Everything is rccisiods


If everything is racist, nothing is racist.



1/12/2023, 12:27:15 PM

EVERYTHING is racist.


Now, can we please move on.

I swear, the left is f------ insane!



1/2/2023, 8:04:48 PM

Thanks for the comment.  I think one of the big differences is that Abrahamic tradition has evolved in a productive manner (Ten Commandments to US Constitution) whereas Marxism has devolved in a parasitic manner ('exploitation is bad' to 'everything is racist').



1/1/2023, 5:19:46 PM

>I believe that many people don't understand that we struggle. They look at pop culture and say "look, gay people are celebrated. If you don't like it, you are homophobic. See!? The oppression is over..." When I say that the majority needs to understand it's privilege, I mean it needs to recognize that minorities are struggling even if the majority doesn't see it. 

But most members of the supposed majority are also struggling, perhaps they face different struggles and as i told you on other threads, it is very hard to pinpoint what exactly should be called the majority. Lines of oppression/struggle can be drawn endlessly. Thin people are struggling, short men are struggling, men with a 3" penis are struggling, divorced people are struggling, people with disabilities struggle, people with no education struggle, people raised in one parent households struggle, white kids in black neighborhoods struggle women in male dominated spaces or men with female dominated spaces struggle... This leads us nowhere but into the victimhood Olympics, while problems that actually matter and could be solved on a neutral, utilitarian basis remain unaddressed. 

>I don't call people privileged. I'm using this language with you because you know what I'm talking about. Privilege is a term that makes people mad. There are other ways to describe it. 

It makes people mad for a good reason, because they feel like their struggles are willfully ignored. In many cases unfortunately, they are in fact ignored and people raising against this are told to "sit down and listen". I mean.. The audacity.. Not you ofc.. I'm speaking in general. 

>It would be a society that treats us the same as everyone else. Our existence wouldn't be political. Ben Shapiro would put LGBTQ people in his Christmas movies. Religious families wouldn't throw us out. Feminine men could exist without being perceived as a threat to masculinity. I wouldn't feel nervous telling heterosexual men I'm gay. Ummm 

Why is your existence political in your opinion? I am not sure why Ben should put LGBTQ people in his Christmas movies, i think you should never be mocked for putting LGBTQ people in your Christmas movies. I'm with you on the religious families, although i think this applies to fundamentalists. I'm also with you on the topic of feminine men though as i said earlier, I'm not sure if your avarage layperson can be blamed for thinking effeminating men is a threat. I can understand why you're nervous.

I'm just going to take your last example to make a point. If one out of a hundred person would hate gay people you'd still be nervous about coming out. It's understandable and i have compassion for you for all that it matters. The thing is though, there will always be people who make you feel nervous. The question i think is what we do as a society to ease your nervousness and i think we came a long way in that regards, especially when compared to other countries. I don't think homophobia on the individual level can ever be completely eradicated (as long as we allow people to think and speak freely) and it seems as though the current approach is about to backfire. 

>Well yea, it's academic theory that has become a boogie man in the media. That seems to apply to a lot of stuff on the left. 

Why though? 

>Yes! Consider the u.s. immigration system and our reliance on foreign labor. I argue that my country is doing the same thing it always did and I'm calling the outcome racist. So of course everything is racist. The food I eat was handled by undocumented workers. Construction companies use undocumented labor. My tax money funds immigration policies that are harmful to they workforce. I can't eat or pay taxes without engaging in a racist system. 

And how exactly does this line of thinking contributes to solving the problem? In a democracy, you need the majority to have your back. The way i see it, this mindset turns away the majority. It pisses off a bunch of people, it gives a cause for an other bunch to hate you, yet an other bunch becomes uninterested and you will be left with an ever radicalizing minority who in the end, when they inevitably go to far, will be shut down. At the end of the day, those illegals will be kept exploited and crapped upon all along. 

>Imo, the classes are probably too short and the employees wouldn't want to listen. I doubt the lecturers are competent. I wish they could just send them to sociology class instead. 

Or how about teaching people interpersonal skills in schools instead? Like how to deescalate or solve disaggreements.. How to handle a "microagression" instead of how not to "microagress".. 

>I argue you do need race theory. I don't think it has to fall under CRT. However, I'm worried that stuff like systemic racism, intersectionality, etc. will be labeled CRT in the mainstream. That stuff is already demonized. 

Why do you think that's the case? Is it really completely unfunded? I mean, what do we expect if white people are keep being told that their ancestors snatched slaves from Africa as opposed to buying them from African traders and racism is something that is inherent to white people and white people only? 

>I don't think I like how he described subjectivity v. objectivity. I would argue that objectivity is an illusion. In the past, researchers thought they were being objective but, they were unaware of their biases and produced racist knowledge. Cr theorists are explicit in regards to their biases. That's much better. At least they acknowledge their biases. 

Do they though? I've heard Robin DiAngelo speak. She did not come across as someone who acknowledges her biases, rather like someone who is totally oblivious to them, but should she face **any criticism at all** she can now call the fragility card and problem solved.

I disaggree on objectivity, it's not an illusion. It is something that exists even though we may never be able to grasp it but the aim should always be to strive for it. 

>I don't think parents, Trump, and Biden know what CRT is. I think a whole bunch of crazy sh!t is getting blamed for CRT.

Perhaps, but i don't think it's a coincidence. If you ever have the time or the willingness, you can look into the book: Cynical Theories by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay. 

>Research on how CRT is being taught?

Yes. In primary schools. 

>I thought they did class and immigration questions too. It makes sense, white people are the majority so they would get the privileges. 

Should you decide to draw the lines of grievences based on race as opposed to anything else, yes. 

>I just don't see how this exercise could be productive for children though. The really aren't many people capable of doing this with children.

Imo, they should be left out entirely unless we are reasonably assured that it won't do more harm than help.



12/30/2022, 11:17:42 PM

The thing about the matrix analogy that’s so popular these days is that there are multiple matrices. There’s the left wing matrix where everything is racist sexist thisist thatist. There’s also a right wing matrix where everything is a conspiracy and the left is out to brain wash and control you with vaccines and cancel culture. Every circle you step into online is itself a matrix with its own social rituals and catch phrases and version of the truth. Broaden your horizons, log off frequently, socialize with the people near you, ask what they think and why and disagree respectfully, it’s the best anyone can do.



12/22/2022, 10:32:27 AM

>I aggree though. You can do all that after you reduced the crime rates to tolerable levels. We do need to catch criminals but we also need to make sure they do not re-offend. I think the recidivism rate in the US is around 70% within 5 years, some suggests 1 in 6 within 9.. That's outrageous, it's one of the highest. I think it's 25% after 5 years in Norway. Norway is different in many aspects, but i think we have a lot to learn from them. 

History shows that policy often does not work as intended and/or there are unforseen consequences. When politicians in my country are 'tough on crime", they contribute to a massive prison system that encourage recidivism. It can be very difficult to escape prison.

>That's why that video you suggested frustrated me so much. I expected a thought experiment from it. Instead he blamed neomarxism. That's you and me, btw. He is blaming us. I don't think it's our fault though. The Frankfurt school has nothing to do with this. Sorry, I couldn't help it . You do understand why this can be confusing and frustrating to people who have studied Marx, right? 

>I really don't remember which one are we talking about  sorry....Just one thing about so called neo-Marxism.. I understand that it might mean an entirely different thing in academia. However I'd like to point out that it does make sense to call what's happening neo-Marxism due to a number of similarities. For instance, Marx saw the problem in the bourgeoisie and above oppressing/exploiting the working class. A lot of the ideas now have to do with the same oppression dynamics, men oppressing women, heterosexuals oppressing LGBTQ+ people, Whites oppressing Blacks etc.. And many among those aggreeing with these ideas are anti capitalists and subscribed to some sort of socialism. They are no-Marxists in a sense that they believe in a bunch of things Marx believed in and using the same oppression dynamics but putting different groups in the focal point. Christina Hoff Sommers writes a lot about actually Marxist Feminists (in Who Stole Feminism) who were and perhaps are very influential within the movement.

Adam b Coleman on triggernometry.

You don't need Marx for that. We agree that there are haves and have nots. We agree that the strong will pray on the weak. Any language used to describe this dynamic will sound like Marx. 

Mainstream thought is sad. Everything is racist,  everything is Marxist, and everyone is stupid .

Yea, feminists have been fighting four a long time. The term feminist means less than Nazi or neomarxist . 

>Sure, i do understand why it might be confusing, but also they don't have to be in 100% alignment i think. In some aspects they fly right in the face of orthodox Marxism.. But their core ideas seem to have been taken from him regardless.

There are two reasons for that. First, it's very easy to describe oppression and sound like Marx. The strong will pray on the weak. That sounds like Marx. Second, Marx is very influential. Some people like me study Marx and find some of it useful. So it makes sense that some of his ideas and jargon have been used/bastardized. 

>You know i am innocent right, i still didn't have the time to check up on the Frankfurt School  I'm washing my hands... Well thank you. Also i promise i will find out who the hell is this Adorno dude next week .. 

The Frankfurt school were some Marxists that studied culture. Adorno wrote about the culture industry and what happens to music under capitalism. I have been using his analysis to explain why hip hop is so f*cked up. 

>I aggree, we do need better discussions but for that, cancel culture must go. Right now it's not the right that maintains it. It's the far left and anyone who shits themselves seeing the sjw mob hence aggreeing to their terms. 

I wish I had an easy answer for cancel culture. I think it might be getting stronger. 

>Like i said before. If there's no healthy criticism on people like JP, only throwing shit in his face, he will become more radical because he is going to think he is right even when he is wrong and he will just become more and more furious as would anyone else in his place. This is exactly why i appreciated so much the Zizek Vs. Peterson debate/discussion. 

I would be more understanding if j.p. wasn't a college professor. I don't know why he needs to talk to Zizek when he could read Zizek. I understand that Zizek wrote a lot but, that's what professors do. It's their job. If your are a college professor, the reading is endless. There are mountains of Marxist thought that J.P. could study. Instead, he responds to the mob.

I do agree that the mob should be criticized. Labeling everything Marxist isn't helpful. Even Zizek said "I'm more of a Hegelian than a Marxist" .

>Absolutely. I really wish I'd have some more time.. I think our collaboration could be fruitful. 

It would be an interesting project. I miss doing research.  

>I get that, even though i think i understand that, it can be just as frustrating as people who call everyone a nazi who disaggree with them, as you said. 

I don't really talk to those people either I don't think. I agree, that would suck.

>Well i was lazy.. As i said earlier i don't mean all feminists when i say "feminists". Yes, anyone can do that, but what is feminism really?

Sorry, I was taking you to literally.

Feminism is everything, everywhere, and all at once. 

> It became a very vague term today.. As i said earlier, I have argued with feminist on a feminist sub who supposed to know what they are talking about, given they are on rperaskfeminists.. Some of them were even had PHD-s but i couldn't make sense of a single word they said. 

People like that are sad. Idk how you talk to them

> You really should read Who Stole Feminism.. Or check out Christina's YouTube channel "The Factual Feminist". Again i understand that what they say is perhaps not what this stuff is supposed to be about, but for the love of God, they are the loudest, they influence public attitude and media hence policies the most.. It's no coincidence that most people refuse to identify with the feminist label across the west even though they aggree with the core ideas.

Yea, i think that's what happens anyone who believes in gender equality is a feminist. It's a problem. I'll check some of it out.



12/10/2022, 9:35:18 AM

>I don't expect the mob or the "common folks" not to preceive these phenomena as racism or reacb the conclusions i did on their own. Altough i did hear many balck people complaining about high crime rates and saying that defunding the police in their area was a stupid thing to do, i don't think it's reasonable to expect avarage people to run tought experiments this deep. 

Honestly, I'm not sure how the defunding of the police played out. I would expect it to be a knee jerk reaction. It will be reckless and it will cause lots of problems. Like I said before, the smart way to defund the police would be to invest in stuff like homeboy industries, improve schools, provide mentors, and other stuff that would reduce crime. Then we can defund the police. I really don't expect anyone to be smart. I can't tell you how much mainstream talking points frustrate me. There are real problems and good ideas on how to approach those problems. Mainstream talking points don't address any of it. 

That's why that video you suggested frustrated me so much. I expected a thought experiment from it. Instead he blamed neomarxism. That's you and me, btw. He is blaming us. I don't think it's our fault though. The Frankfurt school has nothing to do with this. Sorry, I couldn't help it . You do understand why this can be confusing and frustrating to people who have studied Marx, right? 

This is from Wikipedia

>As with many uses of the prefix neo-, some theorists and groups who are designated as neo-Marxists have attempted to supplement the perceived deficiencies of orthodox Marxism or dialectical materialism. Many prominent neo-Marxists, such as Herbert Marcuse and other members of the Frankfurt School, have historically been sociologists and psychologists.

You sound exactly like Theodore Adorno who is a member of the Frankfurt school. Imo, the two of you are a little to negative so I've been trying cheer you up.

And when they asked what the public intellectual was teaching, he said "white supremacy". It's so vague. I don't even know what he means. Seriously, we need better public discussions. The left calls everything it doesn't like racist. The right calls everything it doesn't like neomarxist. None of them know what they are talking about. At least I can explain why I think everything is racist. I wish public intellectuals could do the same. 

I don't blame him but, people need critical thinking skills so they don't end up like that guy. It sounded like he was uncritical of the person he was listening to and when he decided it was not for him, he couldn't explain why. Maybe he does better in other interviews but, he sounds just as bad as people who call everything racist. 

My problem is not with them, my problem is with people like Ibram X Kendi, or with people who created and exploited the BLM organization, who framed riots as "peaceful demonstrations".. These people should know better. They are a disgrace to their own community and they do tremendous harm to the people they claim they work for. 

>I'm glad I have them as an example to consider.

Im glad i could provide one 

>They don't pay undocumented immigrants minimum wage. They can also make them work off the clock. It helps when they are unionized.

They'd have to if they were legalized. 

>We ignore the consequences though. It's not good 

Yeah.. Or just don't see them coming, especially if we don't listen to or shut down criticism. 

>Muppet Show lol Aniway.. I don't think it's worth worrying much about popularity, we all start out with the sunscriber count of 0. Uploading a video a week doesn't sound so demanding when i work a 40hrs week instead of a 66 hrs one ... 

I would feel compelled to research any topic as best I can. I would read as much academic literature as I could. One video a week could be a lot, depending on how much I research a topic. And like you said, with work and other responsibilities, that could become hard to maintain. It could be a nice project though. 

>That's fair, there has to be messages about the alternatives. 

I don't want to spend a lot of time arguing with people who call everything neomarxist. That sounds awful. 

>That's not the only trouble. For example, feminists like to use studies to crap on men. There's this study that says women hold their children disproportionately longer than men do.. So they go.. Those nasty, lazy men can't even take care of their own offspring.. I'm like... Have you ever heard a man breastfeeding a child (before all this gender craze ofc)? I mean, there are a plathora of reasons for this, the vast majority of which has to actually do with the opposite of laziness.. So yeah, studies often provide crude numbers and it's up to the public to interpret them.

You do understand that any idiot can call themself a feminist and say stupid sh!t, right? Of course they misinterpret data. Of course they don't understand the flaws and limitations of the studies they cite. The public does not have critical thinking skills. If you divide the public into feminists and non feminists, you will get a bunch of idiots on both sides. It's a problem.



12/4/2022, 4:50:46 PM

>History books have actual evidence of obvious systemic injustice.

OH now we're talking about history?   

>You think right now the justice system is proper?

Proper?  Umm, not sure exactly what that means.  It absolutely needs some tweaking.  But "systemic"?  Against who?  Anyone specific?  I can guess...

I think it's a little bizarre that you can face stricter penalties for downloading Mp3s than robbing an apple store in broad daylight.

Yeah, look into individual claims, if someone claims they were discriminated against, let's hear it.  I'm interested in that, not activists claiming "everything is racist / tear it all down / abolish the police" without evidence.

*Current systemic discrimination?*   Let's see it.

No comment about the "positive discrimination" against white people though? Because *that's* real.  And should go away.  You could just admit "yes that's an example systemic discrimination and I'm against that".  So will you?  Will you admit that?



11/6/2022, 10:06:51 AM

As a man, my whole life I’ve been taught to work hard if I want to achieve anything. If I want to own a home or have a wife, I would have to earn it. It was made explicitly and implicitly clear that I could never expect this. These are privileges.

By contrast, my sisters grew up very differently. In school and society and in media, they were taught that society OWED them these things. Not only an unrealistically amazing husband, but a home and a CEO job *and* a family of as many kids as they’d like. No effort required. “You’re a woman. You deserve it. You’re amazing.”

Then life happened and they became profoundly unhappy. The life they were sold was a lie. They felt betrayed. It was very late in the game to suddenly start working on their character, physical health, experience, and qualifications. To their credit, they undertook the challenge. One is now in a meaningful career with a loving husband. The other is not. Neither are truly happy.

On the other hand, I’ve achieved the things I set out to achieve, and they feel earned. This sense of accomplishment and meaning cannot be overstated. It goes well beyond superficial happiness. I think the path to a good life comes from hard work, delayed gratification, family, and achieving realistic goals.

To compound the issue that women face today, they tend to focus much more on people that things. This makes them much more empathetic. The world is FULL of causes now. Everyone is a cause. Everyone is “traumatised.” Everything is “racist.” Society is all bad all the time. Or so it would seem if one were inclined to bias to empathy. “Why would the media lie like that about something so serious?”

