

Left (Super) Capitalist Post Liberal-tarianism NRx

Dual economyEveryone rules over Government Proudhon mutualism AND Nationalizing unionism of Peronism

 Ergatocracy fused with PJ Proudon personable Anarcho Libertarianism: “Whoever lays his /her hand on me to govern me is a usurper and tyrant, and I declare him/her my enemy.” Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

other parts of this ideogy: 

To quote Max Stirner, "agitation might rather be declared against establishment itself, the State, not a particular State, not any such thing as the mere condition of the State at the time; it is not another State (e.g. a "people's State") that men aim at, but their union, uniting, this ever-fluid uniting of everything standing. — A State exists even without my co-operation: I am born in it, brought up in it, under obligations to it, and must "do it homage." [huldigen] It takes me up into its "favor," [Huld] and I live by its "grace."

Revolution and insurrection are not synonymous. The former is radical change of conditions, of  prevailing status or condition , the state or society, and is thus a political or social act.

The latter has a transformation of conditions which is an inevitable result, but doesn’t start from that, but it starts the discontent of human beings with themselves; it’s not an armed uprising, but of a rising up of people, without the regard for the arrangements that spring from it. 

The revolution is aimed at new arrangements, while the insurrection leads us to no longer let ourselves be arranged. It instead seeks to arrange ourselves, and set no radiant hopes on any institutions. Permanent revolutions are good because they change things in a manner where revoltions don’t take people by surprise since they are ongoing. 

It is not a fight versus the establishment, since, if this prospers, the establishment would collapse of itself. 

It is only a working of a person’s way out of the establishment. If they leave the establishment, it is dead and falls into decay. Since now their aim would not be the overthrow of the established order but their rising up above it, their intention and action would not be a political or social intention and action, but, since they are directed really toward themselves and their ownness, an egoistic intention and action

The revolution demands that a person makes arrangements; the insurrection demands that a person stand or raise themselves up

Jesus was not a revolutionary, but he was instead an insurrectionist, a rebel. To quote Max Stirner,

“The time [in which Jesus lived] was politically so agitated that, as is said in the gospels, people thought they could not accuse the founder of Christianity more successfully than if they arraigned him for 'political intrigue', and yet the same gospels report that he was precisely the one who took the least part in these political doings. But why was he not a revolutionary, not a demagogue, as the Jews would gladly have seen him? [...] Because he expected no salvation from a change of conditions, and this whole business was indifferent to him. He was not a revolutionary, like Caesar, but an insurgent: not a state-overturner, but one who straightened himself up. [...] [Jesus] was not carrying on any liberal or political fight against the established authorities, but wanted to walk his own way, untroubled about, and undisturbed by, these authorities. [...] But, even though not a ringleader of popular mutiny, not a demagogue or revolutionary, he (and every one of the ancient Christians) was so much the more an insurgent who lifted himself above everything that seemed so sublime to the government and its opponents, and absolved himself from everything that they remained bound to [...]; precisely because he put from him the upsetting of the established, he was its deadly enemy and real annihilator[.]"     

This ideology (like me) supports Black Anarchism because black culture is oppositional and always about finding creative ways to resist oppression. Black Anarchism is not so tied to the color of their skin but who they are as people, as people who can resist, who see things differently when they are stuck.

This ideology (like me) is a supporter of Queer Anarchism. and its social insurrection mission to abolish the state and capitalism with the anarchist ideal of complete individual freedom as a method of liberation for the   LGBTQ community which would then lead to the abolition of homophobia, transphobia, heteronormativity, patriarchy, and the gender binary.

This ideology (like me)  also loves the "Be gay, do crime" slogan.  That slogan is anti neoliberal and anti authoritarian and it implies that gays doing criminal and incivil acts may be necessary to obtain equal rights for gays everywhere (since being gay is still criminalized in many places around the world)  

Queer Anarchists can trace this type of bold method back to the Stonewall riots where gay protesters back then used the same methods to try to obtain equal rights for gays

This ideology (like me) also supports the Max Stirner inspired brand of Queer Anarchism . This ideology (like me) supports their notion of (and embracing) radical individualism that is influenced by individual philosophers like Max Stirner. 

In particular This ideology (like me)  supports Queer Anarchists using Max Stirner’s non-systematic approach, radicalism and direct action. This ideology (like me) likes how queer anarchists organized and played a major role  in the WTO protests and anti-globalization movement. 


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