everything is whitr supmmrmre

When 'white supremacy' is everywhere it is nowhere 

Examples of what white supremacy IS NOT:

NARAL "restricting abortion is white supremacy"

some idiot woke p.o.s terminally online lib years ago "lawncare is white supremacy'






3/3/2023, 12:14:33 PM

“Perfectionism” and also “Quantity over Quality.”

So pretty much everything is white supremacy.



2/21/2023, 9:32:23 PM

Saying everything is white supremacy portrays us as evil



2/17/2023, 9:11:55 PM




2/3/2023, 2:27:05 PM

To paraphrase Syndrome, when everything is white supremacy, nothing is.



12/3/2022, 8:35:45 PM

Everything is white supremacy. Even black oriole beating on Asians, somehow, is white supremacy.



11/10/2022, 1:46:32 PM

When you are a hammer everything looks like a nail. Anything and everything is White supremacy according to leftists, even the White homeless vet who dies from no healthcare meanwhile an illegal immigrant gets free healthcare no problem.

Do you realize how pathetic this society is? People have rioted for far less yet the right just sits back impotently as leftists collapse the nation



7/8/2022, 1:31:00 PM

Everything is White Supremacy if you are mentally incapable of understanding how skin color is not the greatest factor in deciding how to vote



5/20/2022, 1:46:30 AM

They’ve monetized it. If white supremacy magically disappeared tomorrow, they’d lose their main source of income. I have this strange feeling that as long as these far-left progressives are making money from social media ads, talks shows, podcasts, and book deals, white supremacy sadly won’t be going anywhere. 

And that’s not to say white supremacy isn’t very real and isn’t a very real problem. It’s just when you say everything is “white supremacy” it dilutes the stuff that really is white supremacy



5/19/2022, 3:49:01 PM

When everything is white supremacy, nothing is.



4/30/2022, 12:53:34 PM

That is because you were Lib-left and asking other Liberals most likely. Like most 'woke' stuff people dont understand (like Abolish the Police), it is a Leftist commentary stolen and misused by liberals.

1) Individuals do not matter when talking about gentrification or white flight.  

2) It is about the structural racism, bigotry, and classism that fuels individuals into making those choices.  

3) It isn't about "white people", it's about a White Supremacist society. Redline laws, segregation, etc. That's why gentrification effects gender, sex, religious, and trait minority people as well as PoC.

The "answer" is to stop white supremacy, which is kind of a "everything is white supremacy" problem. But for specific examples:  

Universal school funding rather than property poverty systems.  

Rent control, public housing, and low income housing being maintained in-city and being developed out of city.  

Public transportation.  

and literally dozens of other things that I wont go over.



4/14/2022, 4:15:38 AM

It’s just collectivists labelling individualists with collectivist terms. Utterly pointless.

They’re so fragile though they claimed when we came up with NPC it was “dehumanising” them, and look at them freaking out over “groomers” (which they actually are) whilst calling anyone who disagrees a fucking Nazi.

I don’t want you to embrace that though because the only ones embracing their shit so far have ended up shooting up subway stations or running over protesters. They are inciting violence and whilst it’s only been idiots believing their bullshit that everything is white supremacy to date, we really don’t need people buying in to white supremacy to own the left.



2/26/2022, 10:14:16 AM

You are making nationalism out to be this very simplified thing.

You protect country therefore nationalism, you couldnt be more uneducated on the topic. 

You make it so fluid, it's akin to people saying everything is white supremacy.



2/22/2022, 10:36:10 PM

Definitions mean less and less everyday. Lefties think everything is “white supremacy”. Righties think every discussion about racism is “CRT teaching us to hate white people”. It’s seriously pathetic.



2/8/2022, 4:21:26 AM

Well the top one indoctrinates towards race-unity whereas the bottom one indoctrinates towards national unity.

Honestly don't know which one to root for lol, "everything is white supremacy" lib-left horseshoes its way round to "everything *should* be white supremacy" AuthRight.