In this maelstrom of information rose Marxists. They have a clear solution: glorious revolution. Society never has to be unfair. We’re all exactly equal. You can choose to change your sex any time you like. Want to be a CEO with 10 kids? We’ll make that happen! Doesn’t this sound amazing? Sure does. Sadly, these people are liars. And they’re evil. They’re taking advantage of the empathy in women to claw their way to power. I doubt they’re even real Marxists. They’re just using his insights to exploit others.



10/28/2022, 9:59:51 PM

Ah I see, more racism. Everyone and everything is racist and a nazi and blah blah blah. 

Do you you have anything else? Or is that it? This is just embarrassingly cringe and feckless on the part of young libs at this point. You are quite literally costing the dems an enormous amount of votes with your obsessive craziness over identity politics, and there appears to be no awareness on your part that you’re inadvertently causing the conservative takeover that you’re endlessly screaming about.



9/29/2022, 2:56:23 AM

Where have you been? Don’t you know, EVERYTHING is racist and transphobic?



9/8/2022, 4:07:19 PM

Everything is racist take 547893



9/6/2022, 8:31:14 AM

Resentment equals race war...? People don't like racial quotas and therefore attack another race, instead of say, challenging the quotas, arguing against the quotas and attempting to vote out of office the people who support such quotas?

I think most people are rational enough to know that things like racial and sexual quotas, welfare, etc., are the creation of politicians, which aren't always even supported by the groups they purport to help.

Now, are there things the left does that seem to be fomenting race war or verging on it? Yeah, I think you could say that; openly encouraging, excusing and defending violent rioting, claiming that nearly everything is racist, that all whites are somehow inherently guilty of racism, etc. But racial quotas, in and of themselves...? Nah.



8/30/2022, 2:18:40 PM

>Because if everything/everybody in 2022 is racist and guilty of "unconscious bias" OF COURSE everything/everybody in the 1950s was too. And yet here you are, saying it anyway. To poison the well.

Again, you said it, not me. You've failed to understand anything I've said. I've never said "everything is racist", nor do I believe that, nor do i think any serious faction of the left believes that (cringy college freshman groups do not make up the entirety of"the left"). You simply hear what you want to hear. Discussing this further would be like talking to a brick wall. Good luck.



8/30/2022, 9:29:13 AM

Didn't you know? Everything is racist oppression. /S

The sun, the moon, taxes, air.



8/23/2022, 5:26:53 PM

At this point everything is “racist” so much so that it’s lost all meaning, it has just become and excuse for laziness, ineptitude, entitlement. The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf in real life.



7/24/2022, 1:57:09 PM

I’m saying your lack of being able to create a cohesive argument is why no one will listen to you. When you come out the gate saying everything is racist and fascist and not even apply thing them correctly is why no one cares what you say even if you do eventually get something right. Boy who cried wolf if the boy was also a hateful racist himself situation.



5/29/2022, 7:11:35 AM

Watch the absolute statements, not everybody says everything is racist. 

Definitely have good point about 99% movement being fractured, the working class and poor coming together was a threat to the military industrial complex, big food, big pharma, the bribe (lobbying) industry, mainstream politics etc. and definitely the fracturing via political correctness as a weapon has been vital in pushing the lower classes apart and keeping the elites in power.



5/29/2022, 6:24:05 AM

Are you blind or just kind of ignorant? Maybe your not American so Ill give you that but this is exactly how our country looks. Everybody says everything is racist and are too stupid to realize that they are just being played to divide us because it make us easier to control....durrrr this is the woke stuff that they used to get people off of wall street haha and it worked. Check out the movie PCU if you can find it. They literally copied the cause heads and it worked like a charm on dumb people who need to feel like they are doing something......



5/27/2022, 2:14:43 PM

Certain concepts and historical trends cannot be surmised in a comment on Reddit. If you read the articles, you’d see that equally poor white and black communities have not been treated the same way, as a matter of deliberate practice. In these instances, poor black Americans have been excluded from opportunties provided by the federal government and from the voting process alike.

To be clear, I’m personally absolutely not a Marxist or someone who believes “everything is racist.” However, to deny that our country’s government and state governments have deliberately fostered serious inequality along racial lines is ignorant to our history.



5/17/2022, 8:38:11 PM

Convincing a entire population that being fat is healthy, that biological gender doesn't exist, and that everything is racist is a mass psychosis. It is a psychology problem.



5/14/2022, 11:37:29 AM

If everything is racist, nothing is racist...



5/14/2022, 8:36:45 AM

Lmfao everything is racist. I had cheerios for breakfast and that was racist.



5/14/2022, 8:08:10 AM

But isn't this post a strawman argument? Yes, depending on context, those "movie scenes" could be regarded as racist. Yes, there are people who like to slap racist label on anything related to skin color. This meme merges both concepts together and portraits anyone calling racism out as "everything is racist" type of guy.

Maybe I shouldn't have started with "strooomann!!!", however I see the same general template in every information bubble: simplify to absurd the opposite side and people commenting "yeah they're literally this stupid".

Memes are ok, but going outside to hear good points from differently opinionated people is important. I fell for this trap and now I'm trying my best to stay away from it. Maybe felling into it again from different angle, time will show.



5/13/2022, 9:04:07 PM

When everything is Racist



4/22/2022, 1:35:09 PM

It's still a communist nation in the same sense Canada is still a capitalist nation despite having socialist aspects. Authoritarianism is present in every communist country, that was present way before Xi came into power so it's not a new thing. Authoritarianism isn't a right wing thing and it's not a left wing thing. 

The left and right don't believe in the same things everywhere in the world. In China it was the far left who was in favor of the military. Especially on social aspects. Look at what conservatism and liberalism is and you'll see the left isn't anti military. In some countries for sure, but not across the entire world. The left prefers big government while the right prefers small government, in theory, some countries flip it around. 

Leftist is not anti racist. They scream that everything is racist just to get a moral high ground but then act incredibly racist towards white people and asians. Look at Larry Elder he's a black conservative who gets called the n word by so called "anti racist" progressives. You also confuse leftist and progressive, those are not the same thing at all. All progressives are leftists, but far from all leftists are progressive. 

Seriously do research that isn't buzzfeed. Being against racism makes you left wing is the dumbest thing I've heard when progressives are trying to make themselves look good. I've never been insulted for my race by a conservative, ever. I can't count how many time has a progressive done it. They're just more subtle about it and have a white man's savior thing going on. Look at the Tweets of progressives when they realized that black people are becoming increasingly favorable towards republicans.

Left wing isn't a super specific thing just like right wing isn't a specific thing. There's a lot more complexity then things first appear. China has capitalist aspects but is still a communist nation that worships Mao, therefore far left economically, the government does a lot to try to make the nation more eco friendly. It's one of the most leftist nations in the world when it comes to climate change, they pollute so much because they build infrastructure like crazy but they're government actually takes steps to be help the environment unlike most government that make false promises. Things aren't black and white, China is far left. It's been that way since Mao took over.

You argue well but you lack knowledge. Research more and you'll be much much sharper that the average person.



4/19/2022, 8:28:35 AM

Public school is doing it too...and social media rewards this thinking...and Hollywood...and Disney...dungeons and dragons.....video games....sports....

Everything is "racist" now....every insane voice "deserves" to be heard..."lived truth" is truth...all the old rules are considered "wrong".

It's not just the rich, this is a self destructive, downward spiral movement that is tearing down science, religion, sexuality, and the family unit too.



4/12/2022, 10:51:32 AM

pfft, you fragile snowflakes think everything is racist these days



3/25/2022, 9:34:41 PM

No one is arguing about being born into equal opportunities. The utopia to which you refer in which such a thing is possible is one where all children are seized at birth and put in the same government run facility to be raised together with the exact same resources. You’ve just been attempting to disregard the specific points I’ve made presenting the equal opportunity present in this particular institution by essentially claiming that “we’re all born differently therefore equality of opportunity doesn’t exist and thus everything is racist”.

As for racist assumptions, simply stating its existence does not prove anything. The human brain always assumes until receiving enough evidence to progress beyond assumption. Assumptions are far from limited to race as well, when you see someone for the first time, you immediately assume certain things about them. Such a thing cannot be controlled and it’d be utopian to even attempt to do so. What we CAN control is how much we let the assumptions affect our actions. In the case of modern Western civilization, I’d argue we’ve done a fantastic job on an institutional level.



3/17/2022, 3:15:20 PM

That's not evolution. That's your body.

You're acting like a guy who tries to sail using quantum physics. Sure, there are molecules of air hitting your boat, but that's completely irrelevant . You have a rudder and a piece of cloth, use it.

Or, to use another analogy, you're like an SJW who thinks "everything is racist, everything is sexist and you have.. to.. point.. it.. all.. out..".

Chill the fuck out.



2/25/2022, 9:28:20 AM

I have observed an increased amount of tribalistic division in our society that is destroying relationships, turning family, friends, coworkers, comrades and colleagues against each other and I’ve spent the last 7 years studying the phenomena and based on my observations I have come to the following conclusions, that I believe through communication and understanding we can overcome this fabricated division before we all become alienated from one another. 

Their are many categories of division and we have been encouraged to put ourselves in boxes that cause wall us off from the true nature of reality, from what I have observed is that most of these clashes in belief stem from a common source and fit inside a larger category that could be simplified into the concept of Woke Vs Non-Woke. 

Hear me out, I am not trying to make a inflammatory statement and I don’t want to lose you but I need to speak the truth before it’s too little too late and I’m not trying to be hyperbolic, edgy or cute. 

 Woke ideology is destroying our relationships and the fabric of our society and this is by design!      

It divides society as a distraction that pits us against each other wasting our energy fighting superficial battles so that we are unable, disunited and too unfocused too see the problems beneath the surface and even right in-front of our eyes to the point where some people do not trust their own observations and ability to make judgments on what we have seen.

We have been trained to trust the establishment certified experts while

Ignoring the observations of those in the field with more legitimate credentials.

We have been groomed to give most trust the information provided to us by taxpayer

Funded failing state legacy media.

We have been told to stop asking questions and to submit to authority even when they are wrong and their actions are illegal, threatening, abusive, evasive and tyrannical.

Woke ideology is a blend of Marxism + Identity politics, used to divide the people into categories that are at odds with one another. 

With Marxism it was class warfare:

The poor(oppressed) vs The rich(oppressor).

The added element of woke identity politics is based on critical theory that seeks to deconstruct all established norms of the society, it has an element of postmodernism that does not believe in objectivity and pushes the idea that their is no objective reality only relative truths from each persons perspectives and that objective truths are merely a construct of the society. 

(Theory vs Social Norms and institutions)

Critical theory views life from a overly critical Mende seeks to deconstruct all social constructs, without seeing their value or offering any better alternatives.

Critical theory creates a confused society with no social cohesion.

Critical Race theory looks at everything through the lens of race, while trying to deconstruct society into a society that considers race in every situation, hence everything is racist. It seems to try and combat racism by using racism in turn it creates a more racist society. 

(Gender Vs Gender)

Critical Gender Theory views life through the lens of gender and seeks to dismantle gender norms and societies constructs surrounding gender, hence all the newly fashionable obsession within gender we see in our daily lives.

(Sexual orientation vs Sexual orientation.

Queer theory examines society through the lens of sees to deconstruct societies ideas about a persons sexuality and puts people in tribes based on their sexual orientation, 

Intersectionality is a hierarchy of oppression that critically examines our personal and biological characteristics through the lens of victimhood, with the most highly oppressed combination group at the top of the pyramid of self victimization. 

Female (+1)

Poor (+1)

Gay (+1)

Trans (+1) 

Non white (+1)

Family life (+1)

Trauma (+1-10)

Physical Disability (+1) 

Mental Disability (+1)

“White” skin (-10)

Male (-5)




Conservative (-100)

Non woke (-666)

Their are new critical theories being invented all the time that add to the list of useless pseudo soft sciences in sociology that came from the Frankfurt school of sociology that was founded by Marxists and post modernists which birthed all the social sciences we see corrupting the soft naive impressionable minds of our youth, while slowly penetrating every aspect and respected institution of our Society. 

These theoretical concepts seek to deconstruct society by design, they are combined with Marxist ideas that seek to collapse capitalism through cultural revolution, this is why the culture war seems to permeate everything these days.

This woke ideology is trying trying to become the default baseline belief system of popular society. 

Woke ideology has infected everyone and everything, wokeness is the primary cause of the tribal disconnect we see all around us, divide and conquer so we don’t see the real problems and waste all of our energy and time fighting beach other along side not believing each other as the opposing groups now live in different realities.

Woke ideology is the new replacement operating system for the masses that makes us less united, more politically correct, obsessive about following the rules, self policing, self defeating, self distracting, self destructive, and it makes it easy to demonize large groups with similar characteristics.

I see no big leap in logic, if you think that’s the case read the communist manifesto and maos red book then compare it to the hardcore woke ideology, then take a look at what group is on the receiving end of most of the hate, I find the wokies are spewing the most hate overall. 

For example wear a MAGA hat and a free hugs shirt in a very woke area and see how long it takes to lose your humanity to those around you. 

You might be surprised that those claiming to be most righteous all the time are often acting like the villain.

Go on a super woke sub like black People twitter and say something like militarized police violence effects us ALL and see what kind of reactions you get.



2/19/2022, 10:54:37 AM

We need people to actually realize that we are great.

The people who complain that everything is racist and sexist, and want the western society to burn, don't have the intellectual capacity to realize that the only reason they care about racial and sexual equality is the presuppositions of the west.

Mainly the Christian presupposition of the soul, ironically enough the thing that the progressives hate.

The soul has eternal immeasurable value, this makes the human life valuable above all else, especially all other living beings. Every human has a soul that is of equal value, this makes all humans equal.

You can't really even have a concept of human rights without the assumption of a soul, because we don't care what happens to something valueless. Rocks don't have rights. 

This puts the progressive left between a rock and hard place. They hate the west and Christianity, but they love ethics and moral attitude it has produces. Coincidentally, the morality cannot exist without the thing it originated from.



1/21/2022, 11:44:48 AM

And there we have it, ladies and gentlemen. Everything, absolutely everything, is racist.

Free choice, free will, and meritocracy no longer exist. There is absolute equity, or there is racism. There *can* be only those two possibilities. dfitterington has just given us 'proof'.



1/6/2022, 3:48:05 PM

(To the tune of 'Everything is Awesome' from the Lego Movie)  

Everything is racist



Everything is wrong when you're part of the team



Everything is racist



And you just wanna scream



Everything is racist when we whine together



Side by side, you and I are gonna cry forever



Let's cry forever



We're different, I'm like you, you're not like me



We are screaming in harmony



Everything is racist



Everything is wrong when you're part of the team



Everything is racist



And you just wanna scream



12/20/2021, 12:56:27 AM

She's lucky she got to deprogram her brain and open her mind, most don't get the chance.

The mainstream wants conflict. to divide people, group people and control the narrative so they keep you from the truth. It's everywhere, makes them loads of money. look at what they are doing with race? Look at the current corona, there's anti vax, the un-boosted, climate denier's, the list goes on oh and Everything is racist when really it's not,

what's up is down



12/19/2021, 9:54:01 PM

> Lol I've been more specific than I need to be.

No you haven't what you have said is that the US is fundamentally racist because you have to be born there to be president and, I quote.....

"Illicit drugs should not be illegal to use. Use of illicit drugs should be decriminalized. Also private, for profit prisons should be illegal"


"Carceral state law refers to a bunch of laws and regulations and how they interplay togethor."


"Carceral state law refers to the overabundance of private and public prisons being built, over policing and the mass incarceration that follows from that."

How is *any* of that racist?

Go ahead. Articulate because you're **NOT BEING SPECIFIC**.

If it's just that black people are imprisoned at higher rates for drug crime then what exactly do you want changed? You're already said that you don't think murder laws should be changed despite the fact that they affect black people in *exactly the same way*. So why does it only apply to certain crimes and not others?

It's highly ironic that you're saying this and then also saying "Correlation does not equal..."

Go ahead. Articulate the causation.

By the way it's really, *really* funny that you're going to be wanting to teach black children that drugs should be legal because such laws discriminate against them. This kind of nonsense is the *exact* reason people don't want weirdos like you dictating education policy.

> Its racist because it offers one standard of education to the poor and another to the rich. A constitution should protect against this.

And we're back to **every single country** in the world is fundamentally racist by this definition. *Every single* constitution is racist too!

This is why I'm asking you to be specific. I doubt any constitution on *earth* does that.

> Or they do away with private schools entirely (I believe they did this Norway recently?) And offer the same standard of education to everyone, rich or poor.

Norway did not do this. You are full of shit.

> How did you get that? Lol

Because you said it. You said the constitution was racist and your reasoning was that "The constitution only guarantees an education."

What *should* it garantee to be not racist.... *according to you*....

> Is this your strategy to avoid actually engaging with the argument? Just continue to put the burden of proof on the opponent as much as possible?

Yes! If you're making a claim then *back it up*. That's on you. You can't prove something *doesn't* exist. You think it does so it's on *you* to demonstrate it. That's *exactly* how it works. No wonder you're confused.

All I'm doing is pointing out that you have to *constantly* stretch *sooooooo far* to find this mysterious racism of yours that if you apply these standards evenly then almost *everything* is racist.



12/18/2021, 2:10:51 PM

Point out what is racist here. Everything is racist these days, the term has lost all value.



12/16/2021, 9:49:49 PM





> Yes? You said I was singling kids out and telling them they're privileged. I just want to teach them about white privilege because it's a crucial element of systemic racism, not single out individual students and tell them they are privileged. 

