ecocno ioioreioreio

 A politically syncretic, vibrant and able ideology which offers a blueprint for thinking and activism

An ideology that is Anti Federalist , BDS Anti Zionist, protectionist , non interventionist/anti interventionist , pro peace and without international socialism. It would recognize that western and NATO countries bombing and droning (warmongering) causes minorities in their own countries to be oppressed. Yet at the same time would support the military of places like the UK protecting the UK from invasion or attack by other countries

An ideology that embraces Anti Globalization and a fusion of Social Credit with Keynesianism along with embracing some aspects of J Majorism. Basically a new kind of corporate Keynesianism

An ideology who creates significant tariffs to protect western industry from transnational finance .This includes more industries being nationalized by the state (sort of like Economic nationalism) to right or better steady and amalgamate the western industries . 

To better position agribusiness/working the land and producerism relative to each other, to better position residential growth and leveraging/backing relative to each other along with increasing executive strength to make such an ideology work. Sort of like Romanian Agrarianism economic third way (between Marxism and Liberal Democracy) pensions to lower surpluses of labour, along with public works programs to help eliminate poverty and people being out of work

An ideology that uses  intergovernmental Autarky in the trade sector in the same way that left wing ideologies like African socialism, mutualism, war communism, communalism, swadeshi, syndicalism (especially anarcho-syndicalism), and left-wing populism. 

The reason generally would be to build alternative economic structures or to control resources against structures a particular movement views as hostile 

A Pro sociological citizen ideology that appear very wary of trade unions but actually supportive of trade unions becoming majority stakeholders in various companies. This includes this ideology supporting a  Company town State where working class people would share in the ownership and functioning of the companies they were employed for. 

All profits would then be shared in a fair way between the workforce and managers – and not shared amongst absentee shareholders.  In contrast to creating strikes which solve not one thing, trade unionists would take responsibility for ensuring companies were run more efficiently and profitably

An ideology which gives every person a fair deal in the Atlantist places but especially throughout the NATO empire. This includes embracing alter globalism, neo Gaulism (some aspects)

An ideology who supports associate movements for poc migrants to join this ideology. Such movements would be run by bipoc people

An ideology which supports immigrants that is against Big Business exploiting immigrants as cheap labor

An ideology opposed to multi racism because multi racism hurts cultural cohesion

An ideology that would be Anti laissez-faire but lean more toward Europhilia than Euroskepticism 

An ideology that John Maynard Keynes would support

An ideology against using unprovoked violence

An ideology that recognizes that huge villains of all ethnicites, religions and races run international finance and are chill and gloating at them in the City of London, or Wall Street, or in relational/folkish haunts and strains of the image of usury 

An ideology who pushes for students to spend more time in the school system before leaving it

An ideology which opposes the rubbish doctrine that entire people are born wicked, and destined to sin and damnation from when they were born forward

An ideology which says that all people of all different identities have equally did good and bad throughout the world

An ideology that had elements of left socialist Auth ideologies

An ideology with this type of syndicalism:

"This type of syndicalism rejects internationalism and is pro military and nationalism.

This type of syndicalism supports enormous strikes to dissolve the liberal democratic political apparatus like leftist ideologies such as Marxism Leninism and Anarchism call for. This would cause the UK economy to morph into a model of collectivist political ideology like a fusion of Consociationalism , Keynesian Corporate thought and Fordism based on class cooperation, as opposed to the Marxist class struggle (since Marxism is not as much or even that much about class struggle)

It would be a type of syndicalism that includes a lot of nationalizing industries and people

It would be very different from the idea of corporatism, and be based off of ideas from Integralism , and Proudhonists. 