2/3/2022, 12:35:28 PM

When everything is white supremacy, nothing is. These people are legitimately retarded in their thinking.



1/19/2022, 2:52:33 AM

Everything is white supremacy... That's npr



1/6/2022, 11:30:53 AM

I'm not gonna read through your stuff 'cause just by the first paragraph I could see that everything is white supremacy and racism to you. I know history and by that I know calling this a "issurection" or "thread to democracy" or "fascist uprising" is a fucking joke. Racism has greater demand than supply. If you wanna find racism look at "woke" culture.



12/19/2021, 2:42:47 PM

everything is white supremacy if you have enough weed to smoke



12/15/2021, 11:08:29 PM

>Literally everything is white supremacy now

Always has been B)



12/15/2021, 6:22:19 PM

Motherfuckers forgetting we literally used a Hindu-Arabic number system as the fundamental basis of math

I’m sick to shit of everyone saying everything is white supremacy.



12/15/2021, 2:07:17 PM

Literally everything is white supremacy now



12/9/2021, 9:17:37 PM

If everything is white supremacy, am I white supremacy?



12/9/2021, 8:16:45 PM

Everything is "white supremacy".

White supremacy is when the Patriots win the Super Bowl.

White supremacy is when the police.

White supremacy is when computers.

I'm pretty sure white supremacy is in the room with us right now



11/24/2021, 5:03:48 PM

>lol I dunno I'm a milliionaire which on the west coast means I own my house and have some retirement saving, gotta say flying around the country in economy plus eating steaks with my clients at chain steak houses is pretty enjoyable

I totally believe you 

>Swedish 80.3%, Syrian 1.9%, Iraqi 1.4%, Finnish 1.4%, other

Literally all of them, and 30 other countries, have more women in office than the US. Sorry kiddo

>well its not a very "supremacist system" for whites now is it lol

Yes, it is. I just showed you how they weren't even arrested or charged until people protested, but you had to ignore that. Curious 

>ooh look its feelings have been so hurt it needs to lash out with put downs, 

It's not a put down at all. You're assuming I'm ableist, prob because you are. All I cited was scientific fact lol

>their their little guy its ok you cling to that sense of superiority, I know your real life doesn't offer much in the way of joy

Doing a little confessing here?  

>thats a hilarious statement from the guy who whines that everything is white supremacy because he says so lol

Weird you still haven't addressed why the McMichaels weren't arrested for months. Couldn't be to craft your narrative that the US isn't racist... 

>well its a good thing the US is far from being far right

Yup, nothing but smooth sailing ahead lmfao  



11/24/2021, 4:58:24 PM

> Well, for rich people, sure. Not you. Nice cuckoldry though 

lol I dunno I'm a milliionaire which on the west coast means I own my house and have some retirement saving, gotta say flying around the country in economy plus eating steaks with my clients at chain steak houses is pretty enjoyable

>Rwanda, Cuba, Bolivia, Mexico, Sweden, Grenada, Namibia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and South Africa

lol are we now calling different family clans different races? and Sweden? really Sweden? you're not even trying

>Swedish 80.3%, Syrian 1.9%, Iraqi 1.4%, Finnish 1.4%, other 

>I don't need to ignore it at all. What are you talking about? A white supremacist system doesn't mean every white person gets off all the time.15%

well its not a very "supremacist system" for whites now is it lol

>I mean I know you have lower cognitive ability but even you should be able to understand what plausible deniability is. 

ooh look its feelings have been so hurt it needs to lash out with put downs, there there little guy its ok you cling to that sense of superiority, I know your real life doesn't offer much in the way of actual joy or accomplishment

>When you can't argue, strawman lol

that's a hilarious statement from the guy who whines that everything is white supremacy because he says so lol

 >hypercapitalist world power went far right,

well its a good thing the US is far from being far right



11/4/2021, 7:14:06 AM

Fucking Gringos always thinking everything is white supremacy



10/10/2021, 11:13:52 AM

Wouldn’t say my entire life. But I’ll admit, outside of work I only have a very small group of friends, and they are non political. And my family is very small and mostly non poltical. I’m also Canadian, and look at my liberal Prime minister FFS. He’s literally just a Twitter user with a good job and a microphone

But yea besides that, I was pretty much A-political , maybe identified as a liberal when I was younger because it was the hip thing to do.

