defin ewl

UK New Liberalism/British Liberalism + Classical Liberalism with Intersectionality but in a CATO unbound way

Also includes:

Embraces Dolitics ideology

This ideology goes great with Marxist Communitarianism

This ideology includes a left wing version of this type of Anti Liberalism from the perspective of former Liberal wokies/radlibs-shitlibs who are now left wingers

Is a Counter Liberalism ideology

Also aligns with these anti Liberalism views here, here to an extent

Centrist wet dream ideology

A syncretic mix of State Socialism/Marxism Leninism combined with National Communism (with the Nationalist part moderated by Hypothetical blank slate/flexible Nationalism) with Bull Moose Extremist characteristics

An ideology of individual freedom that is autonomous from the political ideology of left and right while retaining some elements of culturally right wing/socially conservative ideology

Seeks to achieve full communism (stateless, classless, moneyless society) in believing that hypernationalism is the key to achieving this goal

Similar to Haz infrared-Left Nazbol-ism ideology , includes a collectivized ethos collectivist society

Rus Multnational diversity, Pan Russianism  Multipolarity, Sanders-Left Wing Ruscism and mid-alta mareism are tenants of this ideology

A lenient to passive ok leaning version of Great Russian Chauvinism 

Supports Post Capitalism using Anarcho Free Market Transhumanism methods

Being anti Capitalist due to the competition excuse is misanthropic and anti structural realism since competition exists outside of Capitalism like in nature, though I temper that thought through the diverse discussion here

Is against Neoliberalism universalist greed

Is against capitalist exploitation apologia . Being exploited is absolutely far far worse than not being exploited in every way shape and form. Anyone who says otherwise is a radlib , capitalist chauvinist 

Supports reciprocity: secret Santas all year long,  equal or joint sharing , redistribution (centralization and distribution by a single authority), and exchange 

View of high and mighty richness is that it is a twisted goal of growing bigger by exploiting and benefiting (capitalizing) on inequalities and struggles so we need to once again put the economy in a sub-servant position to the individual and QOL.

Pushes for international tax on all fiscal transactions, erasing the debt of third world countries, fixing the whole development system of economics etc

Calls for this idea:

"We should prioritize self reliance-suffiency and help meet the needs that markets have regionally, nationally, and inwardly. We must abolish the international system of the division of labor. We must liberate local economies from big bank (ie IMF and the World Bank). We need worldwide enactment of environmental  laws to protect our planet. Our goal needs to be fighting the logger heads of uneffective government and super competitive market economies. This can be done by strengthening co ops, mutual societies, partnerships etc) along"

Supports autonomus mutual aide shared resp , voluntary membership non profits

Supports free college tuition only if these 3 conditions are met: 1) kids who want free tuition when they turn 18 have to do ‘kids jobs’ a few hours a week like selling lemonade at a lemonade stand , selling cookies door to door or similar kids jobs to make up for their future free education AND 2) if we expanded work based learning systems for high school students so they are prepared for life after high school/college/grad school and since it adds more work for them in school sort of making up for them being deprived of working more hours in school. Is also open to a K-10 model reducing the span of school to get young people ready to work

This includes using nuanced ideas to help teachers do their jobs without worrying about the left firing them for not towing the line. Focusing on restorative justice and building community relations. Along with increased funding for vocational training, socio emotional learning. This would include, trauma support, change adjustment, loss, economic vulnerability and similar hinderances to their success.

Moreover agrees that addressing holes in our graduation rates where they exist, finding and applying new pathways to keep students and young people engaged while as mentioned above preparing them for the future is a good thing to strive for. Believes we must use philosophy over money to achieve this. New ideas to do these things is a must. AND 3) The government offers incentives for students to skip college in some situations

Is Anti Productivist

Supports economic balance, decommodification, human passion, love of nature, and in general economic science, 


Is against the suppression of differences. Supports reciprocal diversity


Generally supports Planned Parenthood funding

Supports Socialistic feminism praxeology

Supports Post Human Anarcha feminism

Is compatible with Anya Parampil feminism and a futurism version of Alice Walker feminism

It is against female genital mutational 

An ideology that is fifth political position lean pretty liberal (like a really liberal version of Don Trump Jr) on some aspects of Transgenderism and supporting the early 2020s status quo for transgender rights 

Has this 'trans is a psychop' view of the OP here 

Not a Trans justice warrior ideology since Gender ideology is a political agenda and this political ideology is against such political agendas

Supports a futuristic neocon ideology which tells libs that they’re the true transphobes.  

Has the nuanced, trans friendly and pro woman views of this stupidpol post

Embraces a fusion of Scott Horton views, Olga Skabeyeva views and Clara Zetkin views on Queer issues for the most part

Has Michelle Branch and Kelly Clarkson's anti homophobia views

This ideology has apolitical traditionally progressive views on Queer rights

This ideology is glad that Tulsi Gabbard helped end the Defense of marriage act and for Bernie Sanders pragmatic 2000s decade views on same sex marriage

Same love is a decent message but it is not reductionist enough . Same love if it is to be used as a slogan for queer rights should be changed to the word love (love is blind after all)

Supports Luna Oi's views on Queer imperialism but also is ok with Alter homo/gay left intervention expansionism  (like this and also not unlike this).   

Basically an ideology where the US using left intervention and permanent revolution to take over homophobic countries then those countries become part of the US empire and then the US gives the gays in said country equal rights to straights by default making it part of the US)

So basically this ideology supports Cottage core and queering manifest destiny 

See here for early uses of word


Supports co-operative multipolarity

Is against Globalism and Globilizationism 

Is hostile to western GWB like Manifest destiny, in particular believing it is wrong for erasing oneness of countries and societies and for trying to show their ‘superiority’ by spreading their ‘radPmc progressive’ values (ie Transnational Progressiveness). Says that this evil homogenizing universalism is ethnocentrism in disguise which further makes this ideology abhor it

Supports modernization unplugging itself from Westernization and supports new civilizations are keeping up with the west without renouncing their historic and cultural heritage for the ‘benefit of Westernism. Countries should be themselves

Supports Russia being devoured by surrounding countries despite knowing that if such a thing occurs , those countries who devour Russia will be Russified in the areas they take from Russia (i.e like if Ukraine takes parts of Russia and adds cities there, those cities would be influenced by the Russian tradition in said cities thus by extension reverse imperalizing Ukraine or the opposite happens and Ukraine oppresses Russia within those new expansionist Ukraine borders like China does to the Uyghur people, either way I don't give a sh*t)

from news reddit some background on conflict:

"Several variables here. Aside from the military involvement and Sabotage squads, there's the irregular militia. Both pro Ukraine and pro Russia. Imagine if there was a Civil War in America. You'd have cops and soldiers, but you'd also have Y'allqueta news"

Is supportive of these idealistic utopian views on NATO

Is pitiful toward the American Israel Public Affairs Committee 

I supports the rights of Palestinians and Israelis and is against the Liberalism in said countries

Some interesting tidbits on international hot topics here from a historical perspective


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