A type of syndicalism that would win the favor of Anarcho syndicalist Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) to a left wing populist consumer group like the ones led by Ralph Nader who are in alliances with business nationalists to rally against things similar to GATT and NAFTA. This includes mixing legit progressive critiques with Servant of the People (Ukraine) populism fused with right wing Maoism 

This also includes producerist narratives and is similar to the Kataeb Party (Lebanon) 

It also includes Catholic sindictos Labor unions which balances the interests of the bourgeois and working class. It also includes accepting or even embracing socialism (including wealth equality) and sometimes supporting Democracy. It is traditionally Socialist ones i.e pro wealth equality. It's culturally variable, although often progressive, civically centrist and economically left. It has elements of Brent BozellismLibertarian Christian Social Democracy with elements of *Progressive deserved reputationist Adonai uplight observable Chorale SocDem ideology, one or more schools of thought (it is supportive of preserving local culture and regional autonomy)

This type of thought supports left Anarcho Monarchism

A unique ideology that is an Economically Left, Traditionalist, Anarchist, (including Anarcho Primitivist) , classic Nalvhanyism national affirmation

The heart of this ideology is that Industrial Civilization is moving towards an unavoidable collapse in the not so distant future. And thus, the people like in the UK should rise up against the global neoliberal industrialists via insur anarchism, abolishing the state, and seizing the final parts of the productive capabilities, to get ready for the collapse. 

Ultimately in the abolishment of the cities, factories, political offices, and all other traces of the industrial world. Replacing them with networks of ethnocommunes known as "National-Autonomous Zones".

Other aspects include Localized direct-democracy, using chaos to benefit the ruthless aggressive revolution. The end goal is flexible and non dogmatic Communism (but when it comes to Socialism it is dogmatic and inflexible). It supports non industrial Collectivism, and non industrial Mutualism . 

It is against class hierarchy and worker exploitation, but does not prioritize equality that the modern leftists push for. The top motivation here in establishing socialism is merely to abolish the Bourgeois who makes up the main precondition of the state

It is also Culturally isolationist and solidly right wing but tries to preserve and then reform a previous cultural status quo. It tries to get rid of existing culture, since such culture is irrevocably tainted by Capitalism, militant Christianity, Progressivism and Globalism. It muses Critical theory including taboo left wing topics like in this Reddit thread from this critical theory sub from a Critical theory standpoint

It also would have elements of Black Panther (film), enlightened progressive anti linguistic cultural appropriation 

This ideology is an ideology that wants to keep together develop a mult racial UK and EU/US

An ideology that believes that no one in the world is immune from criticism. An ideology that criticizes people for what they do, not who they are (like if they do stuff against the interests of the UK like push them to get involved with imperialist, colonialist, forever wars)

An ideology that recognizes that some considerable disaffected populations of persons over the centuries sometimes brought on trouble they experienced themselves

Africa country shakeup + crt

An ideology that is Anti Woke Communism (more like here and here Anti Woke communism than right wing Anti Woke Communism)


Progressive deserved reputationist Adonai uplight observable chorale Social Democracy:

It includes tenants such as Progressive Conservativism , Eco-Conservatism, Fiscal Conservatism, self sacrifice/sacrifice , pro gun, using the hi tech devices to stop and prevent fraud and swindling.

It includes supporting creative humanities, culture, philosophy, literature, sketches/pictures along with faith based organizations, shaking up and reimagining the US education system (including putting more focus on teaching agriculture), fixing the prison system, anti death penalty, and ending unprovoked violence by police.  It would view welfare like Jelani Cobb and Eduard Bernstein view it

This ideology also includes Technocracy elements, along with pro life (but instead of bans on abortion there would be incentives to not get an abortion)

This also includes policies which advocate for more Jewish migration to Israel and he US along with advocating for building up the Jewish communities in France, Canada and the UK even more so more Jewish people want to live there.

This would include having diverse countries from all across the planet like the US, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Romania, Armenia, Russia, Namibia, Haiti, Greenland, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Ecuador, Colombia, Greece, Panama, Malta, Serbia, Brazil, Bolivia, Philippines, Italy and Vatican City, Ukraine, Portugal, Ireland, Ethiopia, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Argentina, Denmark, South Africa, Lithuania all have the same relationship with Israel that the US, UK and Australia has had with Israel and that Germany has had with Israel in the 21st century has had with Israel,  along with advocating for policies in the US, France, Canada and the UK which have positive impacts on the Jews in the US, France, Canada and the UK in line with promoting this type of pan pro Jewish solidarity (while also promoting these business ethics for not only Jews but also for all people of all creeds equally (since such ethics are universal so everyone should follow said ethics even if they are not Jewish ( Point de doute (Hervé Bazin).svg everyone is a Jew when they follow said fair and base business ethics)


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