How Luxxxxey

Luxemburgianism (tendency of Libertarian Marxism)

Also includes variants such as Autonomism and Rev Spontex and some elements and inspiration from non Tankie Marxism Leninism

Is radically Anti Liberal 2.0 and is also inspired by the outer limit ideas from Communism and Guild syndication , but rejects the doctrine of both Communism and Guild syndication 

  Autonomism (form of Libertarian Marxism) + Social Democracy

  Rev Spotnex (variant of Libertarian Marxism which is part of Libertarian Socialism) + Left Social Democracy 

Social Democratic Party + proto Libertarian Marxism

Anarchist social democracy (W. J. Whitman): This perspective synthesizes Georgist economics (i.e , municipal socialism, anarchist direct democracy, social democracy, and redistribution.

“I advocate left-libertarian social democracy, and social democracy entails a bit more than just a universal basic income. Social democrats generally want more welfare programs to provide everyone with their basic needs. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness requires health, food, and other basic things. This means that healthcare is itself a basic human right that ought to be provided regardless. Insofar as education becomes necessary, it too becomes a right that society is obligated to provide. Anarchist social democracy also entails the funding of public services and welfare programs (free education, universal healthcare, etc.) through voluntary taxation.

Socialist Libertarianism/Left Wing Social Libertarianism is similar to Red Democratism and is a faction of the greater Libertarian Socialism ideology

Left Wing Free Market Anarchism which I support is also a part of Libertarian Socialism : "Left Wing Free Market Anarchism is a form of individualist anarchism, and libertarian socialism,"

Socialist Libertarianism/Left Social Libertarianism is similar to the ideology of Anton Pannekoek and Noam Chomsky (Chomsky is a Anarcho Syndicalist and a Libertarian Socialist along with being a Liberal Socialist which includes Left Social Democracy, somewhat Anti Marxism,  and he played with the idea of supporting Council Communism)

Socialist Libertarianism/Left Wing Social Libertarianism is this in a nutshell:

Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels, along with Saint-Simon fit all of those adjectives of Left Social Libertarian Marxist

Paraphrasing Engels paraphrasing Saint-Simon: Socialism/Communism replaces the reign over people (Libertarian) with the administration of common wealth (Left Social). Marx makes it clear in his writing he shares this view: “we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.”

US Libertarians™︎ today think if they do not have the “freedom” to become capitalist rulers, reigning over workers subjugated through repressive State mechanisms to their reign, it is an unforgivable restriction on their own “liberty”.

Socialist Libertarianism/Left Wing Social Libertarianism opposes free market Capitalism (source Wikipedia) . But Left Wing Social Libertarinaism is less anti free market Capitalist than Socialist Libertarianism is

(including related ideology Marxism Humanism which includes inspirations from SocDemLibertarianism which was archived by the Lib Com [Libertarian Communist] Library Marxist Humanism holdings)

Socialist Libertarianism/Left Social Libertarianism's similar ideology Socialism with a human face incorporates elements of Social Democracy such as a multi-party state, freedom of movement and lifted censorship of media while retaining most of the economic elements of Marxism-Leninism, all the while guided from a Humanist perspective.
In response to Dubček's reforms, the Soviet Union and supporting members of the Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia. This caused a rift in Communist movements around the world, and the legacy of the invasion led to the actualization of Eurocommunism.

Civil Libertarianism is part of Socialism with a Human face (and by extension part of Socialist Libertarianism/Left Wing Social Libertarianism) since Civil rights are very important to Socialism with a Face ideology

by PC van Duin · 2007 · Cited by 22 — Czech Social Democratic Autonomism (Libertarian Marxism) with the Czechs embarking on their next stage of nation building. What Austrian Social Democracy (Austromarxism) had developed. This is another version of Socialist Libertarianism/Left Wing Social Libertarianism

Marxist-Humanism may be close to Socialist Libertarianism/Left Wing Social Libertarianism . Marshall Berman may be the most accessible, as he really sought out to be. Raya Dunayevskaya is something of the spiritual figurehead for many Marxist Humanists, and Walter Benjamin is claimed by them, as well as by many others. Libertarian Socialism is connected to Marxist Humanism

social democracy (which the left and far left left parts makes up Socialist Libertarianism/Left Social Libertarianismwas a marxist ideology that became less radical when it got in to office.