You literally are telling children that they are privileged. You can't deny it. If you want to argue that you're not "singling them out" if there are two of them in the class then do so. It wouldn't always be true anyway.

> No it didn't actually lmao

Lol! "Systemic **RACISM**" doesn't mention race? Did you just have a stroke or something?

> I asked you first, you tell me.

If there's racism beforehand then it can be. Your turn.

If you think different outcomes equals racism then everything is racist. If that's what you think then just say it out loud.

> Go back and read, I've done enough of your homework for you.

See? I told you there would be pathetic excuses. You have **NO IDEA** what this law states. Simple as that. I told you you wouldn't be able to state it and would have to resort to feeble, pathetic excuses and I was right.

Just say what the law is. You obviously have zero problem typing out long responses but you can't do this because you are **stumped**. You just don't know. You never did.

> Yes and I stand by that point completely.

You stand by the point that you just said wasn't reasonable. That says a lot about you.

> If someone deliberately does nothing about racism their whole life then that is perpetuating racism, and I would say a fundamentally racist behaviour.

And you can look at all the anti racist laws that the US has passed. Seems fairly *fundamentally* anti racist. Not the other way around. What was that racist law you were on about again? Oh yeah. **YOU DON'T KNOW**.


> And your reasoning was because doing something completely unconnected (wearing a hat/breathing)can also perpetuate the problem.

Doing nothing and wearing a hat have exactly the same impact on racism.

Prove me wrong.



12/16/2021, 6:39:13 PM

> But that doesn't mean it's semantically the same for a teacher to get up in front of a class and say "black people are more likely to be stupid murderers" compared to "systemic racism leads to poorer education levels and overepresentation in crime statistics". 

But it's not *untrue* to say it so you why would you want to "deny reality"? It wouldn't be because you don't want to teach children that they should feel guilt or anguish over their race? It couldn't be *that*?

Could it?

Perhaps you have some other reason.....

> No I want to teach them about white privilege

That *is* telling white children that they're privileged becasuse of their race. Come off it. It's incredibly disingenuous to claim otherwise.

> Yes but the definition doesn't.

Does it mention race? Race is very, very deeply entwined with skin colour. Imagine not knowing this.

> How can a system with colorblind laws be racist?

You tell me. If you think different outcomes equals racism then *everything* is racist. That obviously is what you think but why not just say it out loud.

> Already done this, carceral state law. Keep up.

I'm sorry but you never actually got around to saying what this laws states because you don't know and you never did. Just say what the law states. I expect a great deal of pathetic fudging and excuses in response here. I'm sure you won't disappoint.

> Sure you could, but no reasonable person would expect you to do that on every issue you hear about.

Hahahahaha!!! God God! Your *entire point* has been that "doing nothing" about racism is racist. You're quite right. It's *not* reasonable.

But it's still *your* entire point.

If you want to change your position to something more reasonable then just climb down. If you want to *move the goalposts* to something like doing nothing in the face of blatant racism that falls under your personal responsibility is racist then do so.

But you'll have a great deal of difficultly arguing that the US is racist to it's core and that racism is a primary principle on which the US is based when *that* is the criteria. 

See the way your little house of cards is collapsing?



12/12/2021, 1:54:54 PM

Thank you for your honesty.  I can tell you once your racist woke ideolgy fails educate that Prefrontal cortex w ideas to free you from thinking everything is racist.  Its a much happier and prosperous world.



11/7/2021, 2:45:36 PM

>Exactly, it's an assumption that racism is always present everywhere around you so you have to discriminate against white people to make up for it whether or not you can demonstrate that it's actually having that effect.

Why are you so disingenuous? It's not about how everything is racist. Academics use long form studies to identify causes of problems, they dont just assign it to "racism". That kind of thinking has no place in academia.

Most academics dont belive discrimination against white people is a solution, that's a fringe internet opinion. Stuff like affirmative action is shown to be ineffective. The current idea of how to solve alot of issues according to CRT is to adress the lackluster eduction poor areas deal with instead of lowering entrance requirements for students from poor areas.

>It's an assumption that you should always be obsessed with race as the primary feature of everyone around you.

No it isnt.

>That's certainly a part of it.

You are so sure of yourself but you almost certainly have no read any academic literature on subject. Probably none on any subject actually.



11/6/2021, 5:33:01 PM

Ok but that kinda goes against the idea that "everything is racist" and "racism is everywhere".



11/5/2021, 8:55:28 AM

It started as critical theory, by Max Horkheimer.  He was a Marxist, but not a bloody violent revolutionary.  He was questioning why the USA & capitalism had not shifted to communism.  So he developed critical theory, wrote a book actually.  The reason he hypothesized was actually very post modern.  He theorized that the reason capitalism was still around despite oppressing the masses, was that it pacified the masses with trinkets, just enough none oppression, to stop them from revolting.  So instead of oppressing them by denying them healthcare, a compromise was to have employer based healthcare, pacifying the masses to prevent the overthrowing of the capitalist oppressors...  That part is very important, as the concept has major significance in modern day CRT.

So Horkheimer decided to try and change the masses by manipulation.  He wanted to be extremely subjective and bias, to influence ppl against the oppressors, so that the society would slowly start implementing law and cultural changes toward a more communist society, until the oppressive society is gone.  This is largely where the the "cultural Marxism" idea came from.

Fast forward a few decades, and we get Critical Race Theory the legal theory.  This was used by lawyers, and the idea was to be extremely subjective along the lines of race (rather then class) to look for covert racism within law.   This is the roots of "it's cause I'm black isnt it" saying.   So the lawyers would look into any law, and automatically look at it as if it was written with racist intent.  Some laws, and business practices might be influenced by racism, such as redlining.  But they applied this to everything, and it quickly moved beyond the law.  

If you haven't noticed, since the beginning, it was all about actively changing society, activism, ideological activism, by its own self definition.

Derrick Bell, Kimberle Crenshaw, Richard Delgado, all big names and founders of CRT.  In modern day, if you read their books, you'll find it has gone far past just law.  It has become about looking at every single aspect of society through the lense of race, assuming racism, and any and all disparity proves their theory in their mind.   They also believe that anyone who disagrees is either internalizing their oppression (for poc specifically), or are full blown white supremacists/racists.   While the college level courses aren't being taught in grade school, or at work.  The social/cultural behaviors of CRT are deffintely being taught.   That is, looking at the world through a bias lense/subjective lense, through the lense of race.   A joke you might hear in a CRT college course is. "If a tree falls in the woods and no 1 is around to hear it, is the world racist?".  This is the issue.  Literally everything is racist, and cannot be proven otherwise through this lense.   Even concepts from the civil rights movement, such as racial integration and color blindness are considered racist ideas.  They believe these ideas were much like Horkheimer theory of pacifying the masses with just enough freedom of oppression, to prevent total loss of power.



11/4/2021, 9:29:03 PM

> J-walking as a crime is in fact derived from the influence and power of the auto industry in the 1920's. That's just a matter of fact.

I was agreeing with you. J-walking probably isn't derived from racial policy. At the same time I was setting up the final gag. Inevitably, others will say it is a racist policy because according to some people everything is racist.

This is what people are calling CRT. Whether it follows from anything Delgado or Crenshaw ever said is another less important question. 


> consequently you are providing a good case-in-point for why CRT shouldn't be taught to those who don't yet understand that nuance.

There is nuance here that you and most academics don't understand. For one thing, don't be shocked but no one really cares what the academics mean by CRT. The people complaining about CRT haven't heard of Delgado and couldn't care less about what he said. In [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/samharris/comments/qm9lr4/what_does_sam_have_to_say_about_crt/hj8cgmx/) link is the Texas so-called anti-CRT law. The things being banned in that bill are what is meant by CRT by the right-wing loonies. For example that 

> (vi)  an individual, by virtue of the individual's race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex;

These ideas resemble some of the things the academics mean, so the name was appropriated, but they are not the same. That is how language works. It is totally normal. 

If you think CRT is an actually existing thing that can be studied and that says very specific things then you misunderstand how language works. Abstract concepts like CRT mean whatever people mean by them. What the right-wing loonies who wrote this bill mean by CRT is just as correct as whatever you mean by it. If you say they are wrong, you are wrong.


From your top post:

> Ultimately, when I see crap like this comic, and the people who clap back at this comic, it's like watching people who don't know a single thing about quantum entanglement arguing about quantum entanglement. The theory is going way over the head of both those who claim its good for schools as well as those who claim its bad for schools, all the while to even understand it would require both camps involved to attend several college level courses to even be able to contextualise the theory itself.

I feel the same way when I see the academics huff and puff that the rest of us just don't understand X, in this case CRT. You clearly have no idea even of what is being discussed.



10/2/2021, 3:24:13 PM

That's not 'gish galloping', its *several* examples that you need to be ignored in order for your theory to be true.  It's effectively two things:  "what about these other groups?"  and "Why are we ignoring them?"

It's because your "everything is racist" theory falls apart if we look any more closely.  I too enjoy simple explanations that can never be fixed except through glorious communist revolution, comrade.

People can't make good choices because their parents didn't.  I think people understand that's an issue.  That doesn't mean "our society is racist!".

>material conditions.

Oh look marxist theory.  I'm sure you'd be happy to explain how that applies.



9/28/2021, 6:00:58 PM

If everything is racist then nothing is.



8/19/2021, 5:27:53 PM

Everything ???

It's like black are fucking poor dumb stupid fucks who can't do anything.

The only reason they can't succeed is because everybody else wants them to fail ? What are they, kids waiting for their parents expectations and don't want to do anything ?

It's just condescending as fuck

Also how the fuck being a kid and saying you don't like Moana's hair is racist. You really be thinking like kids think "BLACK HAIR BAD". They either like it or don't, there is no reason being anything for them other than that.

Also heroes ? Nelson Mandela was a terrorist part of his life, bombs and shit then bought a shit ton of military shit and was in good terms with other dictators.

Books and shows center around white characters ? Well maybe because almost everybody is fucking white in our countries ? And maybe because changing a white character to a black character isn't good enough and they should write more GOOD stories with black people ? But no, their lazy ass always revolve around how everything is racist against the main character and they have no stories people can relate to.



8/9/2021, 2:29:02 AM

You need to research Thomas Sowell who talks about Stage One thinking. That is, if there are economic disparities between two ethnic groups, they immediately attribute it to racism, rather than investigating deeper and finding that other minority groups don't follow the same trend. For instance, the economic fortunes of Caribbean black immigrants far outpace American born blacks, so if racism is the only cause of economic disparity, why do two groups of blacks differ so greatly in result. (Sowell is black, in case you're unfamiliar.)

So CRT proponents force-fit everything into their preconceived world view. Voddie Baucham notes that CRT claims EVERYTHING is racist. It's lazy, false and slanderous. It's also rooted in marxism, which makes every negative thing that happens to a person the fault of some societal structure that must be torn down and re-created. 

Please look up the research of Dr. Thomas Sowell and don't simply be willing to believe the claims made by CRT at face value.



7/2/2021, 9:22:47 PM

You’ll have to excuse Seth. You see he’s smoked so much weed he’s caused brain damage to the point he actually thinks that everything is racist. Then again I’ve smoked a lot of weed and don’t think everything is racist. Maybe he’s just a fucking idiot



6/29/2021, 3:09:05 AM

They chose criteria that make sense. That’s not racist. Period.

You basically argue that blacks are high users of drugs, more then whites. That they vandalize more then blacks. That’s the translation of what you saying.

No, I’m relying on our interactions, where everything is racist. They say a neighborhood is bad because of crime?  Racism. Yes everything seems to be about racism with you.



6/28/2021, 10:44:58 PM

They chose specifically criteria that targets poor black communities. They could have done crumbling infrastructure, old buildings, ect. But instead they made the criteria in the perfect way so that in targets poor black neighborhoods instead of poor white neighborhoods. 

Your second paragraph is so fucking moronic!  You have only heard me talk about 1 problem but somehow you know that I view every problem as racist? Okay buddy. I get it. Your arguing a losing battle so you need to fall back on the classic "Insane leftist think everything is racist" shit you see all over youtube. Whatever let's you stick to your worldview I guess



6/28/2021, 3:36:16 PM

By arguing 2 and 4, you‘re arguing that any law that affects the poor disproportionally, thereby affecting minorities the most, is systemically racist.

That is a complete redefinition of racism to the point almost everything is “racist”. If everything is “racist” then nothing is racist. You have emptied the word ”Racist” of any actual meaning.

I guess Kendi should have named his book “How to be an anti-capitalist”.



6/22/2021, 3:45:54 AM

> You're still looking at this from the perspective of "those darn liberals are just calling everything racist."

Dude, are you making fun of CRT? "everything is racist" is the core principles and outlook on everything. Did you even read it?

> The causation is obvious. Our criminal justice system didn't do that by accident. There's decades of case law on this.

The causation is far from obvious. You literally only have 1 variable to base your decision on. 

> Furthermore, who cares about proving the intent? The effect is objectively causing a racial disparity. We should actively seek out and correct things like this regardless of whether or not someone consciously thought "I want to target black people with this." I'm sure you agree.

Firstly, the intent is very important and you can see the effects of not caring in the culture: someone says something which can be construed as racist and they lose their jobs as a result. 

Secondly, if we are talking about fixing racial disparities in the criminal justice system, then by far the biggest one is Biden's Crime bill from the 90s. That heavily came down on victimless crimes such as marijana use with minimum sentencing and a 3 strike system. 

> The existence of "afropessimism" is not proof CRT teaches this. Correlation is not causation In fact, I'd say it's ludicrous to suggest that black people only recently started believing the system was stacked against them. There's four hundred years of precedent for that, my friend.

So now you want hard statistical proof about the propagation of ideas from academia into the culture? Not sure I can get that one for you, sport. Best I can do is try to connect phrases in the wild to ideas from academia. Actually, I think conservatives are already doing that and calling it CRT.

With regards with black people doing better or worse and which government policy had an effect on their condition, I would defer to the works of Thomas Sowell who has extensively studied this all his life.



6/18/2021, 1:30:58 PM

Thanks for the thoughtful reply and civil discussion, greatly appreciated.  But I still think you're missing the point entirely.

> *This is the main problem with what you’re saying, your argument*

Please do remember that wasn't my argument, it was my hot take on what I think he was saying.  My argument follows...

> *It’s a dream that any decent person shares, but again, it’s a dream. The word dream is important because he’s saying it’s not something in his present or his past, but something we could have in the future.*

I argue emphatically that this ***value or principle*** is not just a dream, it is something we MUST encourage and actualize in our daily interactions with other people.  And as always, that begins by exemplifying the behavior we want from others.  If you want others to judge you by your character instead of your race, you make it crystal clear to them, you demonstrate to them that this is the only acceptable standard, the one by which you will diligently treat them, and is what you expect / demand in return.

Now go ahead and argue with a straight face that indoctrination in CRT hasn't led countless black people to emphasize "whiteness" and judge white people.  You can't.  Even if they are getting the message wrong, and CRT is somehow technically not to blame, the practical real world impact is pouring gasoline of a fucking dumpster fire.  And it's a perfectly wise argument to say that CRT is entirely unsuited to teaching children, who don't have the emotional equipment and knowledgeable perspective developed to separate the theory from the resentment.  And I will go a step farther, as I believe the guy in the video also intended: many of the people pushing CRT are doing so precisely in order to manipulate people's emotions to encourage that resentment and anger, as well as to push feelings of guilt upon white individuals who are actually blameless.

> {systems} *Why can’t they be fixed? They can, but not without truly understanding the problem or the long term effects of the systems first.*

I never said they can't be fixed.  But they won't be fixed in time for kids alive right here and now to succeed in spite of them not yet being fixed.

Furthermore, if you think these radically complex systemic problems will be fixed by some angry and resentful teenagers screaming in the streets, you might as well be getting the management at a helicopter repair business to teach the janitors to scream at broken down helicopters.

Furthermore again, the exact degree and/or truth of claims of "systemic racism" are ***ALL*** highly subjective and up for dispute.  If you indoctrinate kids to see that as the central problem, the irrational but practical outcome is you teach them to resent white people, resent the system, blame oppression, and focus on fixing a system too late to actually help themselves here and now.  Sure, sometimes some parts of that will be the logically correct diagnosis and response.  But many other times it will be wrong, and the honest best response would have been for those kids to focus on strengthening themselves to success regardless the possible reasons for the challenges.

> *The runner later complaining about the unfairness is not them “basking in the excuse,” it’s acknowledging that the race was unfair to begin with.*

Look, I understand completely, and I agree.  Except that "basking in the excuse" is about an emotional process that happens when the runner doesn't even bother to try in the first place.  It's one thing to try your hardest (and that could be amazing), lose the unfair race, and then turn around and fight to make races more fair once you understand exactly from experience how they were stacked.  It is another thing entirely to claim all the races are rigged, and effectively spread an emotional message that you might as well not even bother, because there's very little hope you can win, so you might as well focus all your energy on how unfair it all is, even though you don't yet know because you didn't even try to win.

And this entire domain is all profoundly subjective messy human social business.  Are you really sure that race was rigged, or perhaps you actually didn't try quite hard enough?  Or was it all just about people's fucking skin color, that's why you lost, or why you didn't even try?  And PS, what if it wasn't a rigged race, what if the refs are totally fair, but there's actually a cheater, a bigot who's also in the race but isn't getting caught?  Yes, make sure the refs see that guy push and trip you, make your complaints.  But don't blame the whole system for some cheater existing, and don't begin your assumptions with the premise that everything is racist.

