How Luxxxxey
Lu xe m bu rg i an ism ( ten dency of Libertarian Marx ism ) Also includes variants such as Auton omism and Rev Spontex and some elements and inspiration from non Tankie Marxism Leninism Is radically Anti Liberal 2.0 and is also inspired by the outer limit ideas from Commun ism and Guild syndication , but rejects the doctrine of both Communism and Guild syndication Autonomism (form of Libertarian Marxism) + Social Democracy Rev Spotnex (variant of Libertarian Marxism which is part of Libertarian Socialism) + Le ft Social Democracy Social Democratic Party + proto Libertarian Marxism Left Wing Social Libertarian Lu xe m bu rg i an ism ( ten dency of Libertarian Marx ism ) is also known as: Cosmopolitan-Libertarian Left Reformist-AustroMarxism Below is how Lu xe m bu rg i an ism ( ten dency of Libertarian Marx is...
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