A John Bolton ideology that is not neoconservative, imperialist, or even a colonialist or globalist. A John Bolton ideology which favors foreign intervention, at least a lot more so than most conservatives , liberals, centrists etc, but that is just the only issue where he agrees with neocons.
This John Bolton ideology strongly supports national sovereignty and is against efforts by international organizations to take away or redefine sovereignty.
Per these articles, this John Bolton ideology is more nationalist than globalist (even railing against globalism by name): here and here Also, this John Bolton ideology is vehemently opposed to the EU, here, here, here and it supports Brexit. Globalists think that this John Bolton ideology is not one of them, see here
Because of all this, this John Bolton ideology is a Vaushian Left Wing Interventionist
Social Conservative,
Barry Goldwater Conservative sympathetic to One Nation Conservatism
Displays right of center nationalist/pro state in a more interventionist sort of way
Is more interventionist than the majority of popularist Democrats-Vaush patriotists
This John Bolton ideology is comrades with Revolutionary Progressive Traditionalist
and is simply more interventionist than these types of Paleos. Basically This John Bolton ideology Left Wing Paleo Bull Moose Progressives
This John Bolton ideology supports more US involvement in Bosnia
This John Bolton ideology is pro gun
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