But then recently “leftists” started coming for my hobbies. Told me I was sexist for enjoying certain games … getting some of my favourite actors and comedians fired and shamed over jokes. And that at the very least made me want to come fight for what I believe in… freedom of speech. And it led to many more things. Read some books, started watching podcasts

Turns out literally everyone Twitter was calling a white supremacist wasn’t a white supremacist. 

So yea I tend to focus on wanting to confront the loudest degenerates online who are the modern day witch hunters. They love watching people burn on their crusades of social justice for “equality” and “equity”

And so since I’m online here with you guys, I speak to you as if I’m online. So if I see a person who identifies left, I’ll assume he/she might be a “everything is white supremacy “ loser

However, I’m not so jaded to the point where I don’t understand that there are liberals in real life who aren’t terminally online who aren’t retarded like the idiots on tik tok, Twitter and 75% of Reddit

Over these last few days I’ve seen more and more chill lefts on this specific subreddit and that’s cool.

Just wish we could cut the social justice and identity politics and get back to actual important issues.

But if these fuckers keep coming for the things I enjoy, I’m going to keep defending it.



10/6/2021, 3:09:16 PM

I’ve never seen something go from so based to so cringe this fast in a long time. Yes, we live in a society, so everything is political, but no, not everything is white supremacy.

Also, where funny colors?



9/24/2021, 8:32:49 AM

I think comments like that are far more hurtful to KKK-ish auth right than Lib left. 

Because it everything is white supremacy, their years of effort of wearing underwears on their heads will go into waste.



7/31/2021, 11:45:13 AM

I’m not so sure. I’d bet a lot that soyjack here was (and is still because ugh people worship these politician assholes) a big Liz Warren ‘stan’. Generally actual leftists don’t do the ‘everything is white supremacy’ thing since all ID politics does is divide the proletariat and preserve bourgeoisie hegemony



7/9/2021, 4:39:26 PM

Sorry didn’t mean the hostility.

I think we disagree on why the elites are doing what they are doing in the first place. We definitely agree immigration is a huge issue, that’s true. 

But I think the reason they are pumping out all this anti white, everything is white supremacy bullshit is because they are priming the next generation for as much anti white vitriol as possible. I really don’t think it’s to hide class issues, i really think they want a soon to be majority-minority country that white people owe brown people for the sins of their fathers. And that any an all virtuous quality that white people possess, is white supremacy, because they know that non white people aren’t capable of maintaining the European standard of living. 

As far as the last point, I’m sort of with those evil libertarians on that one. I don’t have a problem with wealth inequality in and of itself, there is no equality in nature. I just have a problem with the particular policies that Jeff Bezos espouses.



6/17/2021, 11:56:57 AM

The point of CRT is not working out whether systematic racism exists persay (though that isn't to say they don't lean on studies that claim to do so), it's just an analysis of certain systems. I'm not sure how that is an inherent issue as all science and study needs to start somewhere. Everyone presupposes at some point.

It also doesn't teach that every individual upholds white supremacy, it's literally the opposite of that. It's not at all about the intentional actions of individuals, it's more about legal and societal concepts.

And "postmodernism" seems to be a bogeyman here, like how are they actually denying the reality of objective facts? All the stuff about "maths being racist" isn't CRT. 

CRT is not the same thing as people on twitter saying "ugh wow everything is white supremacy".



5/31/2021, 5:17:01 PM

It's this site that Cali is looking to implement. https://equitablemath.org/

Everything is white supremacy.