CRT is a fucking train wreck to teach to kids because of its practical emotional impacts, just as much as it's an academically corrupt and highly suspect mess of "theory" mixed with absolute subjective nonsense.



6/18/2021, 10:13:57 AM

>Constantly saying everything is racist could be doing more harm than good. 

Who does that? I pointed to specific racist institutions

>I am getting the impression that you care more about "changing" the system rather than actually helping people. Because if you cared about the people, you would be helping them now.

This is not an argument.



6/18/2021, 10:09:46 AM

> That's not how debt works for a country. We could take a lot more without issue. And I'm pretty sure it's 15.

Its $28.4 Trillion https://www.usdebtclock.org

And the interest payments will soon be very difficult to pay off. Plus, you already have inflation according to the CPI.

> Yeah dealing with problems is actually what causes them, genius.

Constantly saying everything is racist could be doing more harm than good. 

> Yeah, so we change the systems that hurt them

I am getting the impression that you care more about "changing" the system rather than actually helping people. Because if you cared about the people, you would be helping them now.



6/16/2021, 12:04:06 PM

it's funny how you can't tell me what's hypocritical, you just keep saying "you're hypocritical". Almost like some leftists who say everything is racist.



6/11/2021, 7:50:36 AM

But that's just it, I think the world she's fighting against doesn't really exist. It's not based in reality.

She reduces things to these basic forms of "all cops are bad" which is undoubtedly not what her children are being taught.

I'm sure there's people out there who can articulate the issues with CRT by engaging with them truthfully, not by reducing them past the point of recognition into "kill cops" or "everything is racist".

I just can't get why people here are all over her, calling this amazing, saying they'd put her in office, all of this, when I don't think she's done a very good job at all of discussing whatever issue she has.



6/10/2021, 3:31:41 PM

Well if your lens (CRT) dictates that everything is racist, you are going to look for it (and find it) even in places where none exist.



5/5/2021, 11:10:10 AM

Except that’s not what it is, true retards like yourself think everything is racist when it actually isn’t and then get upset if everyone else doesn’t agree with you. Pretty simple



4/11/2021, 10:36:40 AM

It seems that the "everything is racist" people aren't necessarily railing on overt racism like your example, but rather a "baked into the cake" worldview. If you take one specific group, and they're underperforming another, it's solely because of all the previous laws and practices that favored one group over the other. 

The problem I personally have with this idea, is twofold. For starter’s, it’s purposefully ambiguous and effectively gives people hammers with the statement “go find nails” - with the addendum, I suppose, that "if you're uncertain, but you *feel* like it's a nail, then it most likely is"

Secondly, and more importantly, it completely removes personal agency from the group you're trying to convince has been victimized. "If your life and circumstances sucks, it's not your fault" incentivizes people to not try and improve themselves (because it's much easier to be a victim), but also instills nihilism in the form of "why bother, when the odds are stacked so strongly against me"

Tribalism is a hell of a drug.



4/4/2021, 12:36:17 PM

https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.wbur.org/hereandnow/2021/03/22/objectifying-asian-women-racism It’s not an objection to race mixing ostensibly but there are a ton of weird segregationist threads on the left right now. A lot of it is along the lines of everything is racist that is common on the left.



4/1/2021, 2:18:15 PM

No Cathy. Not everything is racist, but certain amounts of subtle racism do exist, especially in societies with blatant racists in them.



4/1/2021, 2:03:53 PM

So everything is racist?



4/1/2021, 12:09:10 PM

> I'm well aware of other modes of inequality like classism, which I think is to blame for poor white boys performing worse in school. That does not invalidate the disadvantages that other groups have, however.

Would you be in favour of government investment to help poor white boys in their education over other groups?

> The report doesn't contend this overwhelming evidence at all. All it does is shift the blame from systemic racism to "geography, family influence, socio-economic background, culture and religion". All of which are tied to race and systemic racism.

Well, not exactly. It is just basic statistics. If you only have 1 column with race (single variant), then you get a picture that everything is racist. If you have multiple varieties like race, geography, family influence.. then you get a broader picture in which, race didn't seem like the strongest predictor.



3/31/2021, 7:16:28 PM

STFU of course the UK is systemically racist look at the killing of George Floyd that was blatant racism racism is everywhere I even found it in my Cinnamon Toast Crunch I poured the milk and the cereal formed the OK sign in the bowl that was the moment I realized that everything is racist



3/13/2021, 7:17:08 AM

Blacks buying black owned products is racist because it excludes other nationalities?


Everything is racist then....



3/13/2021, 4:42:13 AM

>You are saying that any form of racial preference is racist?

I'm saying that you have to keep one standard regardless of which direction it's going.

"Any" is too broad.  I would say most, or maybe even almost any.

>If a blacks person shops at a store that is black owned instead of a white owned store that is racism?

Very possibly.  Likelihood depends on a lot of other factors.

>You sound like the “everything is racist” crowd

I'm not saying everything is racist.  But that you can't say it's racist for one group but not for another.  And if I am inclined to regard something as racist for one group, I have to regard it as racist for another.



3/13/2021, 4:24:16 AM

You are saying that any form of racial preference is racist?

If a blacks person shops at a store that is black owned instead of a white owned store that is racism?

You sound like the “everything is racist” crowd

How can you possibly justify that claim?



2/24/2021, 12:47:54 PM

For the vast majority of the 50 years, it was largely telling people not to judge others by their skin colour and those that were judged, kept trying to live and improve their lives. 

Only since 2015ish is when we've had this resurgence in "everything is racist"



2/14/2021, 2:53:44 PM

In a fancy way, he's admitting to being a racist by saying the meme is racist.

Racists think everything is racist except for them.

If you treat everybody as equals, ignoring skin color,  this guy will think that you're racist.



2/13/2021, 12:16:20 AM

If EVERYTHING Is racist, then NOTHING is racist



2/10/2021, 8:11:51 PM

Hypocrisy is always present, especially in politics. Though arguably today the instances of hypocrisy are increasingly petty.

But what OP's post illustrates is something different, and probably worse. What Eliza is doing up there is a type of retroactive logic where you decide the narrative theme first and then interpret all component events through that lens.

Biden winning is good! Therefore all signifiers of his winning are good. (Ignore the virus angle; that's not today's narrative)

Crowds are bad! Therefore the biggest crowd is the worst. (Ignore all extenuating conditions; that's not today's narrative)

Racism is bad, and everything is racist! (Ignore [all contrary evidence about team names](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/new-poll-finds-9-in-10-native-americans-arent-offended-by-redskins-name/2016/05/18/3ea11cfa-161a-11e6-924d-838753295f9a_story.html), and the fact that the NFL is 70% black with a median salary of $860,000).

It's less about hypocrisy than about wholesale twisting and/or ignoring of empirical reality.



2/3/2021, 12:07:40 PM

> we are seeing a huge rise in Marxism/socialism/communism in the west

I see.  This appears to be a misunderstanding of socialism.  It made no sense to me as Canada is more socialistic than the US which is strongly socialist.  Sure the US is has a capitalist economy, but the government uses socialism.

>I think we failed as a society that we went easy on the Russian ideology likely because they helped us win the war, so their literature was encouraged and their propaganda was free to slowly poison our society from within.

It's not the economy type that is the problem.  Humanity is the problem.  You can tell it's not the economy as all human economy types attempted have severe corruption issues.

>Most leftists live in this fantasy that fascism is coming out of the woodwork...

That is what I think the right sees.  EPA=fascism.  FCC=fascism.  Tax=fascism.  I suppose leftist could see fascism too.  Military=fascism.  Voter suppression=fascism. 

 Concentration camps=fascism.  Child separation=fascism.  Insurrection=fascism.

>...  what we really are seeing is a huge rise in far left radicals

I suppose if you want consider gender pronouns, pussy hats wearers and black people complaining about being killed by law enforcement far left radicals...  ok.  Perhaps you can think of better ones.  Of course, the right had the insurrection, a plan to kidnap a governor and harassing a Biden campaign bus...  Perhaps we have different definitions of fascism.

[Fascism- is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.](https://www.google.com/search?q=fascism&oq=fascism&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)

[Ultranationalism - extreme nationalism that promotes the interests of one state or people above all others.](https://www.google.com/search?q=ultranationalism&oq=ultranationalism&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)

Hopefully no examples are needed.

>... combined with anti-racist dogma like crt/intersectionality invading our society

CRT is a racist way to say 'you think everything is racist'.  You can tell because it's only referenced by Conservatives.  Liberals do not mention it as they are not using it.

>So yes we will give credit where credit is due and shit on ideas that we find to be a bigger threat and often disproportionate ignorant acceptance in our current environment

Ok, so it sounds like we agree this is only vaguely related to Peterson.



1/26/2021, 12:44:44 PM

Their God is the lack of God (God in this instance being the symbol of truth).

They want power. They want to gain it from convincing others to give it to them.

It is much easier to lie and convince other people that you are right than to actually be right.

Manipulative language is very effective. Democracy is giving them all the power they need by targeting people who don't care. The great majority of people have no idea how even a small business works, let alone a whole country, therefore their votes are mostly random. Which would be fine - random effects spread evenly and all the parties get the same amounts. But the Wokists are using arguments that either attack the opponents and playing on people's feelings (GOP are evil) or target specific groups with emotional claims (everything is racist).

Their biggest enemy is truth. They hate it because a single true sentence can destroy a whole narrative and that's why they are so eager to ban everybody from any public forum.

Symbolically, the opposite of truth and God is Satan. Deliberately using false speech to influence people into harmful acts is what Satan does. If we are talking in Biblical terms, they worship Satan.



1/9/2021, 2:37:11 PM

problem is that american republican politicians label everything the dems do to be communism like your liberal friends say everything is racist. one just carries actual power.



12/3/2020, 10:13:48 AM

That’s wasn’t a comment about their race it was a comment about their religion. Not everything is racist.



11/28/2020, 6:23:34 PM

I think you have a deep misunderstanding of human nature, and probably ascribe racism to a lot of actions that aren’t actually racist. I’ve seen people like that, heavily outspoken about racism, but they say stupid things like if two idiot men get into a fight, if it happens that the guy getting punched is black then it’s a racist action, even if there’s no proof that the intention was racial supremacy. 

That sort of thinking that everything is racist because there’s no way for a black and white person to interact without the white person inherently having the upper hand, (unless you constant jump up and down saying you’re anti-racist or something, or acknowledging some fake privilege) and I think that idea is inherently made of bullshit.



11/14/2020, 5:23:19 PM

Don’t mind that tankie, leasee. He supports Cuties on Netflix and everything is racist to this degenerate.



10/19/2020, 4:54:32 PM

> Lol, my uni actually mandates that we learn critical race theory and its hella left wing, so no this not some demagogue constructed by the right, it is involved in many poeple's lives.

Why does the right use a radical left theory that makes it impossible for ethnic minorities to claim racism?

> Also, right-wingers don't use critical race theory, they criticize its use so your point is moot.

How does anyone on the right know the left is using critical race theory?  I watch 5-10 hrs of FoxNews, CNN and MSNBC week.  I've only heard it referenced on FoxNews.  Are there any videos showing Rev Al Sharpton saying something like according to Critical race theory having 10 toes is racist?  I've seen none...  This is used by those defending racism to say everything is racist.  If everything is racist, nothing is...



10/19/2020, 4:47:01 PM

> The issue is that critical race theory encourages people's sensitivity to racism to be higher as a good thing resulting in things that are (frankly) stupid to be declared "racist".

I don't know that, but let's pretend that is true.

> That's the issue with critical race theory. Everything is racist now. 

You are the second person to tell me this.

>So you're counting "someone pronounced my name wrong" and "i think they moved to the other side of the street when they saw me" and "someone's dog barked at me" and "i didn't get the job, it must be because of racism" and using that to say ignorant things that ignore 150 years of progress.

I understand this to mean, some people may blame racism for perceived insults and possibly coincidental events.

> We're not even talking about the same things we were 10, 20, 30 years ago. 

I understand this to mean what has been identified as racist 10, 20, 30 years ago has changed.

>The word "racist" today means nothing. 1950s racist? Or 2020 racist? Huge difference. And honestly that's a very bad thing.

[Racist- prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.](https://www.google.com/search?q=racist&oq=racist&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i61&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)

Yes, there is a huge difference.  That is very good.  There have been no more black towns wiped out.  The KKK isn't visibly active.  Lynching black people seem to be way down.  Police are still executing black people in the street.  It's a little different now that it's on camera.  

> Some people need a reality check in the worst possible way. Deflection is a heck of a drug.

Asking not to be executed by the police doesn't seem like an unfair ask.

Critical race theory seems to be the theory that identifying racism is racism.  So really Critical race theory is an attempt to make nothing racism because everything is racism.  Can you figure out why the right is trying to normalize racism?



10/19/2020, 2:38:59 PM

The issue is that critical race theory encourages people's sensitivity to racism to be higher as a good thing resulting in things that are (frankly) stupid to be declared "racist".

That's the issue with critical race theory.  *Everything* is racist now.  So you're counting "someone pronounced my name wrong" and "i *think* they moved to the other side of the street when they saw me" and "someone's dog barked at me" and "i didn't get the job, it *must* be because of racism" and using that to say ignorant things that ignore 150 years of progress.

We're not even talking about the same things we were 10, 20, 30 years ago.  The word "racist" today means *nothing.  1950s* racist?  Or *2020* racist?  Huge difference.  And honestly that's a very bad thing.

Some people need a reality check in the worst possible way.  Deflection is a heck of a drug.



9/25/2020, 3:30:20 AM

At the foundation critical race theory sees the world as a powergame between races. To me it looks like critical race theory often makes the claim “the creator is motivated by their race. Therefore, the product is racist and should be removed.” when it is analysing a product. If you make that claim on critical race theory it shows that critical race theory is racist and should be removed.

If the statement is true everything is racist and should be removed.The claim is a non starter. This is an observation based on the use of critical race theory, not theory. I am more concerned about the use of a theory, than the theory itself. Because then assumptions have to be made and something more real is created. I am very concerned about discrimination and critical X theory is a very dangerous tool.



9/16/2020, 11:56:37 PM

It's not facts so much as it is narratives and sweeping generalizations. I have the compassion and reason to accept these things, but it's stuff like "everything is racist" and "everything you do can be seen as an act of white supremacy"



9/14/2020, 4:44:47 PM

Honestly I'm cool with it. The train was dragging everything further and further left. Now we have "cuties" and "men are women" and "everything is racist" - the train engine has snapped off and all the cars are rolling back downhill to the right. Like Obama's second victory destroyed the Republican party and gave us Trump, Trump's second victory will destroy the Democratic party and give us ... well, who knows. Maybe someone electable. We'll see.



9/14/2020, 4:42:44 PM

a guys said that higher infection rates might be due to "black culture" and he was labeled as racist.  these guys say it might be due to genetics, and they label it as racist.  when everything is racist, nothing is



9/5/2020, 2:16:21 PM

You clearly missed the memo that everything is racist.

Check your privilege.



9/5/2020, 1:18:53 PM

When everything is racist, nothing is racist.



7/16/2020, 3:40:21 PM

The whole acting white is bad is another form of enslavement, this being pushed by the DemoKKKrats to keep blacks and minorities down. Everybody wants a good life and life is hard, but to think you will never succeed because everything is racist is just telling them you are unworthy and that is wrong!



7/3/2020, 8:59:00 PM

Yup, the media literally has black people thinking everything is racist. To the point to where many are seeking out opportunities to put someone on blast for racism. As a black man, I won't lie it's hard to tell when racism is happening, and it does happen to me. But I just treat offensive situations objectively, and respond accordingly, regardless of the race of the offendor.



7/3/2020, 7:43:16 PM

By sharing this video you will go against their narrative that everything is racist and black and white. 

IMO the van couple did everything they could to leave and then had to defend themselves. Without the gun it would have escalated into a fight and put the van lady's unborn child at risk. 

It was self defense at that point.



6/23/2020, 10:28:23 PM

Everything is racist nowadays.



6/23/2020, 12:24:51 PM

Everything is racist and everyone is racist. Black, white, brown, yellow, green ...  whatever. I think honestly we'd probably all be able to move past it much quicker if we stopped fighting it and denying it and just said.... "yeah? Well ... maybe.  But that has nothing to do with me trying to solve this problem and I need help to do it.  So.... do you wanna help or do you wanna complain?"



6/18/2020, 12:56:59 PM

So, everything is racist?



6/10/2020, 12:07:22 PM

>In what outcome would being anti-racist be the wrong stance to take?

By accusing people who aren't racist of being racist. They do this a lot, or pretend there is racism where there is not. Why? To have something to fight against. The USA is objectively better and less racist than it's ever been, yet we see more and more anti-racists falsely labeling people as racist. We see narratives such as "all white people are racist/if you don't acknowledge your own racism you are bad/etc." I think what this post is saying is simply that if these people would stop making up racism to fight against, they would have practically nothing to live for. They would feel meaningless and worthless because if they aren't fighting this terrible monster of racism because the fight is nearly won (which it really is, mostly outside of the older generation) then they would just be what? Cashiers, bartenders, the basement monster in their parents home. 

Genuinely, racism seems to give their life purpose. Without racism to fight they have next to nothing. That's why everything is racist these days. Quote a crime statistic to disprove racism? That's racist. Don't automatically jump to the conclusion of racism when a white and black dude have an altercation or something? You are racist. Even in scenarios that we don't have all the info on, the default opinion of these people is ASSUMED racism, always. Every single time. Why? Because they NEED it to be racism. They want it to be racist so they can spend enough time yelling about it until they can find another black/white scenario to assume is racist and yell about it. 

