
Left Libertarianism (also Mutualist-Social Mutualist/Market-oriented left libertarianLeft Wing Free Market Anarchism-anarchistic socialism [Benjamin Tuckerite, Kevin Carson-Roderick Long Mutualism/Left LibertarianismAgorismAustrian Fusion

also related to Left Libertarianism + Social Democracy + Marxism=



"olffism is the ideology of an old Marxist economist who kinda seems like he doesn't really know what he's talking about. He likes (free) market socialism, reformism, and seems eerily similar to that one marxist social democrat dude. Also, no one can ever really get a straight answer from him, especially on what the hell socialism and capitalism are, or whether or not the soviet union was good."

Max Adler (Anarcho Egoism-Individualism [i.e Anarcho Libertarianism] + Austromarxism (basically Social Democracy + Marxism)

Left Libertarian Social Democratic Marxism:

"I describe Social Democracy as an ideology that works for the people within the Capitalist system by using social and economic reforms to benefit and protect the poor and middle classes. But there are Social Democrats who think we should work towards Marxism and there are those who think we should move towards Keynesianism, like New Labour in the UK. And to quote Infamous_Harry, "we think it's worth a shot."

Libertarian Marxism (both are Left Libertarian and Libertarian Socialist)

A PJ Proudhon-Kevin Carson shift to Classical Marxism/Mutualist reading of Deleuze & Guattari (like here,  herehere (source)


-here  (Mutualism/Alternative Libertarian Marxism etc)

-here  (To say that libertarian Marxism and class-struggle anarchism are the two schools which are closest to each other does not rule out other Marxist/anarchist interactions. Boraman (Chap. 13) covers the closeness of “carnival anarchism” with cultural Marxists inspired by Situationism. As a far-left Marxist, Daniel Guerin was oriented to “social, constructive, collectivist, or communist anarchism.” (quoted by D. Berry, Chap. 10; p. 197) Yet he also valued Max Stirner, the ultra-individualist anarchist. 

As a Gay activist, Guerin appreciated an emphasis on individuality and opposition to moralism. Personally I have learned a great deal about decentralism from the anarchist-pacifist Paul Goodman (1965) and the gradualist-mutualist anarchist Kevin Carson (2010; Price 2017b). 

It is also important to remember that, as Cornell (Chap. 9) and Boraman (Chap. 13) point out, it became difficult for either Marxists or anarchists to maintain a revolutionary working-class, perspective during the period of prosperity which followed World War II (which is now over).)


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