4/28/2021, 2:50:31 PM

'Racism' was starting to lose its rhetorical edge, so everything is white supremacy now. The garbage isn't going away, it's only getting worse. Who knows what the next phase will be like.



2/17/2021, 2:34:07 PM

Literally everything is white supremacy today...



11/28/2020, 3:36:15 PM

No, it's not. I'm white and grew up thinking black culture was cool af. Still do to a certain extent. 

I'm tired of being told I'm an oppressor. I'm tired of hearing about how everything is white supremacy, I'm tired of hearing about how I should be sorry for shit I had no part in. White guilt is a load of garbage.

Are there actual racists accusing everyone else of racism? Of course there are. But if you don't think that OP's picture is true spend any amount of time in a far right forum. I spent 2011-2012 in /pol/ and 100% see how these people get radicalized



11/9/2020, 12:56:41 PM

Background is that people were letting their dog's use a HBCU's campus to play at.  Rather than have a reasonable objection we jumped straight into "everything is white supremacy".



9/30/2020, 8:59:38 PM

I get his instinct. You have to define white supremacy before you can condemn it, because EVERYTHING is white supremacy these days. That’s why he asked for examples. 

He also didn’t want to play into the ridiculous narrative of “it’s really right wingers and racists riling up these riots!” When we all can plainly see it’s left wingers, protesters gone off the rails, and Antifa



8/6/2020, 7:14:07 AM

Everything is white supremacy. It's just become a catch all term to relate to all behaviours that the most loony "activists" disapprove of because in the real world the vast majority of people view white supremacy as negative & they know that, so they try to connect everything to it to score cheap "oh this must mean this is bad" reactions.



7/29/2020, 4:09:12 AM

i love me some everything is white supremacy



7/23/2020, 6:04:56 AM

>I think it's that they commonly associate it with white supremacy. They think white supremacists are trying to counteract social movements that address racial inequality by drawing attention to themselves. 

This is just the classic "everything is white supremacy" nonsense.

>Also, white culture isn't really something unique. I suppose it's fine if you're proud of being white but I don't see how it distinguishes someone from the rest of the crowd.

Did you even read what i wrote? "it's ok to be white" isn't about being proud of being white, it's about highlighting how much leftist hate white people

And then you're going on about how white culture not being unique for some reason. 

And being proud of your culture isn't about standing out from the crowd either. It's a very leftist mentality to see your identity as a fashion accessory.



5/31/2020, 11:21:58 AM

Everything is white supremacy if you're retarded.


"I read all the change logs I am a God"



7/18/2018, 10:22:56 PM

chuds think everything is white supremacy except for actual white supremacy



12/4/2022, 1:24:24 AM

Do you remember the time the Smithsonian put out the guide to whiteness and it included such milquetoast things like having the traditional Protestant work ethic and supporting the nuclear family?

Everything is white supremacy.



8/2/2021, 3:00:20 PM

- the side that believes Nazis and white supremacists are around every corner, and that Trump is a capable of being part of a flawless conspiracy to be elected by a foreign government, without leaving any evidence, and is also somehow extremely incompetent

- also the side that believes men are women and women are men, biology (especially the immune system and sex) is a right-wing conspiracy theory, and everything is white supremacy

Oh, and of course

- covid is an apocalyptic society-destroying catastrophe and lockdowns are absolutely necessary



12/25/2019, 1:32:36 AM

> that couldn’t accurately state a right-leaning belief or position if their life depended on it

Even more interesting than that, I'd like them to explain a scenario where whites being the majority/dominant group is a good thing. 

Even if they describe a scenario out of pure merit (which I'd hope they would) I'd just like them to make an argument for whites being a dominant group. Because it seems to me that a whole chunk of this "everything is white supremacy" bullshit that's going on is these people just having a problem with whites and/or whites being a majority.



11/28/2019, 2:56:23 PM

I'm mocking the morons in the linked post who dog-piled someone for using the parentheses as an "action".