What does this do? Why is this bad? For one, it's stupid. It also paints a picture of some glaring racism that doesn't exist because a vocal minority screams everything is racist. This causes multiple issues. For example, you are white and you see someone of another race do something bad. Calling the police or direct intervening might be personally off the table so you aren't accused of racism by the mob of anti racists. 

There is nothing wrong with anti-racism. Racism is terrible and should be defeated and it mostly has, which is fantastic. For example we don't have systemic racism in America, which is awesome. 

But I hope that answers your question I quoted.



6/5/2020, 5:20:25 PM

Everything is racist.



12/7/2019, 4:47:40 AM




12/3/2019, 8:40:23 PM


__Why is my poop brown?!__




11/27/2019, 7:37:58 AM

“You don’t take the right seriously because everything is racist to them.

That doesn’t make sense any sense.



11/27/2019, 7:18:30 AM

You implied that he was right when he is unequivocally wrong lol. Muh data. 

Theno you don't take the right seriously because everything is racist to them. 

What data would that be

83 results - Generated API URL



5/1/2023, 12:08:37 PM

Everything is racist. Except for giving me money.



4/30/2023, 11:38:31 AM

Everything is racist now, apart from actual racism, such as making unfounded allegations about people based on their skin colour.



4/1/2023, 7:44:39 AM

"Everything is sexist, everything is racist and you have to point it out!" You keep fighting the good fight and let us know how it works out.



2/14/2023, 5:46:34 PM

Yes? When you live in a racist country, everything is racist, so you are free to pick whatever you want. Like, nothing is not racist. Sadly, this means that lazy, upper-middle class college kids can pick whatever too. I have a feeling that this is why "I can't emotionally destroy myself with the labor it would take to disagree with you without proper compensation, so forming a cogent argument is no different than my ancestor's exploited labor." is an easy skip card. Sure, it's a cop out, but it's an effective cop out. In a sense, who would blame them? If you could get a free dead roommate pass without killing your roommate and just claim a 250-year-old dead roommate, why wouldn't you?



2/13/2023, 5:22:15 PM

Isn't that the whole reason light skin developed in the first place? Low vitamin D creating childbirth complications and human migration aren't new concepts. Shitlibs writing articles about how everything is racist is pretty awesome.



1/29/2023, 1:34:34 PM

>I think the worst part isn't being considered. If everyone they don't like is a Nazi, white supremacist, fascist, racist something or another then people will stop care about being called such things understandably. And so if there comes a time where there's an actual large group who gains power who actually reflects those words then no one will care

Bingo. If everything is racist, then nothing is.

Some Vanderbilt professor recently tried to say mathematics us inherently racist. Which is odd because China, India, and the Middle East have all made significant contributions. Not to mention the fact that mathematics would work the same if humans had never existed. There just wouldn't be names for the concepts or applications to solving problems.



1/17/2023, 10:17:47 AM

>The pieties of critical race theory (CRT)

Don't exist, CRT is an umbrella term covering a bunch of different theories and  analyses.  

>we are told is not being taught anywhere, are now authoritative

Where are they authoritative? Backed by what authority? If we are a decade plus into this thing and its shows no signs of abating, and is authoritative, how come donald trump was just president? How come joe 'crime bill' biden is president now?  

>Everything is racist. It’s never the fault of black people.

Absurd strawman in the former, totally unclear on the latter, \*what\* is never the fault of black people?


>And America can never sufficiently abase itself for the “original sin” of slavery.

How has america abased itself thus far? What does it even mean for an entire country to abase itself? Again, the current and last president are both reactionary white mean from wealthy families, how is this squared with a nation abasing itself to atne for slavery



1/17/2023, 9:57:27 AM

\> Nearly a decade into what has been called “The Great Awokening,” fanatical racial wokeness shows little signs of abating. The pieties of critical race theory (CRT), which we are told is not being taught anywhere, are now authoritative. Everything is racist. It’s never the fault of black people. And America can never sufficiently abase itself for the “original sin” of slavery.  

Imagine reading on after this drivel.



1/8/2023, 5:55:45 PM


Everything is racist.  

Even *not* being racist is racist.



11/30/2022, 8:09:45 AM

Everything is racist, dontchaknow.  Just go to google and search ______ is racist and you will get hits for virtually every term you put in.



11/29/2022, 8:55:41 PM

I really feel like our "hyper awareness" to society's plethora of atrocities and mistakes is getting to the point where we are basically just delving into nonsense. Half the articles I see now are other ways in which everything is racist, homophobic, bigoted, ageist, blah blah blah blah. It all sort of feels like when I was a teenager and I needed to justify why I was such a lazy ass, I would reach into my endless bag of excuses that eventually I got into a fantasy land of shit I didn't even believe myself. Very similar to "the iPod is racist" or whatever the fuck it is today. I feel like maybe we should all just take a break from being "aware" and put our heads back in the sand, I think it was better that way. Ignorance is fucking bliss sometimes.

This is not to say that racism, homophobia, and bigotry doesn't exist. It does, and it pisses me off when I see it as it does most I'm sure. But it also pisses me off when people create an entire culture out of making up new ways in which everything is bad and you shouldn't do that or else you're also bad.

This all being said......I don't mind Lizzo's music haha.



10/16/2022, 7:20:02 PM

I hate CRT because you can have left-wing and aware (what was the OG "woke") historians who examine how the poor and the minorities abd the women have acted through history and pay attention to their struggles for equality *without* looking at everuthing through the lens of race. Howard Zinn could say "look at what Columbus did after 1492" or examine changes in race relations in various American states after the war for independence and whatnot without idiotically saying the Declaration of Independence was about white supremacists preserving their right to slaves from British abolitionists. CRT runs afoul of logic and empirics at best, contorts itself into cognitive dissonance at worst. X is racist. Doing the opposite if X is racist. If everything is racist, nothing is.



8/31/2022, 2:14:48 PM

Of fucking course they do. I mean when you think that everything is racist including you and your friends, it stands to reason that you’d think that even this political platform is racist. 

If everything is racist then even the struggle against racism has its roots in racism and perpetuates racism, by these people’s own logic.



8/31/2022, 7:25:52 AM

I like how someone posted the same story about the guy losing his job for antisemitic tweet and the thread was closed for not having sources (which was true) but then this thread, even with a dumb title that insinuate the guy is just a courageous activists defending Palestine, survives. 

The guy is a massive fucking racist, not because idpol is poison and claim everything is racist while it's not, that we cannot have a legit racist getting paid by the government.



6/8/2022, 1:31:25 AM

Uhm... everything is racist, sweaty



6/3/2022, 1:58:35 PM

>wokies have made any discussion about these topics insufferable, and advance pseudo-solutions that only makes matters worse, often intentionally to cause further division.

I absolutely understand. Another concern I have: words like "racism", "sexism", "homophobia" etc. are losing their meaning. Because now everything is racist, everything is sexist, etc. So when you talk about real issues like Islamophobia in Europe for example, which is a real thing (or at least in Italy where I live which is full of Catholics), people either assume you're just a silly woke and don't take you seriously or make ridiculous woke talking points.


>There is a difference between saying "this has nothing to do with race/sexuality" and "racism and homophobiua aren't real grow up lol" in a smug and condescending tone.

I know what you mean but it wasn't the case I was mentioning. I've met here "Marxists" that literally thought racism and homophobia don't exist or **never existed in the past.** Rarely, I admit that. But still... It's a nonsense extreme too in the end, just like wokeness.



4/21/2022, 5:17:50 PM

I've been doing the "Just Say No" strategy on social media. If someone calls me racist or calls out my fragility or whatever, I simply say I don't care, you think everything is racist, I'm not playing your game. If you can come up with a disagreement that doesn't redound to name calling, I'll take your perspective into consideration. But right now, I don't care.

This seems to have had an effect.

But, unless I win the Powerball, I will never be financially secure enough to be able to pull this off in a professional setting.



4/13/2022, 1:18:24 AM

If everything is racist, even teaching yoga while white, then racism doesn’t mean anything.

If all white people are racist, then what’s the harm in being a straight up Neo-Nazi



3/21/2022, 4:04:39 AM

well of course. being biased is the point. 

bias response teams are a tool of cultural marxism, ie critical theory, and the goal is to raise a critical consciousness about race, gender, marginalized identities, etc. Your standard idpol philosophy.

The entire intent of the bias response team, as is required by cultural marxism, is to be an activist - to do things that will lead to criticism and polarization, causing some students to become radicalized, thus expanding the reach of cultural marxism. 

The goal is to get people thinking about race and sex and gender and all the other idpol nonsense all the time in every situation. (as anita sarkeesian said, "everything is sexist, everything is racist, everything is homophobic, and you have to point it all out")



2/1/2022, 11:03:58 AM

"everything is political, everything is racist, everything is sexist, and you have to call it all out"--- a person on the internet in the mid 2010's



12/17/2021, 7:35:40 AM


Also, depending on how woke you are, *everything* is racist and *everyone* to the right of you is a Nazi. We're all Nazis here even though we're unironically Marxist. 

It's such a red herring when they're like "Hey, we just don't want racisms. How can you be against that?" Like, no shit, pretty much every is against actual racism. But the woke conception of what racism is is so broad that everyone is a racist.



11/18/2021, 6:16:49 AM

everything is political

everything is racist

educate yourself



11/11/2021, 1:42:11 PM

> jail-issued tablets

Surprised that's a thing.

There's also a difference between "our society has subconscious legally and socially ingrained racial biases" CRT and "everything is racist and America is an irreparably racist nation"/1619 project CRT. I don't particularly like either but it helps to know what the precise issue is.



11/4/2021, 4:40:02 PM

That’s the lib motte and Bailey for you, everything on the “left” is now that CRT is just teaching balanced history, the good and the bad. But that generally happens in most non red states. Then it becomes racist because if you’re against it you must be racist, even though people of all identities would be opposed to the derived principles being used in education like ever present racism, and whites are always oppressors and every disparity is a result of racism and the like and everything is racist and so on



10/30/2021, 11:04:40 PM

That's merely a special case of Anita's Axiom: "Everything is racist.  Everything is sexist.  Everything is homophobic.  And you've got to point it all out."



10/23/2021, 7:20:11 PM

That Rafiki thing is not only a huge stretch, it's straight up ideological projection. I don't think any normal person would've ever made that kind of stretch or connection that Rafiki, who's literally a monkey, is somehow a racial metaphor...because the actor who plays Rafiki..is black? 

I'm starting to wonder if some of these people are so 'progressive' that they've inadvertently become incredibly reactionary. Everything is racialized and seen through the racialist view, let alone identity politics, and thus, everything is racist, even things that are likely not racist at all.

Maybe it's just the thinly-veiled racism disguised as some sort of liberal saviour complex finally showings it's full form, that nobody else outside of their bubble is a human or person, but some kind of noble-savage that needs saving. 


The sanitation of entertainment and creativity is depressing as fuck, man. This makes me think of a quote by Massimo Vignelli (one of the great 20th century designers, RIP Big Massimo), to paraphrase: "the designers job is to fight visual disease". 

With that in mind, this current need to scrub and sanitize everything of any impurity really does make it feel like the current ideological forces has evolved into some sort of viral pathology that metaphorically and literally infects everything it touches.


**EDIT**: I wasn't even aware that 'monkey' was used as slur too. The more you know, I guess.



10/22/2021, 2:21:08 AM

Do you really think a bunch of retards who think everything is racist doing a bunch of stupid shit is a compelling argument for it actually being racist?

Calling branches in git Master and calling a list of things to deny a blacklist is also considered racist by these people.



10/4/2021, 1:38:19 PM

And let's not forget the "Ibrahim X Kendi School of Everything Is Racist."



10/4/2021, 11:16:43 AM

I never post in this sub because it's a fucking shit hole I don't want to be associated with but Jesus Christ, there are specific historical connotations to the first two links you provided including:

>Black babies were used as alligator bait and it became a derogatory term. The chant was traditionally used at Florida games alongside the Gator Chomp. The chomp was not included in the president’s statement.

It's not that "everything is racist" it's that things mean things. There are people still alive today who have stories in their families being directly related to *why* those terms might be considered offensive.

And this is your big fucking gripe? What a goddamn joke.



10/4/2021, 10:25:30 AM

> Isn't there a racial slur involving a cicada or a cricket of some sort?

[Rocks are racist](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/university-wisconsin-removes-rock-sign-racism-79313853) bro.  ["Gator bait" is racist](https://nypost.com/2020/06/18/university-of-florida-bans-gator-bait-chant-over-racist-imagery/).  They haven't quite come for [Brazil nuts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazil_nut#Common_names) yet, but give it time.

Fucking everything is racist.  I got called racist for using the "call a spade a spade" idiom.  I'd always thought it'd referred to cards, but nope, it's racism.  Because everything is.



6/28/2021, 6:54:23 AM

He’s already gone to far down the rabbit hole, when their brain goes on autopilot spiting off random platitudes.

You should have told him corporate sponsors are racist, because of “systemic racism”, he has to agree because everything is racist to him.



6/24/2021, 6:00:15 AM

This is nothing but two things AT THE SAME TIME:

1- Foreign opposing governments using disruptive movements to claw at the social fabric of western powers

2- Dumb people that manage to aggregate and build a social movement where they claim everything is racist to make up for their own shortcomings. Always late? Racism. Suck at maths? Racism. Cant get into NASA? Patriarchy. Cant get a promotion because of your shit personality? Im gay.



6/16/2021, 3:39:43 PM

One of the weirdest such tests I ever saw was one that purported to measure a testee's ability to match people's facial expressions to the emotion they were supposedly feeling. The thing was, the expressions were all very obviously staged. Like, they hired stock footage models and said "make a perplexed face. make a surprised face. make a furious face." It was all very ersatz and inhuman seeming. There was nothing genuine about their reactions, so how on earth could any serious implications be drawn from how a stranger would have gauged their reactions.

Keep in mind that conveying complex emotions wordlessly is something that even experienced actors struggle with. Asking a random person do it, without them resorting to cartoonish exaggeration, is basically impossible. These emotions weren't just blunt and simple stuff like *happiness* and *terror*, either. How would you convey *confusion* or *disquiet* with just a glance? You really can't, unless you're very talented and have practiced a whole bunch. 

What I'm getting at is, the test was absolute bullshit. 

Of course, any empirical-looking mechanism that strengthens the narrative that everything is racist is gonna be accepted uncritically. The test supposedly demonstrated that white people have difficulties matching the facial expressions of nonwhite people... which might actually be true, but the test design was so badly flawed it shouldn't have gotten out of the conceptual phase.

Your animal comparison is spot on. Bears are cute-looking but very dangerous. And, hell, dogs kill more Americans each year than all other animals combined. How are we defining danger?

These tests aim to combat prejudice but all they actual accomplish is demonizing certain kinds of prejudice while affirming others.



5/26/2021, 4:18:20 PM

A huge oversimplification and my understanding so by all means someone correct me if Im wrong

It would be saying that literally **EVERYTHING** is racist to a degree even if you don't think it is and you should do things to be less of a racist(Because you ARE one).

Again its HUUUUUUUUUGE oversimplification but to give you a bit more of a perspective on just what CRT is, just two weeks ago there was a thread with a guardian article about ["Idaho governor signing bill to ban critical race theory from being taught in schools"](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/may/06/idaho-critical-race-theory)

The contents of the bill were essentially(copying a comment from another user)

>(a) No public institution of higher education, school district, or public school, including a public charter school, shall direct or otherwise compel students to personally affirm, adopt, or adhere to any of the following tenets:

>(i) That any sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, or national origin is inherently superior or inferior;

>(ii) That individuals should be adversely treated on the basis of their sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, or national origin; or

>(iii) That individuals, by virtue of sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, or national origin, are inherently responsible for actions committed in the past by other members of the same sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, or national origin.

So yeah, if the bill makes THOSE^ things illegal to teach which by itself "bans" CRT from being taught, you can imagine just what kind of a thing CRT is



5/23/2021, 11:29:50 AM

Black people are the only people who have ever been enslaved? Also, black people have enslaved other black people, so does that make them racist against themselves? Lmao, imagine being such a woke retard that you’re oblivious to human history and think literally everything is rAcIsT.



5/19/2021, 12:19:10 PM

How about this....everything is racist.



5/12/2021, 3:56:18 AM

[link to my response on this in this thread because it’s exhausting combating this “everything is racist” narrative](https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/nafnli/thought_you_guys_might_enjoy_the_all_the/gxtvyfy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)



5/1/2021, 2:07:11 PM

> Everything is racist, everything is oppressing her, she can't work because of a bunch of made up bullshit...all the hits. 

A national socialist perhaps?



4/25/2021, 11:34:22 PM

Classic confirmation bias. If you begin eight the premise that everything is racist, then you MUST turn the victim into a spotless angel from heaven.



4/18/2021, 8:10:03 PM

That’s why progressivism now hinges heavily on “everything is racist”.



4/17/2021, 3:50:03 PM

Fuck these fucking liberals that think everything is racist. Fuck every single one of them



4/2/2021, 6:18:48 PM

When everything is problematic, everything is racist, sexist etc. It provides a very easy frame work to pump out dumb articles. So for all the click bait, pushing race over class narratives it is also very lazy and low skilled way to make content.

There's also no rigger or logic that needs to be applied. As everything is "racist" they can just say why they think it is. It doesn't need to make sense because the conclusion is already a known truth.



