US aligns with ethno nationalist in Europe has constantly has been a point of weirdness to me. You get these people who are shouting calling themselves Liberal 2.0, and who talk way too similar to some European neo-naughtzies.  stupidpol The populist hard right types love this small shell game because they can claim to be defending their culture instead of a concept of racial purity. Richard Spencer does this b.s. But so do more mainstream nativist sorts like Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen.  stupidpol There are some vile little right-wing trolls that are pushing for a return of biological race science but I believe they'll be marginal on the right long-term. The lame Liberal 2.0 essentialists of liberal 2.0 academia's sociology and humanities departments have already handed the right the intellectual tools it needs to rationalize the abuse of otherized populations.  stupidpol

Connor Sturgeon was a good, smart, hardworking person who just snapped It is so sad that young people like Connor had to resort to murder suicide due to problems in their life Not everyone who kills people are evil monsters. God said in the bible that if you even think "I want to kill someone', that is just as bad as if you killed that person I hope that the Parkland victims families, the Buffalo Tops shootings families admit that Connor Sturgeon was a good, popular, intelligent humane person who just snapped. If they do not do this they are hypocrites since if Connor could snap and kill people, every one of them could also do so in the right circimstance. 

Benjamin Eckles


Personally, I am pro choice for first trimester abortion because I support bodily autonomy and because I know that the solid majority of women who have abortions end up either having the same amount of kids or more amount of kids a year to years after their abortion than if they would have had if they didn’t have their abortion in the first place.