Not everything is white supremacy.



9/1/2019, 1:05:03 PM

These people are so out of touch with reality. So many cops are minorities, and even moreso with border patrol and ICE. But everything is "white supremacy"



6/4/2019, 9:14:35 PM

They still think the ok hand sign means white power. Wasn’t that just a rumor 4chan started to prove how stupid the left is in believing anything and everything is white supremacy?



12/31/2017, 11:09:53 AM

I opened the other top post on SPS currently and thought this one was from TopMinds so was a little surprised. Then I noticed it was rpol and I'm no longer surprised they think the OK sign is white supremacy. Everything is white supremacy to them. Par for the course. 



5/11/2022, 2:21:09 PM

Everything is racist, everything is sexist, everything is homophobic, everything is transphobic, everything is white supremacy, everything is unearned privilege, everything is 'late-stage capitalism', 

***And You Have To Point It All Out***



3/19/2021, 6:48:47 PM

Trump is out.

Now they see everything is white supremacy!



3/19/2021, 1:24:33 AM

Everything is white supremacy these days, including black on black crime.



7/24/2019, 5:16:32 AM

>I have a Gundam tattoo for fuck’s sake  

I was legit curious but after 5 minutes of scrolling through their media feed all I found was that they *really* overuse the same 2 reaction gifs..  

Honestly I just wanted to laugh my ass off if one of these "everything is white supremacy!!" people has a space nazi tattoo.



5/1/2019, 6:23:02 AM

When everything is White Supremacy, nothing is.

Alternately ...

When everything is White Supremacy ... the world will be a beautiful place.

Totally depends on a certain point of view.



8/29/2018, 3:24:37 PM

Everything is white supremacy for the stupid twat, who even bothers reading that crap anymore?



12/12/2017, 3:04:57 PM

Also I love how they keep saying everything is white supremacy.

Meanwhile the actual alt-right is laughing at their faces for driving parts of the population to them.  And not what the regressive left thinks is the alt-right, but *the real* alt-right.

By saying everything is white supremacy they are so fucking ill-equipped to deal with the actual figureheads of the alt-right who actually are very ready to handle their ass backwards thinking.  You want white nationalism?  Talk to an actual alt-righter, not some moderate conservative like Ben Shapiro - talk to an alt-righter and you'll see for yourself how much an assfucking every single one of you academic blowhards would get - that's how badly they're set up to deal with them.  I don't even agree with the "real" alt-right seeing how I'm a fence sitting center-leftist and even I know if someone like Jared Taylor sat down with some regressive academic assfunnel like feminist professor he'd wipe the floor with them.



10/26/2017, 3:52:16 PM

You seem to be tripping over definitions of terms, so let me simplify it for you: alt right = white nationalism.  That means they want a state with almost all white people, like Japan for the Japanese.  That doesn't imply white supremacy nor does the alt right include people that aren't white nationalists.  Of course, to the SJWs now, everything is white supremacy.

Yes, in 2016 Milo called himself alt right and Bannon called Breitbart a platform for the alt right, but the word meant something else at the time.  After Hilary Clinton called Trump supporters a basket of deplorables and alt right, the machine that was The_Donald and 4pol ran with it since it seemed like good term for their non-neoconservative right wing outlook.  After Richard Spencer got media attention for someone giving a Nazi salute at his NPI conference in late 2016, people began disassociating with the term.  In most of 2017, the non-white nationalist "alt right" figures steadily stopped calling themselves that and began directly opposing the 2017 Richard Spencer alt right, such as holding a counter-rally in Washington D.C. when Spencer, Enoch, Cantwell, and a few other hard alt right figures were holding a free speech rally.  Before that, at the Berkeley battles, they were tacitly allied in the streets though not ideologically.

After Charlottesville, alt right pretenders finally wholehearted took on the title that the alt right had given them a year prior: the "alt-lite."  Today this includes people like Lauren Southern, Mike Cernovich, Milo, Gavin McInnes, Jack Posobiec, Paul Joseph Watson, and Alex Jones.

