Le ft Li bert ar ianism (also Mutu alist - Social Mutualist / Market-oriented left libertarian , Left Wing Fr ee Mark et An ar chi sm - anarchistic socialism [Benjamin Tuckerite , Kevin Carson-Roderick Long Mutualism / Left Libertarianism , Agor ism , Austrian Fusion also related to Left Libertarianism + Social Democracy + Marxism= SuperCollectiveCapitalism Wolffism : "olffism is the ideology of an old Marxist economist who kinda seems like he doesn't really know what he's talking about. He likes (free) mar ket social ism , reformism, and seems eerily similar to that one marxist social democrat dude. Also, no one can ever really get a straight answer from him, especially on what the hell socialism and capitalism are, or whether or not the soviet union was good." Max Adler ( Anarcho Egoism-Individualism [i.e Anarcho Libertarianism] + Austromarxism (basically Social Democracy + Marxism) Left Lib...
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