
My version of Tradcath I support:

The Christianity of Tradcath will use decolonized remade Christianity that is liberating, independent and self determinate 

Red (as in USSR like far left/leftist) artsy apolitical (see herepost liberal Remade-Reformist Tradcath: (which is basically the manhattan art scene apolitical/ redscare pod/post liberal type of reformed tradcath that will use decolonized remade Christianity in its TradCath ideology)

Conformist Greek Adventist theocracy ideology (Greek Adventist is to Adventist theocracy as Greek Orthodox is to Catholic theocracy)   GPK GMK went to greek orthodox church, adventist as in Florida Hospital is adventist

Left Wing Nrx/ patchwork ideology

This type of tradcath mentioned here with some ideas by that thread's redditors thrown in 

This also includes Catholic Workerism (loyal vicars Catholic Workerism, is a LibLeft/Libertarian left ideology that wants to have an Anarchist society with a collection of autonomous communities of Catholics which includes at least one autonomous community of Tradcaths who are loyal vicars of Christ )

The aim of Catholic Workerism is to live in accordance with the justice and charity of Jesus Christ. CathWork is a devout Catholic and is very charitable and kind.

It would support Pan-Nationalism 

It would be a friend of this type of Distrubtism

It would borrow ideas from Jewish Theocracy without becoming a Jewish Theocracy 

It would be pro Science: Georges Lemaître, Galileo Galilei, Gregor Mendel, Erich Wasmann, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, all of them were wise , intelligent scientists who had their own unique way to the truth. 

It would support some aspects of Pope Francis thought like enforcing reforms of the Second Vatican Council

It would be skeptically open to embracing Christian Socialism - It would maybe support a type of Christian Socialism that rejected the anti-clericalism of historical socialist movements.

It would be full AuthLeft version of a tradcath and or a DGG leftist type of Tradcath


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