4/1/2021, 4:22:38 PM

I’m asking about the hypocrisy of IdPol people who think everything is racist not complaining about the flippant use of a historical period marred by actual state sponsored racial terrorism.


“Prevent people from receiving food and water in lines” 


On restricting voting hours


The Facts

On Election Day in Georgia, polling places are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and if you are in line by 7 p.m., you are allowed to cast your ballot. Nothing in the new law changes those rules.

However, the law did make some changes to early voting. But experts say the net effect was to expand the opportunities to vote for most Georgians, not limit them.



3/30/2021, 5:42:24 PM

Everything is racist to the Biden administration, and i say this as a black american.

Basically everything is. He refuses to simply give us medicare for all and demanded us to vote for him.



3/28/2021, 8:50:03 PM

>her main shtick was “cultural analysis” by explaining why everything is racist.

Why do you just lie about things you've never seen instead of just staying silent?



3/28/2021, 1:59:11 PM

>Plus I’d never watch low effort Youtube garbage but it seems like her main shtick was “cultural analysis” by explaining why everything is racist. Live by the sword, die by the sword

incorrect, friendo



3/28/2021, 5:30:02 AM

She absolutely deserves it for this alone: 


Plus I’d never watch low effort Youtube garbage but it seems like her main shtick was “cultural analysis” by explaining why everything is racist. Live by the sword, die by the sword



3/11/2021, 8:53:49 PM

Oh my bad for misunderstanding you.

Although I do remember research saying that being accepted by the people you love, passing, and not getting abused does help with trans people not committing suicide.

Although trans people sometimes also suffer from other mental illness that could contribute to the suicide rate. Mostly depression is the cause of that.

I doubt that most parents with trans kids are forcing that on them, and if they are, then they are also predators that need their kids taken away from them. This isn't a game. And it makes it hard to treat actual kids with dysphoria properly because there could be cases of parents forcing that shit onto their kids. Dysphoria doesn't wait until you're an adult to be in the brain. We should have really good experts to be able to carefully treat this properly. Giving the wrong people the wrong treatment with ANY mental issue is going to cause problems, and we need to better specialize doctors to be able to work this properly. Although like I said, we always go through therapy for a loooong time before HRT is even considered.

I don't think people transition to fit in. I'm stealth for a reason. Being openly trans makes me want to cringe up because I do not ever want people to know that I am trans. I'm basically put into another closet in a way. Most trans people are either outcasts, or treated with kiddy gloves, and most people do not want that sort of treatment.

Also as far as I've seen. The average person's view on trans people is less accepting these days. Mostly because trans people online are literally insufferable and make it harder for people to me to be seen as normal and level headed. Although I don't mean this to throw trans people in general under a bus. I'm mostly criticizing "those" types that most people are familiar with. They are a minority, but they're loud as fuck and take over the conversation. This is why everyone is called transphobic when they mostly don't have the proper knowledge to the subject. Even I do not like to associate with the trans community. I do not have much in common with them other than the fact that we suffer from the same illness.

Although.. I can see why they call everything transphobic when we deal with it on a constant basis with people debating on our existence and shit. You start to become a really defensive or even aggressive person when all you know is abuse or hate. You can see this effect with racism and people saying everything is racist. 

I'm happy you friends didn't transition. Again this isn't a game. You don't give adderall to someone who doesn't have ADHD, you don't give SSRIs to people who don't suffer from depression, and you especially do not give hormones to people who aren't transgender or ready to handle transition to begin with. 

There is always research on this stuff. Transgender people commit suicide for mostly the same reasons as most other people. They feel incomplete, they are abused or bullied, their parents disown them, their community rejects them, they are alone, and they eventually internalize that hate towards themselves. You put anyone through that treatment, and their suicide rate WILL go up. It doesn't matter who you are. If you are a target of hate, the government pushes laws to make it harder for you to live, or your quality of life takes a nosedive, your chances for suicide goes up. This applies to everyone.

Although gender dysphoria could be strong enough to cause suicide on its own. Which is why curing it would be a nice thing. I do get called transphobic for wanting to cure a mental illness, but I also get told I hate people with down syndrome or autism when I say we should also cure those mental illnesses.



3/10/2021, 3:04:30 AM

"White people don't like my food? That's racist!"

"White people like my food? That's racist!"

Fine, everything is racist, whatever, I don't care anymore. I'm done playing this game.



3/5/2021, 11:56:41 AM

In the wider world.

There have been threads here in this subreddit about primary schools asserting that *essential* elements of mathematics education "uphold white supremacy." [Here's an example](https://equitablemath.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/11/1_STRIDE1.pdf): page 54 says, "White supremacy culture shows up in math classrooms when... Students are required to “show their work” in only one way."

Before that, there was the whole, "2+2=5" fiasco. I think the intent of that one was different - it wasn't "everything is racist" it was more, "nothing is real, there is no objective reality, there's only what we tell you to believe." [Here's an example](https://archive.is/5LuPE). This is supposedly a math teacher, but he's unwilling to say that there are concrete facts.

What's amazing about the 2+2=5 thing is that it is literally from the book, 1984. The government uses the proposition to break people down mentally, to ensure they're willing to believe anything the party tells them to believe.

[Here's a good rebuttal to it](https://newdiscourses.com/2020/08/2-plus-2-never-equals-5/)



1/31/2021, 4:58:11 AM

> Then they get called racist and alt right? It’s so frustrating I see all these people who are struggling getting called racist

You haven't been desensitized to it enough. Everything is racist, so nothing is racist.



1/25/2021, 1:59:43 PM

I would think the book is more likely to innoculate than indoctrinate, except for those who have already caught the disease.

Personally, I don't think I could handle the whole book of stupid. Her training [hand-outs](https://web.archive.org/web/20200517175611/https://robindiangelo.com/2018site/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Anti-racism-handout-1-page-2016.pdf) are good enough for me:

  * All white people benefit from racism, regardless of intentions; intentions are irrelevant.

  * No one here chose to be socialized into racism (so no one is “bad’). But no one is neutral – to not act against racism is to support racism.

  * Racism must be continually identified, analyzed and challenged; no one is ever done

  * The question is not ”did racism take place”? but rather “how did racism manifest in that situation?”

  * The racial status quo is comfortable for most whites. Therefore, anything that maintains white comfort is suspect.

So: Literally everything is racist. If you're not with us, you're with the terrorists. We need to make white people suffer. We will never succeed - yet if our idiotic plan doesn't work, it's our fault: intentions are irrelevant.

I figure DiAngelo's work is gold for anyone who wants to argue against this garbage. Where else is the program laid out in such clear terms? We should be grateful. I'm not surprised she took that hand-out off-line.



1/6/2021, 3:53:51 AM

Oh hey, you’re at where I am now! Everything is racist or sexist or bigoted so now, it has lost literally all meaning to me. Something could be legitimately racist or sexist or bigoted at this point but when I hear someone say that I think “it’s probably not...”



12/29/2020, 2:28:17 PM

I was thinking about my comment a bit more after I posted it and I realized the only fictional character I've ever "saw myself in" was Jesus Christ when I was very young and went to church a lot so, that just made me more annoyed at the article when I started off on a tangent about how these people are trying so hard to pretend like any of this matters and is actually important. People still talk about Christ thousands of years later, will people still be talking about Disney-Pixar's "Soul" even 2 weeks from now? There is no culture here, there is nothing world-historical about anything occurring in this time and space where culture has died and neo-whatever capitalism has devoured everything, commodified it, and so on. The person who wrote the article is like a bug, with their insides being pumped full of dumb consumerist bullshit to the point where they have forgotten what actual feelings feel like and so forth.   

> However the discourse has changed so that apparently people should only watch/read things with characters similar to themselves 

Yes, my main gripe with cultural appropriation as well. Anti-racism is just as stultifying as racism in its actual effect of just closing everyone off from each other, probably even more pernicious in some ways. How are people supposed to communicate and learn and grow from one another if everything is racist and bad and should be avoided at all cost? Strikes me as having a bit of a puritan element as well, and nobody likes the fucking puritans.



12/25/2020, 7:19:05 PM

> some of the words don't seem to contribute to unconscious racism such as picnic and brown bag.

That's your opinion. But racism is a subjective feeling. "Anti-racism" is even more subjective than a "war on terror"; its more akin to a 'war on fear'.

You are basically saying 'I'd support this except it goes a bit too far', which is missing the point that *it can only ever go too far* - any attempt to completely eradicate racism can only descend further and further into more dubious claims of racism.

There's no black-and-white between racist and non-racist. Everything is 'racist' to some extent if you include 'implicit' racism.



12/15/2020, 8:31:17 PM

sometimes the principal matters, big tech shouldn't get to choose what speech is worthy..now in practice if everyone on voat was to sudden explode wed lose nothing of importance.

It's crazy I'm so use to reading about how everything is racist, sexist and transphobic that voat was a shock because it actually is.

I'm glad it's there because if it closes and they all come back.

I don't need my post on r/cheese first response to be from someone telling me how Jews invented cheese to make the white man fat.



12/8/2020, 6:17:30 AM

Okay, you just proved you are a piece of ignorant shit. Go make videos on TikTok how everything is racist, baizou



11/24/2020, 4:14:58 PM

Not caring about race is racist. MLK was racist. Everything is racist. There, I made a better world. You're welcome.



11/19/2020, 1:18:41 PM

That's it, then: Officially, *everything* is racist.



11/13/2020, 9:32:39 PM

Damn got to awesome be so ahead. 

You already assume than I'm a refugee.

Assume all venezuelan refugees in us come from a privileged background for some reason.

Assume a venezuelan shitty aptitude have enything to do with race.

Men got to be awesome been a usa leftist you can assume everything is racist. And put people in neat little boxes. 

Why talk about the crisis cause by comunism making people walk through the andes trying to escape poverty when you can say. Rich man bad comunism good.



11/12/2020, 7:22:52 PM

One of my dear friends is down that hole. All he talks about is woke shit, white privilege, everything is racist etc. But when he actually meets a black person that's not a postdoc colleague he is the most nervous wreck you've ever seen. Like some dude asks him what time it is, and he's afraid to talk to him because daylight savings is racist or some shit



10/30/2020, 5:58:46 PM

> Everything is racist



10/4/2020, 7:57:02 AM

Then it's an empty statement, signifying nothing.

In context, yes it is an 'everything is racist" bullshit statement.

Which is it?



9/26/2020, 2:58:25 PM

It's only when a republican is in office.  Everything is racist until a democrat is president, then it all goes away



9/20/2020, 11:58:25 PM

'the system'  in systemic racism is just a shorthand way of describing multiple systems that interact and intersect (eww). Society has come a long way and the more egregious racist parts of it have thankfully been dismantled. There are however still areas that haven't made as much progress or it's being rolled back (by white and black identitarians). I don't think anyone reasonable would claim that things haven't improved and that the system hasn't changed

I'm with you on that, programmes that help poor people would obviously help minorities disproportionately. Idpol has been weaponised cynically to prevent this.

Lmao, yes you've recited the argument for why some people say everything is racist, at the end of the day you have to inductively reason out what is and isn't racist, it's incredibly subjective, but it's not like there are other options.



9/6/2020, 3:20:45 PM

A commonplace complaint among racists: 'everything is "racist" now'. Your general complaint had that form. Better to provide a specific example where more nuance would be beneficial, then build a general argument from that.

Another  commonplace is the white man who claims to be against racism, but is unable to support any actual action, any demonstration, any actual policy against racism because of...this or that thing that's wrong with each one. So to avoid that look rather than complaining about the anti racism you dislike, begin with the actions and policies you find agreeable and draw a contrast.



9/2/2020, 2:24:32 AM

How many of them do you suppose were aching to say: "I am a racist, and I don't give a pair of dingo's kidneys if I am, because you people say everyone and everything is racist these days, and there's nothing anyone can do to make you not say that they are. To Hell with this useless, alienating, performative, quasi-religious circlejerk."



8/31/2020, 1:10:16 PM

A new hit song by Woke Records, “Russia caused all our problems by supporting and opposing us!” Buy today and get a free copy of the hit single “Rioters are all Alt Right Plants, and this is why riots are the voice of the oppressed!”

And don’t forget to grab your copy of the remake of the Lego Movie song, “Everything Is Racist!”



8/30/2020, 2:43:10 PM

If everything is racist, nothing is. It's that simple.



8/21/2020, 9:24:30 AM

So what you're saying is.....

"Everything is racist! Everything is hate when you do a thing!i

Everything is racist! The world's a fever dream!"



8/5/2020, 12:22:58 PM

Unfortunately that tactic works on the 'everything is racist' mob. Personally I do hope they find some 'problematic' Marx and Lenin stuff so they stop claiming ownership of Communism and socialism.



7/29/2020, 11:47:05 PM

Ugh, every now and then I think of how almost everything is racist and how for my field of journalism that will increasingly ruin my odds as a white male, unless I play into the game or start freelancing for Fox News. But then I see something like whiteprideradio.com, and realize that maybe there is still a broad necessity to anti-racism after all.



7/26/2020, 11:06:01 AM

If everything is racist, nothing is racist. The last time you forgot to capitalize "Black" is the same as overseeing the Congo Free State



7/26/2020, 10:52:33 AM

Everything is racist nowadays. You sit down, you're racist. You breathe , you're a racist. 



7/24/2020, 5:06:49 PM

> The BMI is not a very precise measure for health but how tf is it racist? 

Because everything is racist when you write for the Huffington Post.   

Or Vox, BuzzFeed, Vice, anything that millennials go to for "Authoritative News"   


These people have no idea what racism even is & are externalizing their own internal prejudices onto the world around them. It's creepy and bizarre.



7/11/2020, 12:57:51 PM

>(To be clear, explicit racism should be outed and confronted and there's nothing wrong with using the word to identify people who promote hate or contempt on the basis of race.)

Yeah there is tho. It's become either  meaningless or co-opted by the "everything is racist" industrial complex, in every context.

If you say something is racist, I immediately think you don't have the intellectual capacity to describe what's really wrong with the situation. Calling out people literally saying KILL ALL WHITES or wearing Klan robes is hardly worth maintaining your exception.



5/13/2020, 8:55:17 AM

so on the left, debate about economic issues is pretty lively. you have socdems to anarchists to tankies. many different opinions of many different shades and they are all tolerated. but on social issues , there is a single hardline stance and anyone who doesn't adopt it is a nazi. 

the irony of this is that the left, who proclaim to be free thinkers, are falling victim to the exact same idpol division that separates the american working class. you have republican voters falling for right wing anti immigrant nationalist idpol, and you have liberals falling for hyper-sjw "fuck white people," everything is racist idpol. it's the same story as on the left.



4/20/2020, 1:34:50 PM

Everything is racist, REEEEEE. Also what is he even talking about with self regard?



1/30/2020, 10:00:59 AM

I wasn't trying to impress, I was stating quite a clear fact that if Bernie (or whoever the nom is) runs on "everything is racist" he will lose.



1/13/2020, 4:41:12 PM

Occupy was torn down by this bullshit, but I don't think the CIA had to do much, if anything. Woketardism has been brewing for a long time and attracts the sort of people who would join something just to make it woke. Kinda by design, because everything is racist, sexist and so on.



11/1/2019, 3:52:26 AM

Everything is racist. Keep up with the times



1/31/2019, 5:04:19 PM

I'm going to answer this by hearkening back to Chomsky on the French intellectuals and all their bullshit. Having read Foucault, Zizek, etc. I always thought it was bullshit but that I was simply too unintelligent to understand it. Then I saw Chomsky say he couldn't get it either; whatever you think of him, the man is bright. If I can't get it, and he can't get it, and I can't find anyone who truly gets it (everyone THINKS they do, but have you ever seen people debate the meaning of the texts? They never agree), then it really seems like obfuscatory bullshit.


What texts are used to back a lot of this stuff up? Post-modern texts, which all have their roots in the French school. If no one can pin down the exact meaning, there's infinite room for argument, debate, and false justification. Hence everything is racist, everything is a micro-aggression, etc. There's no way to appease them because you're debating on a foundation of sand. You can't win.



12/3/2018, 3:18:29 PM

This artist does typify a certain type of "progressive" discourse which consists of inventing reasons why everything is racist.

Also, the Guardian endorsed Corbyn, so it's weird to describe it as "centrist". I don't endorse everything it puts out, but it's left-wing by the dismal standards of the UK press.



4/14/2023, 9:44:57 AM

Everything,  is racist.  Cept hating white people.



3/26/2023, 9:04:57 PM

"When everything is racist, then nothing is racist"

Black guy taps head meme...



3/19/2023, 10:31:06 PM

Great. Keep it up. When everything is racist, nothing is & the more they accuse people of it, the less it matters to them. They'll start to embrace it.



3/19/2023, 1:31:08 PM

It’s ridiculous at this point. Everything is racist. Everyone is “offended.” The life we once knew is unrecognizable today. Our 1A right is now gone. If you say something that someone doesn’t like, they go after your job and way of life. People are absolutely pathetic.



3/19/2023, 1:22:27 PM

Of course it’s racist, EVERYTHING IS RACIST. Nothing new, just stupid people saying stupid things.