That Breitbart article from March 2016 was written back when Richard Spencer was quite unknown and the term "alt right" was just arriving on the mainstream scene.  If I'm not mistaken, there were many disparate groups that were associated with the alt right in the past years ranging from conservatives that were anti-war to neoreactionaries to Spencer to Jared Taylor's American Renaissance, it's all there in the article.  The article calls them intelligent because they are, not because Breitbart supported them.

That Buzzfeed article is just a post-Charlottesville bludgeon on anyone that wrote anything not condemning them explicitly.



10/14/2017, 8:23:31 AM

Everything is white supremacy all the time.



10/9/2017, 11:30:55 AM

Exactly. They make the point that "everything is white supremacy" because we are living in a civilization built for whites by whites. All the foundations and institutions of this civilization are white and therefore if you prefer them over other civilizations, (even if you're not white), then you are a white supremacist. 

They're not wrong.



10/9/2017, 10:29:43 AM

Everything is white supremacy, everything I don't like is evil and unnatural.



10/5/2017, 6:04:39 PM

Everything is white supremacy to them, as they blame society for making whites supreme.



9/15/2017, 9:43:14 AM

>The more contemporary, vile derivation that has been repurposed by hate groups was not surfaced through this process, and therefore, the armor was approved for ship.

Isn't the whole Kekistan shitty normie meme just an elaborate troll of both white supremacists and the people who think everything is white supremacy?



6/15/2017, 1:28:44 AM

No, Nasheed was just on the usual "and he was a white supremacist" bent, not expressing any emotion. It's mostly a trolling tactic, which is actually pretty clever and effective. To bad he's hard to take seriously, since his answer to EVERYTHING is white supremacy. Waiting for him to go after people for oppressing their shadows.



5/6/2017, 9:26:53 PM

Simple, EVERYTHING is white supremacy...as well as sexist and racist and etc.



2/12/2017, 4:03:44 PM

It's only peculiar because they erased what 'white supremacy' means and replaced the definition. 

White supremacy is literally expecting other races to abide the same moral and productive standards as whites. 

So when you say black people should stop shooting each other in Chicago that is white supremacy. Or in the case of this film beimg agaisnt overt racism to force white people to allow another race to act as they wish or not act as that race wishes is white supremacy.

And that's why everything is white supremacy because reality itself is literally white supremacist so they changed the definition of white supremacy which leads to absurd results and non sensical contentions for those who follow the new definition. 



12/29/2016, 12:20:22 AM

\>"They called me a retard"

\>"Therefore they must think I have a low IQ"

\>\*Goes on a weird unrelated tangent about IQ tests\*

Fucking hell this is frustrating to watch, this is just so goddamn weird. Did he actually take all these insults seriously and literally? Fucking hell.

This is why he gets trolled on Twitter. Also he gotta stop talking about things he doesn't have a fucking clue about, like anime, that's why he sounds like a moron, anyone would when they keep yapping about insane shit they know nothing about.


\>Conflates waifu pillows and asian women???

\>It's disgusting... who I am to judge .... but it's disgusting

\>Then goes to conflate anime waifu pillows with white supremacy??? because they have blue eyes or something????

\>Attacking people's hobby and the people liking that hobby, framing them as white supremacist and calling them losers, he's somehow surprised that the shitposters on Twitter are retaliating

Are you fucking kidding me? 

Really, the whole video is some really insane aimless rant with the only thing connecting everything very loosely is that "everything is white supremacy"



12/15/2016, 6:13:40 PM

The tone on these articles is always amusing. It's like it is the end of the world or like if the world is about to turn into a living hell. And not to mention their obsession with white supremacy and everything is white supremacy but I'm a Latino bro.