 Libertarian Socialism (Socialist Libertarianism/Left Wing Social Libertarianism's greater ideology) includes Libertarian Marxism, Rage Against the Machine thought (Crypto Tankie)

Libertarian Marxism
Libertarian Marxism (LibMarx) is an economically far-left, libertarian, revolutionary, internationalist and progressive ideology who supports worker ownership of the means of production and eventual transition into a stateless, moneyless and classless society as per typical communist and Marxist thought, however, he supports a decentralized approach where the working class lead the revolution themselves as opposed to acting with the aid of a vanguard party, and strongly emphasizes the libertarian and anti-authoritarian aspects of Marx's writings, specifically in his later work. It is almost always coupled with culturally left leanings.

Libertarian Socialism  (Socialist Libertarianism/Left Wing Social Libertarianism's greater ideology) also includes the Neo-Marxism , Hegelianism and Left Nietzschism of Jonas Celka, the Marxist HumanismMarxist Feminism, the *Revolutionary Progressiveness and influence from Leninism and *Trotsykism of Johnson Forest Tendency, the Liberal Socialism, Progressevism, Left Wing Populism, Democratic Socialism, Cooperative-Market Socialism, (which combined is basically Left Social Democracy), Anti Neoliberalism (Post Neoliberalism), Autonomism (from Libertarian Marxism) of Gabriel Boric

Libertarian Socialism  (Socialist Libertarianism/Left Wing Social Libertarianism's greater ideology) also includes Vaushism (Liberal Socialism-Left Social Democracy, Anti Tankie, Centrist Marxism, Democratic Socialism, Defensive Democracy, Libertarian Marxism Socialism, Pragmaticism, Progressivism, with influence from Anarcho Syndicalism and sympathy for Neo Keynsian economics

More on Libertarian Socialism  (Socialist Libertarianism/Left Wing Social Libertarianism's greater ideology): In the 1936 Spanish Revolution, the AnSynd.png CNT was crucial to the subsequent creation of libertarian socialist communities and collectives within that country

Libertarian Socialism  (Socialist Libertarianism/Left Wing Social Libertarianism's greater ideology) influenced Libertarian Social Democracy, Anarcho Communism, Anarcho Individualism , Anarcho Syndicalism, Autonomism/Libertarian Marxism, Libertarian Muncipalism, Left Wing Market Anarchism, *Minarcho Socialism, Proutism, and was influenced by Anarchism, Anti Authoritarianism, Direct Democracy, Socialism

Socialist Libertarianism/Left Wing Social Libertarianism is found in the the socialist libertarian Left Party (Turkey) (i.e Freedom and Solidarity Party) which includes :
Although after the foundation the leadership of the Left Party did not completely rule out the legacy of its predecessor (ÖDP), which was more inclined to libertarian socialism and political pluralism ideologically, the party tends to differentiate itself from the past.[5] 

It now adheres to the guiding principles of socialist politics (including public ownership, social justice, and equality), embraces the ideas and historical achievements of Marxist and left-wing revolutionary tradition in Turkey (more specifically the party cadres consisted of former militants and sympathizers of radical-left Devrimci Yol movement in the 1970s), and included the elements of left-wing populism in its manifesto.[6]

The Libertarian Socialist Platform within the Freedom and Solidarity Party is a successor to the Dev Yol radical left-wing movement.[13] Other minor groups are New Way (USFI member), Liberation Movement (joined Socialist Democracy Party in 2002), Odak that links to Direniş Hareketi (founded as THKP-C/Third Way and joined Socialist Democracy Party in 2002), Socialist Labor Movement. Libertarian Left Platform, the tendency that was supportive of Ufuk Uras left the party with Uras in June 2009 and was one of the groups that eventually established the Peoples' Democratic Party.


Trotsykism inspired Left Communism which includes Libertarian Marxist ideology Autonomism . Trotskyism is also a form of Marxism itself.

Revolutionary Progressevism includes Second Thought ideology which itself includes **Cooperative-Market Socialism, Ho Chi Minh Thought, Maoism, Marxist Leninism, with influence from Anarchism and Democratic Socialism 

Minarcho Sociaism includes Friot Communism which includes, Federalism, Marxism, Eco-Socialism
Market Socialism, Left-Localism (Libertarian Municpalism) and Direct Democracy

** more notes

Market Socialism is also known as Socialist Capitalism (more so than Social Democracy is), Titoism, State Socialism-Market Socialism Synthesis (which is similar to the Liberal Socialism of Left Social Democracy which it influenced itself) 
Influenced Libertarian Market Socialism and was influenced by Classical Liberalism and the Austrian school


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