3/19/2023, 12:05:51 PM

This is riding right on the edge of Poe's Law, but honestly I think this article and maybe the entire website is a deep satire. There are a couple things that give me that feeling, like the fact that they claim to realize that "people don't want to be preached to all the time", yet every single one of their articles is preachy as fuck. The articles I've read, including this one, don't read quite like other Leftist drivel I've read that I know is sincere, in a way that I can't quite put my finger on. But it's the comments are what really prove it to me. They claim that they've disabled comments and are only posting ones sent to their email, yet the comments sections of every article are filled with people utterly ripping on the article and its authors, with almost no one there actually defending it. That tells me that they're not moderating the comments on their own website the way I'd expect thin-skinned, "everything is racist" types to moderate, and the site doesn't have a following of people who actually believe the stuff they're reading. I don't know what the purpose of it is, it looks to me maybe like Left-wing satire to "punk" Right-wingers who believe that it's sincere, but it just doesn't come off as genuine to me.



3/15/2023, 7:50:58 AM

When you think that everything is racist to justify your own racism.



3/11/2023, 11:38:27 AM

If everything is racist, then nothing is racist. The Dems are out here making sure of it.



2/14/2023, 10:46:40 AM

Everything is racist. Or at least 90% is racist, sexist, or homophobic.

Google "Is _____ racist?" (Fill in the blank)

I get 9 out of 10 positive results.



1/30/2023, 2:10:03 PM

This is also why they keep changing the words they use. They find something people don't like being accused of, milk it for all it's worth, and then move on to something else. It really is just all linguistic tricks and rhetorical fuckery but now that more people are getting wise to it that's just not working in general.

The best definition I've ever heard of critical race theory came from James Lindsay. He said "it's just calling things you want to control racist until you control them." It's telling that they harp on historical oppression and structural racism so hard. The first will never go away as you can't change the past. The second is a nebulous concept they never actually concretely define but is also so insidious it just goes into hiding when you properly deal with it so you can *never* stop. It literally is just "everything is racist and will be forever so let us be in charge of everything forever."



11/27/2022, 7:46:04 PM

Fuck apparently everything is racist lmao



11/26/2022, 9:50:26 AM

Lying to minorities, telling them everything is racist, is detrimental to their well-being? Yeah, I'll buy. Just like oppression is telling minorities that they're victims instead of teaching them how to get ahead in life.



11/11/2022, 11:04:45 AM

This is so old.

It has lost all meaning.

Everything is racist.

Got it.



10/27/2022, 4:51:40 AM

Ugh. Everything is racist now. I was reading a review of the ending episode of the watcher. Someone thought a black woman had lived in the house previously, the neighbor corrected him  and said there had never been a black woman living in that house. The author of the article then had to mention how racist that was. No. It was a statement saying that a black woman had never lived there. A fact. No negative way of saying it. No use of slurs. The dang neighbor said there had never been a black woman living there. This is the world we live in today. I hate it



10/23/2022, 6:02:42 PM

Following the Anita Sarkeesian theorem of “everything is racist” as blindly as a blind mouse, I see…

But wait! Wouldn’t that mean that blindness is racist? Oh, the unspeakable horror!! /s



10/23/2022, 10:49:52 AM

It’s like the Lego Movie song:  “Everything is [racist] when you’re part of a team!!” 



10/22/2022, 4:26:16 PM

When you’re a racist everything is racist



9/27/2022, 9:16:43 AM

When everything is racist....nothing is.



9/9/2022, 7:01:28 AM

It’s like the people who are completely obsessed with race and see everything through the lens of race, and thus, think everything is racist.



8/31/2022, 7:38:34 AM

I believe the joke is that everything is racist now.



8/4/2022, 10:33:39 AM

Everything is racist if you're white, got it.

This is why I frequently say "can't be racist if you hate everyone equally".



7/22/2022, 4:25:40 PM

Everything is racist! 

And with everything racist, than nothing is.



7/19/2022, 4:15:01 PM

To a liberal, everything is racist or something



7/15/2022, 6:44:01 PM

According to liberals, everything is RaCisT if it helps promote an agenda.



7/15/2022, 12:41:56 AM

Just google “racist [noun]” and you can see everything is racist.  For example, I just googled racist trees, and it turns out that redlining means minorities have fewer trees in their neighborhoods and apparently can’t plant them or something, so if your neighborhood has fewer trees than you want it is because you are a victim of systemic racism.  People make entire careers out of thinking up this stupid garbage



6/21/2022, 4:58:19 PM

That's because in the US the idiotic left associate "nationalism" with "racism" because they think absolutely everything is racist.



6/18/2022, 4:06:20 PM

“Rayciss rayciss RAYCISS!!!!!”

Everything is “racist this” and “racist that” to you people.  You have no idea how ludicrous it sounds nor how much it undercuts whatever argument you’re trying to make.



6/15/2022, 7:16:41 AM

Hate to break it to you, OP. But literally everything is Racist™.



6/14/2022, 12:15:57 PM

If everything is racist… Nothing is racist.



6/6/2022, 11:38:46 AM

Of course he’s racist, everything is racist! /s



5/3/2022, 5:06:12 PM

Well, it shouldn't. everything is racist, bigoted, phobic, and destroying democracy. That way you don't have to try and decide what new lunacy the left will be melting down over.



4/5/2022, 9:47:15 AM

Thats literally what they teach--"Everything is racist, you just have to point it out; and failing to point it out makes you complicit in the institutional racism"

\-Its basically a cult at this point.



3/27/2022, 8:20:38 PM

Is there solid evidence for this though? Or is it more of a “we assume there’s racisms because everything is racist” deal?



3/23/2022, 9:51:47 PM

Everything is racist, even "looks" The Left should reduce the english language to "you are a racist" 

I got called a racist because I said maybe teaching 5 y/os about sex is more like grooming than education. Still trying to figure out how that makes me RACIST!



2/26/2022, 2:20:45 PM

Russian invasion is racist. Everything is racist.



2/19/2022, 4:35:14 AM

Everything is racist.



2/18/2022, 6:13:42 PM

When everything is racist nothing will be, you can only cry wolf up until people of all races (myself included) get over it. Unless they’re a professional victim like most on the left. They’re paychecks are built on racism and without they’d be broke (Eric Dyson or Al Sharpton or Don Lemonhead). Them and the people to lazy to be anything other then a freeloader in life



2/17/2022, 10:57:18 AM

The battle isn’t with this man. It’s with big tech, Hollywood, and our educational institutions that ruined this mans mind. They’ve turned what could have been a great person into a raging ball of emotion that thinks everything is racist.



2/13/2022, 9:00:23 AM

This is racist. Everything is racist. Just ask the terrorist outfit BLM.



2/9/2022, 11:30:28 PM

Liberals think everything is racist when they are in fact racist themselves... Wild I know



2/6/2022, 4:05:03 AM

The algos have this man by the balls. Poor guy thinks everything is racist now.



2/5/2022, 3:42:17 PM

Man this everything is racist thing really breaks some peoples brains doesn't it?



2/3/2022, 9:50:42 AM

Well, once upon a time(before everything was racist), you could point at someone and declare them a racist, and they would fall all over themselves and literally do/agree to anything to not be labeled that.

Fast forward to today, and it’s literally the boy who cried wolf….non-stop.  They just can’t understand why it’s not working like it used to.  It’s the same reason they hated Trump, he wouldn’t kowtow to them, and hit back, and that drove them mad with rage.

When everything is racist, nothing is racist.



1/29/2022, 12:49:46 PM

Yes. But to generalize, any movement that narrows the allowed viewpoints too sharply can fall victim to this. I'd say for the left cancel crowd the group think is much stronger than with the other groups at the other end of the spectrum. Their hate is mainstream while things like (right-wing) racism is simply not that common.

I think it all started with the skinhead boogeyman thing and they had to push it further and further for it to stay effective. And now everything has become so ridiculous that everything is racist and that all structures of power in society need to be attacked and dismantled in a perpetual class war. This whole thing feels like a bolshevik takeover in slow motion.



1/28/2022, 7:42:36 PM

lit: "everything is racist'



1/25/2022, 12:10:58 AM

I'm so over it. Everything is racist, all white people especially are racist and white supremacists, and systemic racism, the bridges were built on racism.

God. It's so old. I wish I was ignorant to how prevalent this bullshit is in a time when POC have more freedom and opportunities than ever before, but still act like it's 1820. Yet you can have zero talent and come up with a shitty ass rap song and make millions of dollars. Be a boxer and make $100 million dollars in one fight. Yeah, so fucking oppressed.



1/17/2022, 10:46:36 AM

You would think that since everything is RaCiSt, the left would care to not segregate and discriminate but they dont care, they want to pretend to care on some regards and push through with an agenda on others



1/16/2022, 4:48:33 PM

There is no point to talk with them, in their mind everything is racist and phobic.



1/14/2022, 12:37:00 PM

This. It started as "everything is sexist." Then "everything is racist." Then a year or two of "everything is -phobic" for good measure. Recently it's become everything is fascism.

They ran down sexism to the point that every subreddit now uses Mysoginy instead. 

They ran down racism so much they now have to add modifiers "systemic racism", "corporate racism" etc.

Now they are running out with Fascism but they've escalated so far there's nothing really bigger than nazi and fascist so they are scrambling.



1/12/2022, 10:38:42 PM

Ask the left to define what is racist and they'll go on for hours since everything is RaCiSt



1/12/2022, 10:15:09 AM

Gotta love liberal logic, everything is RaCiSt apart from clear discrimination and segregation



1/9/2022, 6:17:32 PM

When you built your political party around being so OfFeNdEd and thinking everything is RaCiSt this is what happens, only the left takes themselves seriously... everyone else thinks their jokes



12/27/2021, 3:53:45 PM

that wasn’t “true” socialism or “true “ communism allows them to win each argument, much like everything is racist if it doesn’t agree with leftism!



12/27/2021, 10:28:14 AM

Well I just wanted to make sure everyone knew j was being sarcastic cause some people out there really really believe everything is racist.



12/27/2021, 6:57:55 AM

Everything is racist. Let’s go, Brandon!



12/27/2021, 6:44:28 AM

Duhh. Everything is racist. /s



12/19/2021, 3:41:29 AM

Everything is racist because Dems control the media and claim to have a cure for racism, but in reality, racism thrives because Dems keep promoting skin color as the single most important part of anyone's identity.



12/14/2021, 4:40:39 PM

Well everything is racist especially math!

Is math education racist? Debate rages over changes to how US teaches the subject




11/21/2021, 12:06:38 PM

Bend the knee and accept the god of wokeism as your lord and savior (I am racist and there is nothing I can do about it). Repeat the same prayers over and over (everything is racist). The only salvation is death.



11/20/2021, 5:43:30 PM

Colin Kaepernick thinks everything is racist the way Anthony Fauci thinks humans have any control over a respiratory disease. Is anyone even listening to them anymore? They're both fucking jokes.



11/20/2021, 2:21:26 PM

Everything is racist



11/17/2021, 7:03:46 AM

Have you not picked up on it yet? EVERYTHING is racist.



11/17/2021, 5:12:15 AM

That's not at all what I suggested.  What I said was racist is the new word of the day and is thrown around any time someone doesn't like something.  Yes it exists.  However people screaming racism any time they hear someone they don't agree with is taking away from the meaning of the word I am and have been aware of racism.  I actually think the trend of saying everything is racist is causing people to disregard the fact it has been a thing forever.



11/16/2021, 9:54:46 PM

When everything is racist then nothing is anymore. It loses all its power



11/12/2021, 8:57:36 AM

Everything is racist and elitist to these people. Except when they’re doing it.



11/11/2021, 3:03:34 PM

Who would've guessed that staying in your echo chamber where you are told everything is racist isn't reality? I have no words for this type of stupidity



11/10/2021, 4:12:53 PM

No, it's not. It was 4chan making up some dumb shit for idiots to latch onto because "everything is racist."

You've taken it, hook, line, and sinker.



11/10/2021, 3:24:52 PM

“Everything is racist!” 

It’s getting out of hand and people are taking notice. Good luck in the midterms Dems.



11/8/2021, 12:18:09 PM

Unless you classify misogyny AS a mental illness which I believe is the classical use of the word.  But as it is used in today's popular restyling of language... no I don't think women can be misogynist.   If everything is racist than nothing is racist.  If everything is misogyny then nothing is misogyny.   Misogyny is the hatred of women.  If you want to define every person or every event that does not portray a woman in a luminescent glorious light from above as misogynist then you have rendered the word as meaningless.



11/5/2021, 12:40:34 PM

You have a home, and it’s with rational people. Republicans have their problem but the republicans are the centrists right now, they’re further left then they ever have been despite the propaganda that everything is racist, homophobic alt right extremism. 

I’m not religious, but my family is. Homosexuality is a “sin”, but we all live in sin every single day. It’s no worse or frowned upon the. Heterosexual pre marital sex, or shit, HOMOSEXUAL pre marital sex. No. One. Ducking. Cares!!! It’s all bullshit. 

Republicans today want to be left alone, we’re not anti vax, we’re not anti science, we agree with you, transgender isn’t real, but we also DO NOT CARE. You do you, I’ll call you whatever you want, but don’t try to teach my kids that it’s normal and they should explore it. Let me teach my kids to respect others, it’s not your job in school, you teach my kids math and REAL science, and REAL history. Etc etc. 

You are loved as a human being, don’t let the crazies on the left fool you or neg you. We can disagree on anything and everything and STILL be cool in my book, it’s the left that says “agree with me or else you’re a nazi, homophobe, etc etc”. 

Keep your head up, and welcome to the group. I truly believe we are the majority, social media / Reddit is just real loud with lefties that live their life on the internet instead of reality.



11/4/2021, 2:39:22 PM

The majority race is more likely to take office...its that simple

Not everything is racist



10/30/2021, 6:19:01 AM

Yep. Everything is racist and oddly it’s the whites doing the complaining.



10/28/2021, 11:55:31 PM

*"Everything is racist!*

*Everything is racist when you're part of D Team!*

*Everything is racist.*

*Don't test us, we'll scream!"*



10/11/2021, 4:54:33 PM

When everything is racist, nothing is racist.  They haven't learned



10/11/2021, 3:15:30 PM

Everything is racist according to NPCs. Woooooow are you kidding me???



10/11/2021, 1:28:58 PM

Everything is racist if it doesn’t follow the script.  If they can’t make racism work, they fall back on misogynist.



9/21/2021, 5:17:20 PM

Everything is racist now.  You know those honeys were not vaxxed. Rather than admitting they are worthless lying pos... it's Ray Cist time!



9/16/2021, 3:43:31 PM

I think everything is racist and bigoted now unless your a leftist. Then your racist bigotry is the good kind bc you’re a better person.



9/12/2021, 10:21:15 PM

Racist, sure. But on survivor, when all the blokes vote off the women it's strategic. Yes it can be seen as racist, but is it not just another way for them to stick together and excel in the game? It's just one group of people sticking by eachother. The next step WOULD be to vote out the women, will they be deemed sexist then? Then it would come down to another segregation between the men; battle of the fittest. 

Not everything is racist though, even when the media labels it so.



9/6/2021, 10:44:29 PM

"Everything is racist; everything is sexist; everything is homophobic, and you have to point it all out."

That old quote has never felt more true.



9/5/2021, 2:42:25 PM

Racist, everything is racist.



8/8/2021, 4:29:24 AM

Saying black face is racist because everything is racist.



7/29/2021, 9:12:21 AM

Everything is “racist” now. I literally sat and looked up if a bunch of random words were racist. Things like “are sandwiches racist” and “Is the ocean racist” and every single one had some stupid article about it. Give it a try. It’s funny but sick.



7/16/2021, 11:19:50 AM

When everything is racist nothing is racist.



7/16/2021, 8:59:31 AM

Fucking hell. Everything is racist to these people. Fucking food and wine had an article titled, "The difference between yams and sweet potatoes is structural racism."



7/14/2021, 12:20:00 AM

Everything is racist!



7/12/2021, 10:38:34 AM

Of course it is,, everything is racist now.



7/8/2021, 10:20:14 AM

I'll explain it to you, but I doubt you're even willing: 

Critical Theory is not Critical Race Theory, or Critical Pedagogy. It's Marx's last command to the Frankfurt school. 

In order to prepare a society for a socialist revolution, you have to attack culture. History must become hated, The institutions of the government must become hated, the nation, the culture, the language, must be hated. There must be a perpetrator class. 

Critical theory is just that. The 1619 Project is the critical Marxist revision of history, because marxists need you to hate the founding fathers, need you to believe this is an evil nation, need you to believe that it exists for the reasons of white supremacy, which is all patently bullshit.

Institutional Racism is a marxist criticism (made unironically by people like Patricia Cullors, a woman who described herself as a 'trained marxist') This attacks the institutions of the government, giving the singular command to 'tear down the system' Never you mind that none of these institutions have had the ability to successfully 'be racist' since 1957 when Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the landmark Civil Rights act in to power, modified later in 1964 by Lyndon B. Johnson. Though, Democrats in the south were the individuals perpetrating these evils to start with, and were the literal writers and creators of both the KKK and Jim Crow laws to start with. Now they are marxists who want to burn the entire system down, because they were defeated by Republicans in 1865. 

PC culture is an attempt by Critical Marxists to redefine terms, that cast people who typically fail to apply personal responsibility to life, it casts them as victims, instead of people who have responsibility. Homeless and Bum, Vagrant? -> Housing challenged. No he's a fucking bum, that buys crack, he's not a victim, but that's the subtle control of language. Baby? -> Fetus. You can easily kill someone or something when you deny them their humanity. This is why they call babies in the womb 'clumps of cells'. It's not about women's rights, not at all, it's directly about attacking the established culture (Christian, Classical Liberalism (John Locke)), because they intend to change the culture, by encouraging people to HATE the culture as it is established and exists. This is the key understanding. This is why the left fights against the right.