Years keep passing by and this people don't learn. They don't realize that they created gamergate, they created the alt-right, they made Breibart popular, they made it possible for someone like Trump to become president... Because I bet an arm that if it wasn't for the hysteria the media created around Trump and the blatant political bias their precious Hillary would have won easy. But they kept doubling down and taking their readers for granted.



11/28/2016, 10:25:54 PM

Either way, one common thing that I saw in this year's campaign was a failure to acknowledge one of the key duties of a country: to protect its citizens.  The United States of America has been woefully derelict in this duty for the past decade, the duty to stand up for its citizens.  Yes, even in the face of other countries shouting out, "Protectionism!"  (To which the correct response should be, "Protecting our citizens?  Why yes, that's what we do as a country.")

I personally feel that the messaging was muddied, which let the regressives counter with the "Everything Is White Supremacy" tactic.  It reminds me a lot of August 2014, when we connected the dots between "game journos" and developers, but all of that was drowned out by shrill virtue signaling and propaganda pumped out of most of the participating games media outlets.

And yet, the regressives don't realize that they're choking themselves to death with their own smokescreen.



11/28/2016, 6:14:40 PM

SJWs think everything is white supremacy. 



11/16/2016, 9:02:23 PM

Everything is white supremacy and misogyny. Talk about overused. 


"I read all the change logs I am a God"

10/30/2021, 2:37:24 PM
Everything is white supremacy now.
10/23/2021, 9:24:24 AM
Once everything is white supremacy. 

Nothing will be.
9/16/2021, 10:46:34 AM
It's almost as if a large contingent of the left is dedicated to propping up very niche causes (latinx, 'birthing people,' everything is white supremacy, etc.) that actually repel rather than attract the working class from left wing economics.
7/12/2021, 5:49:49 PM
Everything is white supremacy to the left
7/9/2021, 11:55:07 PM
This is like saying "putting butter on your pancakes is white supremacy."Or "Having all your limbs is white supremacy." Or "Celebrating any ANY western holiday is white supremacy". This is how you cry wolf a term and render it useless. When everything is white supremacy nothing is white supremacy.
6/16/2021, 5:34:01 AM
Everything is white supremacy because whites created the world as it is today.

Black on Asian racism would be *very* different today if someone else had.
6/9/2021, 5:38:42 AM
Says the black teacher appropriating Indian culture lol.
Not everything is white supremacy, sometimes people are allowed to share parts of their culture with the world. If white people are ‘polluting’ yoga, then so are black people so she just ends up looking like a hypocrite here.
6/1/2021, 1:50:11 PM
Hint: Everything is white supremacy.
2/2/2021, 7:27:16 PM
You get white supremacy, and you get white supremacy! Everything is white supremacy!
1/18/2021, 12:54:12 AM
everything is white supremacy if you can find a way to make it sound bad.
1/16/2021, 8:16:53 PM
You better get used to the "everything is white supremacy" trope because it's stonks are about to skyrocket as critical race theory become mainstream and the blowback for the trump presidency gains steam.
12/25/2020, 11:12:42 AM
Wow, everything is white supremacy to these people.
12/20/2020, 9:16:09 AM
When everything is white supremacy, is anything actually white supremacy?
9/27/2020, 12:26:39 AM
To them everything is white supremacy because it gives them a reason to not try since that way they wont have to put in effort
7/21/2020, 7:54:39 AM
Everything is white supremacy
11/10/2019, 8:18:49 PM
Everything is white supremacy to her.
8/1/2019, 3:04:42 PM
>Is it white supremacy?

Everything is white supremacy if you believe and try hard enough.
12/1/2018, 5:47:24 PM
The second sub is shit,went there and it looks like it’s just people thinking everything is white supremacy
5/7/2018, 2:13:25 PM
And frogs, and milk, and white babies, and the scientific method. Everything is white supremacy to these people.
10/23/2017, 6:53:23 PM
You're talking about the people that say anything and everything is white supremacy or a Russian plot, or anyone who isn't as far left as they are an "evil alt-right neo-nazi". I wouldn't trust these people to say who and who isn't a nazi. Just like how I wouldn't trust some nationalist to say who and who isn't a "communist globalist".

There are very few far-left and far-right groups in existance, both probably having less than a million supporters combined. Yet these groups make out that the other side is "destroying our society", despite the fact that they're barely relevant politically and socially. Although you do have angry neo-nazis and angry commies holding marches and rallies, they're little more than a nuisence in the grand scheme of things, and I guarrantee once this whole political "Great Schism" created by the Election of Trump polarizing American, and therefore most of the world's, political landscape, most of these radical groups will begin to wither and die, and bugger off back to Hell, where they belong.

I for one, despise all of these radical groups equally, as all of them want to create, either directly or indirectly, an authotarian hellscape with no respect for human rights and freedoms, and although, in the defense of the person who wrote the tweet in OP's post, he probably did mean actual full-blooded Nazis, I wouldn't trust a far-left person to tell me who and who isn't far-right, as they probably see it as little more than a reason to justify attacking someone, regardless of if it is true. People will justify doing horrific things if they see it as "the greater good", or "a neccesary evil", or "destroying the evil in the world".

I'm just fucking sick of people drawing "us vs them" lines in the sand, time and time again, painting everyone that isn't them, both the groups they hate, and the neutral third parties that don't support either, as evil, and them as the good guys that can do no wrong. I never really cared about politics, but these last few years have just had politics EVERYWHERE, even at times where it makes no sense, and it's just bloody annoying. I don't want to see people being labelled Nazis or SJWs just because they had a different opinion to someone, it's against basic ideas of debate, just calling someone you disagree with a buzzword and taking the moral high-ground like it's a class A drug.
10/15/2017, 1:44:04 PM
Everything is white supremacy. A great, swirling gyre of privilege and patriatchy, from which none can escape.

...Unless you donate to certain Patreons, of course.
9/26/2017, 9:19:39 PM
"germans bombed pearl harbor!" (but..) shhh.. they are on a roll. 

EVERYTHING is white supremacy now. The octagenarian black dude at Cvill? White supremacy. Black athletes not following a trend? White supremacy. Overslept your alarm? WHITE FUCKING SUPREMACY! Got a ticket from a redlight cam? WHITE SUPREMACY!

The best thing you can do, is a 1/4 heel spin with a hair flip, and say "Fuck YOUUUUUUU I don't care". 
2/20/2017, 10:14:52 PM
Anything and everything is white supremacy nowadays
2/13/2017, 3:13:17 AM
when everything is white supremacy, nothing is
1/30/2017, 8:41:55 PM
Science should always be objective and have no political agenda whatsoever. Because, it's, you know, ***science***. 

Apparently anything and everything is white supremacy if it lacks intersectional feminism. I've seen a lot of this language lately. 
1/23/2017, 2:37:41 PM
Everything is white supremacy. Gawd damn. 

I'm just going to start saying thanks. Like, "You know, whites are pretty supreme. Thanks for acknowledging that. We colonized a bunch of shit and are responsible for a lot of technology. You're welcome, non-supreme races." 
1/2/2017, 4:34:55 PM
Ok maybe call it white supremacy and realize that its not even relevant anymore. The only time i ever hear about white supremacy is tariq nasheed and stupid 20-30 year old leftist claiming everything is white supremacy. And for the alt right, no one cares about them, no one feels threatened by them. Also how bout not saying white genocide you fucking retards, just say the end of white supremacy instead of baiting my by saying an entire race should be wiped off earth. I couldnt even make it past like 1 minute of this article.
8/28/2015, 1:28:48 AM
No issues with this, it doesn't say everything is white supremacy or patriarchy it's saying it's cool to stand up to those things. I agree
Those things exist and I'm happy people fight those things. The problem we normally see is that tumblr thinks EVERYTHING is white supremacy/patriarchy. That's the issue, not that some things are racist or sexist


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