If everything is racist, if everything is misogynistic, if everything is bad, and white supremacist everything, despite liberal democrats being in charge of nearly every government agency, the current federal government, and almost every major population center, then who is responsible for these claims and criticism?

If everything is racist, if everything is misogynistic, if everything is bad, and white supremacist everything, who would want to keep that system? That is the goal of cultural marxism. 

Keep your insults to yourself. I know that I am casting pearls before swine.



7/8/2021, 12:10:25 AM

Use logic, not feelings.

It’s not about you, it’s about Marxism. They signaled support for others by trashing the establishment, this is the goal of critical theory.

Erosion of culture, condemnation, by way of criticism. This is why everything is racist, sexist, white supremacist, colonial, etc.

You’re being controlled by erosion of culture. The fucking underwear doesn’t matter. That’s the distraction. We’re arguing about the what, i stead of the why. Look at the drivel being taught by the 1619 project. This is the goal. To change culture, you attack popular cultural establishments, government establishments, historical establishments, even the establishment of language. They use pc to redefine bad to good. 

Critical theory is targeted at every sector of culture. Marx demanded this of the Frankfurt School, who developed it in the 1800s.

Don’t fall for the what. Almost everyone here is falling for the what, instead of the why. I implore you, rise above it and recognize your true enemies.



7/6/2021, 1:22:16 PM

When you can make an argument that everything is racist, it negates the conversation. This is stupid.



7/2/2021, 5:10:29 PM

Everything is racist.  Even if a law, institution, etc. is not racist on its face, it still causes "systemic racism" which is racism that you can't overtly observe but that we're just supposed to take in faith as being an actual thing.  All white people are racist and can't help being racist.  Oh, and challenging any of these tenets is racist.



6/30/2021, 10:45:12 PM

People used to be lynched for being black. For these virtue signaling punks to claim everything is racist these days really devalues the racial injustices they actually went through and overcame.



6/26/2021, 10:51:09 PM

Leftists think everything is racist



6/23/2021, 12:29:56 AM

>Where’s the “not racist” part of the pyramid? Or is it omitted because everything is racist?

I think you might be on to something.

Oh. Wait. No...

Everything and everybody is racist. - US Dept. of Education



6/22/2021, 8:56:35 PM

Where’s the “not racist” part of the pyramid? Or is it omitted because everything is racist?



5/26/2021, 11:51:10 PM

Can someone explain to me this whole Marxism meme that has come about recently on the right? Within the past 6 months or so it’s suddenly everywhere. I only know Marx in the context of communism but what does it have to do with white supremacy? I feel like it’s become the right’s equivalent of “everything is racist” lol but glad to learn how it applies to CRT for example. 

It came up on my YouTube feed the other day something something “Marxist NBA players demand x...” and maybe they represent the philosophy (?) but I guarantee Draymond Green doesn’t know who tf Karl Marx is



4/28/2021, 10:46:48 AM

 "everything is racist" 



4/24/2021, 12:12:57 PM

Keep letting the name things, it will end racism, because when everything is racist, nothing is



4/18/2021, 3:54:26 PM

The worst is the “underprivileged” black people in college due to rich parents, lower grade thresholds, or countless programs and scholarships to the point they don’t even need a job to pay rent or anything. 

These “underprivileged” black people then decide that everything is racist and white people owe them for their “difficult” life, meanwhile I had to work almost 40 hours a week without breaks and a full school load just to afford living and eating and I’m still in debt even though I always pay extra on loan payments.



4/17/2021, 9:27:50 AM

It's hardly racist to say where the virus originated.

The Spanish Flu, West Nile Virus,  Zika Fever, German Measles are all named after they were fired discovered or where the epicenter. 

I guess everything is racist.



4/28/2023, 1:11:12 PM

"Everything is racist"



4/2/2023, 1:15:00 AM

if tim actually sues bandcamp he's dumber than i thought.  also love the irony of this sub's header doing the "everything is racist" meme and then tim out of absolutely nowhere claims bandcamp banned him cause he's mixed raced



4/1/2023, 5:16:32 PM

Everything is racist to the left.



3/16/2023, 7:44:18 PM

Everything is racist to racists.



3/16/2023, 2:00:19 PM

Okay, the first one hurts PoC the most, starting with the tribe that made the deal, and moving outward to the black/Hispanic poor in the country that have to contend with higher energy costs.

The second is a fight that was over before I was born, never indicated actual racism, was categorically condemned by Trump, and is only still relevant because people have to dig all the way back to 1973 to pretend Trump is the racist the Woke lie to us about.

The third isn't an issue of racism unless you believe the often debunked statistics used by the Woke to tell a lie that black people are being slaughtered in this country. 

As to what I was saying, I'll say it simpler.

The Woke agenda wants people angry and fighting each other so they can gain power. They want to instill a racist social order where all we judge people is the color of their skin. But they don't believe in science or any objective reality, so the only way to fight racism is to destroy everything. Every law. Every norm. Every institution. Every business. Everything. Burn it down and don't stop burning until they can build their Woke utopia where.... utopia. They are the rich they claim they want you to fight. And all they want is more power and to destroy everything that stands in their way, which is everything because everything is racist.



3/3/2023, 8:44:21 AM

Well they were forced at gunpoint by the military to go to school with these people

That forces them to constantly be on edge and watch everything they do or say to avoid triggering any bIack fragility and winding up sucker-punched or worse. They learn to just smile and nod and play nice with these people for survival.

But then when report cards and diplomas show up there’s an awkward trend in who is passing and who isn’t..

So the fragile bIacks declare school to be racist, teachers to be racist, and the books is racist, and dem other students is raycis n sheeeit to

and what are the white students supposed to say? “Nah, dude. You’re just not smart enough”? Good luck not getting jumped by three animals in the bathroom and/or accused of a hate crime 

No, all they can do is smile and nod and say “Oh. Yah. It’s *totally* racist. Yah. That’s it. Everything is racist. You nailed it. Now please put the gun down”

And after a few generations of this the children mimic what they see happening with the kids older than them and they learn to believe the lies. 

They also learn that they can get easier classes if they join the tantwums about wacism

Aaaand then it sure seems like the long term goal here is resegregation so maybe they’ve just been patiently looking for an escape route for half a century



2/2/2023, 2:19:27 PM

Because some people think everything is racist.



1/17/2023, 9:44:27 PM

If everything is racist, nothing is racist.



1/17/2023, 3:11:09 PM

On the plus side, we may be reaching the point where everything is racist. Really a glass half full/half empty kind of situation..



1/17/2023, 3:01:04 PM

So according to that Twitter oxygen thief, everything is racist. Three questions how the actual fuck are dogs racist, how the fuck is abolishing slavery racist and how does she not see how she's basically done a damned if you do damned if you don't in some of those examples? I'm so glad I don't have Twitter.



10/28/2022, 9:54:43 PM

I know, everyone and everything is racist. 

Do you have anything else to say? Have young libs figured out that running around screaming about “isms” is just dull and cringe at this point?



10/17/2022, 3:48:18 PM

Someone quoted Anita Sarkesian (not sure on the spelling of her last name) about everything is racist and you have to point it out.


Got downvoted for quoting someone the sub loved.



10/17/2022, 10:54:54 AM

Everything is racist. That’s all they have



9/23/2022, 1:14:07 AM

Of course not, but not everything is racist, and stereotypes exist because of observation of different cultures. It isn't inherently racist.



9/20/2022, 12:24:48 PM

Are they? Or are they making fun of something you can't handle?I understand that demon rats see everything through skin color and everything is racist but maybe ,just maybe, your wrong...



9/17/2022, 1:04:29 PM

If you are woke you automatically believe everything is racist or fascist if it doesn’t go along with your clown narrative. If a bunch of people are beating up one person, those people should all be punished. I wasn’t even saying that though. I clearly was trying to figure out what they all had in common. You are a woke racist.



8/28/2022, 4:46:41 PM

> epublicans are actually trying to distance themselves from the new abortion ruling due to its extreme unpopularity.

but they're not.

The corporate media is just trying to create that illusion, so that people fall in line and are scared to speak out.

Its the same reason the leftists claim everything is racist. They want to make people scared to voice support for their own positions.

That's why leftists claim its "anti-gay" and "anti-lgbt" when we complain about pedophiles exposing children to sexualized adult events. They're trying to normalize the evil thing, and using the guise of "anti-bigotry" to silence the complaints.


Wallstreetbets  was bankrupting a rich white hedgefund who was bankrupting thousands of people's jobs. They claimed Wallstreetbets was racists and shut down their discord and broke their subreddit. 


NIH admits it was conducting gain-of-function research on bat coronavirus in the Wuhan lab. This is admitted fact.

But you're a racist if you suggest COVID came from there.

The official non-racist narrative is that it came from across the street where poor Chinese were eating raw bat meat soup in a wet market.

Its "racist" to suggest it came from a US-funded biolab. 


You're just being manipulated.



8/27/2022, 9:39:46 AM

If everything is racist, nothing is racist.



8/26/2022, 10:51:11 PM

Well when everything is racist, yes, frolicking in the rain is racist.



8/12/2022, 11:58:42 AM

When everything is racist, nothing will be



8/11/2022, 9:40:35 PM

Every time I think the “everything is racist” thing can’t get dumber…



7/26/2022, 12:02:07 PM

Everything is racist to those people. They make every single thing related to race and try to guilt white people 24-7. It is mentally exhausting, really.



5/14/2022, 3:36:10 AM

Thats critical race theory in a nutshell... everything is racist you just need to find it. If you can't find it then you're racist for covering up racism.



4/30/2022, 5:16:42 PM

It seems you're pretty well read on this subject! I wish I had the time and discipline to read more but my hobbies are too broad and shallow. I remember watching Sheldon Solomon on Lex Fridman and I think it was the first time I heard a more balanced take on Karl Marx. I need to rewatch it actually because I don't remember what all he said but it was one of those moments where I realized I didn't know as much as I thought, like my *idea* of what it was was maybe pretty off. Maybe Tim needs to have more philosophy oriented people on who can clear up these misunderstandings. But his show seems too fast paced and everyone arguing to get another redundant take in for that. Sometimes I think the tribes take a word or "boogeyman" and run with it without looking back. It borders on hyperbolic. Everything is "racist" or "communist" or "fascist" or whatever and nobody even knows what they mean anymore. 

    I'm not a huge fan of Seamus either. I'm sure he's a great person but doesn't bring much nuance to the discussion and has a self-righteous vibe about him. And he treats Ian like crap too, and purposefully misunderstands and dismisses Ian just because he's low on the totem pole. I cant stand the blatant disrespect. I would be embarrassed for the world to see me treat my friend like that. Tim seems in denial that his show is lacking here. I wish he'd take this kind of feedback to heart. But thankfully there's lots of other content that can give a more balanced picture that's why I try to watch a little of everything.



4/3/2022, 6:43:15 PM

It often leads to personal attacks because someone has no coherent or sensible argument. I personally have retaliated for personal attacks but I am always a facts first, solutions oriented person. The left deflects and changes the arguments so much, you are unable to have an intelligent conversation. Common sense is just about non-existent and that makes any conversation unproductive. 

You can tell when people are being genuine or trolling and gaslighting at which point I screw with them, if I have time to babble on about stupid shit. I can tell you, with all the separations being done today with political ideaology, race, gender, religious, medical (vax vs nonvax- mask vs no masks) and anywhere else they want to create a divide, like Ukraine vs Russia. Why does one need to back either when I feel they are both shit? The "news" forces the issue every damn day. 

Honestly, it has become a lack of respect and continuous labelling that stops people from having productive conversations. The left expects you to believe everything is racist. What a fucking joke. Teaching pre-k children about racism will stoke racism in them as they grow. Yet here we are having to fight against CRT in our military and private sector jobs. People using facts are consistently being labelled tin foil conspiracy theorists when all we keep seeing is those same "conspiracies" becoming truth over and over. At what point can I smack the shit out of someone, Will Smith style, for using a fucking label. Really, I dont condone violence but a good slap upside the head as a corrective measure cant be worse than this runaway train that says they are the "woke."



3/24/2022, 1:46:25 PM

Everything is racist if you remove your brain...



1/5/2022, 12:48:37 PM

It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. You tell minorities they can’t succeed because everything is racist, and many won’t try, or when they fail they blame it on racism and give up. Then minorities don’t succeed and you blame it on racism. Justifying it to people and continuing the cycle. 

It’s just like with deaths by police. You tell them if they don’t resist arrest they’ll be killed, so they resist arrest. As a result sometimes people die in the struggle, and you use that to justify your statement. 

As long as they keep minorities down, they can pretend to be supporting them when if fact they’re just using them.



12/7/2021, 10:45:05 AM

the ADL is a grifting organization led by anti-semites. They're literally just branding everything anti-semitic so that they can make more money. They're trolling you. The founders are literally racists

the ADL says pepe is also racist. And the okay hand gesture too. Everything is racist over at the ADL. Thats how they make money.



11/1/2021, 5:51:35 PM

It ain't fucking complicated. You're trying to whitewash the actions of a white supremacist society, which is deceitful. I'm not trying to pull the turbo-lib "everything-is-racist" card here, but the Civil War was about race and slavery, point blank. The history of the United States from 1776 to 1865 was centered 1000% around the legal and social idea of race. 

>If you look it up there’s many places you can find the information 

Do you mean like the United Daughters of the Confederacy disagree with me? Well of course they do. This whole idea of the Civil War being "not just about slavery" is literally a manufactured conspiracy called the [Lost Cause](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Cause_of_the_Confederacy?wprov=sfla1). They published lots of books about US history that all whitewashed slavery completely. If you went to school in the south like I did, you probably read from some of these books at some point. It's literally the conservative argument against CRT, except it's real and started in the 1920s and is well-documented, and it's about convincing students that history was colorblind, which is pretty obviously nonsensical.

If you really want to know what the Civil war was about, ask the guys who started it. They weren't shy about their convictions.

Georgia: "The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery."

Mississippi: "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth."

South Carolina: "...But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution... In many of these States the fugitive [slave] is discharged from service or labor claimed, and in none of them has the State Government complied with the stipulation made in the Constitution."

Texas: "She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy. Those ties have been strengthened by association. But what has been the course of the government of the United States, and of the people and authorities of the non-slave-holding States, since our connection with them?"

Virginia: "The people of Virginia, in their ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America, adopted by them in Convention on the twenty-fifth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, having declared that the powers granted under the said Constitution were derived from the people of the United States, and might be resumed whensoever the same should be perverted to their injury and oppression; and the Federal Government, having perverted said powers, not only to the injury of the people of Virginia, but to the oppression of the Southern Slaveholding States."

Some are more explicit than others, but this is *why they seceded*, right from the mouth of *those who chose to secede*. You can read more [here](https://www.battlefields.org/learn/primary-sources/declaration-causes-seceding-states#virginia) if you like.



7/30/2021, 7:21:16 PM

Cucmbercooler, no disrespect intended but do you think that being called a racist by someone on the left means anything? When everything is racist then it’s lost it’s meaning like the boy who cried wolf it’s lost it’s effect.



7/21/2021, 12:47:49 PM

And that everything is racist. So yeah, we should definitely have those lunatics teach our kids.



7/20/2021, 8:09:38 PM

Everything is racist. Did you know being outdoors is racist? Chess? Milk? Shit the list would go on forever.



7/3/2021, 1:19:38 AM

Everything is racist.



6/1/2021, 1:01:29 PM

The left thinks everything is racist except treating people differently based on race.



5/12/2021, 6:41:51 PM

I can see how if someone thinks everything is racist they could misrepresent anything as racist.



5/2/2021, 10:02:14 AM

I too have no ability to separate racism from actual racism and therefore everything is racist! 

You really got them with this meme, man!

Edit: your list is pretty small so I added some more off the top of my head. Please feel free to add to it!

All and only white people are racist

Math is racist

Soap dispensers are racist

Books are racist

All Conservatives are racist

Families with mothers and fathers are racist

Black people that think for themselves are racist and are therefore not black

Time is racist

Kids are born racist

Dreadlocks are racist

Any “cultural appropriation” is racist

Voter IDs are racist

The Oscars are racist

Being against illegal immigration is racist

Travel bans are racist unless implemented by the left. 

Discussing root causes of poverty is racist

Computers and the internet are racist

Anything with the color white is racist

The OK sign is racist (unless used by the left, of course). 

Science is racist. 

Hard work is racist. 

Advanced classes in school are racist. 

Hair is racist.

Covid is racist.

Tests are racist.

The Democratic Primary is racist. I soooo agree with this one. Kamala “I sucked a dick for a promotion” Harris would’ve definitely won but like she said, it’s racist.



3/2/2021, 8:47:08 PM

Everything is racist according to leftists lol



10/5/2020, 4:46:52 PM

To be fair, all the news is hyperbolic too.  He's also reading stories that are from the left that are false stories pretty often and talks about why they are false.

Stories that are false from the left make the left look bad for making things up, but I'm sure he's covered some where the Right was wrong too.  

It's also kind of what they're lying about in their stories, some lies are worse than others.  For example the Left saying everything is racist and sexist all the time or calling everything white supremacist.  Are there any lies from the right as bad as that?



9/23/2020, 11:18:41 AM

In a world where everything is racist, nothing is.



8/24/2019, 9:06:26 PM

Antifa: Everything is RACIST! 

Tim Pool: Lets have a discussion on how to make things better with all different kinds of people all over the political map. 

Antifa: NO!


"I read all the change logs I am a God"


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